Netheril’s Glory

Chapter 139: The lair.

"Well, don\'t complain too much. At least we have found Ti Xiaer\'s lair."

Kang Kai glanced at the deep cave with sharp eyes. This cave was situated behind a large cliff, and because the ridge covered the opening, there was no light inside it. The cave was not very wide, but it was unknown how deep it was.

"Hey, Mage, are you really sure that the damn Ti Xiaer lives in such a ghostly place? It looks like this "goddess" doesn\'t need a man, hehe."

Bahanger, while shaking off the snow from his body, asked jokingly.

Punk didn\'t look at the dwarf. He was now focusing all his attention on using several prophecy spells to explore the way forward, but unfortunately, there was no result.

The legendary aura of this valley already had a significant adverse effect on prophecy spells, and for some reason, in the cave, this influence had become even more powerful. Because of it, with his current level of prophecy spells, Punk couldn\'t obtain any helpful information.

Encountering this sudden situation, Punk frowned.

He had no doubt that the entire cave was under Ti Xiaer\'s surveillance, while the three of them had no knowledge about her actions. So it could be said that this was not a good situation to be in when entering a dungeon.

Moreover, since Punk\'s attempt to find the path to her lair was detected by Ti Xiaer, her crazy projection stopped appearing. Although this prevented the irritable Bahanger from getting out of control, it also deprived Punk of a good intelligence source.

Finally, Punk, after trying all his methods and not getting any result, had no choice but to say to Kang Kai:

"Unfortunately, I\'m not major in prophecy. So I can\'t get much information in this place."

Regarding this matter, Punk was very frank. After all, the next battle couldn\'t be won without the cooperation of his two teammates, so a certain level of transparency was necessary.

And as both of them had reasons to find Ti Xiaer, Punk didn\'t have to worry about them turning away because of fear.

Just as Punk expected, after hearing the news that his prophecy spells were not working, Bahanger didn\'t care and continue to wipe his big hammer, and Kang Kai\'s eyes only had decisive firmness. Kang Kai then said in a solemn tone:

"If there is no way to get information, then we just have to be more careful."

This sentence was actually addressed to Bahanger, but the impatient dwarf obviously didn\'t take it to heart.

"That\'s right, so I suggest that we form a triangle formation. I will be in the middle. Mr. Kang Kai, Mr. Bahanger, and No. 1 should take the three corners. And my golem will take the frontal corner."

Punk took the opportunity to put forward his own plan seriously. Although his plan could be said to be using Kang Kai and Bahanger as meat shields, but this kind of formation was indeed the most appropriate for the following expedition. A triangle formation would ensure that even if the enemies launched a sneak attack, they had to face attacks from at least two other combatants in the next moment. A mage from the centre could output their maximum firepower, and the No. 1 at the lead could help them avoid casualties.

After listening to Punk\'s suggestion, Kang Kai observed the topography of the cave. Although the cave\'s depth was unknown, but the width and height were not too exaggerated, so he nodded cautiously.

He felt that Punk\'s arrangement was very reasonable. In a "united" adventure team, it was natural for the physical fighters to serve as the shield for the mage. What\'s more, Punk also agreed to let his "property," No. 1, undertake the most dangerous pathfinding role. Even Tyr, the god of justice and fairness, wouldn\'t be able to say anything. So, of course, Kang Kai had no objection.

As for Bahanger... He said that he didn\'t care about these minor things as long as he could kill Ti Xiaer.

This dwarf\'s resentment toward Ti Xiaer had already reached the sky............

Now that the formation had been decided, the three men and a golem began to enter the bottomless cave.

Their way forward was being illuminated by the dancing light spell; still, the feeling of being watched from the dark did not disappear. Punk knew that Ti Xiaer must be watching his group with spiteful eyes from the depth of the cave at this time. But this kind of surveillance was simply ignored by the three of them. After all, it was evident that currently Ti Xiaer couldn\'t leave her lair for some unknown reason.

"As a boss, it must be an interesting experience to watch players step-by-step ruining her strategy until they reached her lair."

Punk thought.

Of course, the player\'s strategy would inevitably take some time............

"Mage Punk, I can sense a big magic wave in front. I think it is something like a magical beast or a golem, and its level is official."

While walking, Kang Kai said suddenly.

Punk didn\'t say anything. He just nodded cautiously. In fact, he found it earlier than Kang Kai, and with the system\'s analysis, he had also figured out what it truly was. That large source of magical power was a puppet golem. Although he didn\'t know how Ti Xiaer got it, but he didn\'t dare to look down upon this thing.

And as for the reason why he didn\'t say anything earlier was that he wanted to see Kang Kai\'s perception ability.

Now that the conclusion that Punk wanted came out, which was that Kang Kai\'s perception was not as good as him; the next step was to find a way to deal with the big guy in front.

"Since this puppet didn\'t attack us with the Ice-rock worm previously, it means that it is most likely one of those short-range golems. So you should try to cut off its energy source when we confront it."

Punk said to Kang Kai, and the Ranger nodded firmly.

Range-limited golems, as the name suggested, couldn\'t move outside a certain range; because their energy source and the computing core were located outside of its body. The physical body of the golem fighting outside was just remote-controlled armour. In principle, it was similar to that of the earth-bound spirit or the formation spirit, which also meant it had their weakness, "Strong in its own turf but just scrap-metal outside."

The advantage of this kind of golem laid in the fact that it had almost unlimited energy because the core could be built larger than the golem itself, but the disadvantage of short-range was also very obvious.

However, even if its operating range was short, it was more than enough to cover a cave entrance; so if Punk\'s team wanted to deal with Ti Xiaer, this puppet golem had to be solved first.

Walking slowly on the mossy cave floor, Punk blessed the dwarf Bahanger and Kang Kai with a "night vision" spell. So that even if they were to go out of the scope of the dancing light spell, they didn\'t need to worry about vision problems.

Kang Kai wiped his dagger and then made a "ready" gesture to Punk. At this time, his whole body, covered with battle qi, was floating in the air as if he didn\'t have any weight.

At the same time, Punk also began to prepare the spell model of kinetic energy suppression silently. No. 1 was already ready to deal with the first wave of impact. After mumbling something, Bahanger also began to gather battle qi meticulously.

The three of them could feel that the big guy was rushing over quickly. The vibration caused by its movement was so high that they would have already collapsed if the cave walls were not strong enough.


Before they could see the figure, a terrifying roar came first. Punk stood behind Bahanger and No. 1, and secretly thought with the "kinetic energy suppression" in his hand:

"Really worthy of being one of the final bosses. It even has its own BGM."

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