Master’s Smile

Chapter 112

I had been watching the battle between Ritter and Theldorff since the start with my farsight magic, but….

I couldn’t see her anymore due to the intense dust cloud generated from Theldorff’s attack.

……I can’t stand this any longer!

Why is it that Ritter is currently fighting her best yet I can only see her from the estate!?

I heard that Prince Lintz said that if I… or rather, any outsider went to see the fight, he would let his own people in, but I don’t care.

If he tries to use them to hurt Ritter, I will do everything in my power to prevent it.

Thus, I decided to head for the arena.

I quickly left the estate and headed towards the city.

I had heard Princess Neena saying something like, “You have to go through there to get to the arena….”

Hence, I walked through the crowded city at a fast pace, when suddenly….


A small, faint scream reached my ears.

I turned to look for the source and saw a small child about to fall down after bumping into an adult.

I instinctively ran up to her and held her in my arms before she fell over.

No matter how much I was in a hurry to get to Ritter, I couldn’t let this quandary pass me by.

I looked at her and asked if she was okay.

“Yes, I’m fine! Thank you, Onii-chan.”

The girl replied with a pleasant smile.

…Alright, it doesn’t look like she’s forcing herself.

But still, is this girl alone? I wonder if she’s with her mother or father?

“I don’t have a mother. Dad said he’s working right now.”

…I thought I had done it for a moment, but the girl kept smiling and didn’t seem to mind.

Her smile was something that I would like to emulate, even though I always try to smile.

I see. Then, where are you going?

(TLN: Hello, police?)

“Umm, dad’s place. He’s fighting hard, so I want to support him.”

Hmm, I see.


Can I ask what your dad’s name is?

“My dad? Umm… It’s Theldorff.”

The girl tilted her head in wonder, but she kindly told me.

…What an amazing coincidence. I never thought I would meet the daughter of the person Ritter is currently fighting.

“I actually wanted to go with dad to cheer him on, but he said I couldn’t come because I was sick…. But, I still want to support him, so….”

The girl spoke dejectfully.

Such a father-loving daughter…! I’m deeply moved!

I also (selfishly) consider everyone in Yelquchira as my daughters, so I know how happy a father would be if his daughter did this for him.

Alright, then let’s go together! Fortunately, we are headed to the same destination.


“You will take me there, Onii-chan!?”

Yup, it’s a coincidence that we met.


The girl jumped up and down showing her joy.

I had already planned to invite her because I was worried if I left her unguarded.

…Speaking of which, I heard that this girl is ill.

Though, she doesn’t seem to be so, seeing that she is this lively….

Please excuse me.


I gently placed my hand on her head who looked up at me with rounded eyes.

This reminds me of the old days.

Children used to be scared of me because I didn’t put a smile on my face that often.

Back then, I don’t think I could have ever put my hand on a little girl’s head like this without her crying.

…I didn’t really want to remember it because it was my black history.

With that in mind, I decided to examine the girl’s body.

To be honest, I don’t have a good impression of Theldorff as he had been after my life, but his daughter is innocent.

I checked her while thinking so, and….

…Hmm? There’s no illness?

Rather, I found a shabby curse on her instead.

This is also a ‘beyond saving’ curse.

Her curse reminded me of Lucica, who was under Lagell’s Curse, but hers is extremely trivial compared to that.

If she had been cursed with Lagell’s Curse, she would have died for sure.

Lucica was able to endure it because she was an adventurer, and if she had been a child with no endurance, death would have been inevitable.

Looking at it again, the curse that was nestled in this child was a very weak one.

Have they even brought this girl to a doctor or a mage before?

Though, if it’s this much, I can just remove it without leaving any negative impact on her.

“It’s waaarm. What’s this, onii-chaaan?”

Light flooded from my hand and spreaded over her entire body.

And in an instant, I purified the curse that had been perched near her heart.

Alright, the treatment is over.

“…Hmm? My body feels light.”

The girl tilted her head curiously.

Good, seems like there was no side effect. It was a complete success.

“Mister Knight! That guy did some weird magic on that kid…!!!”

(TLN: Mister Knight! That guy right there!)

As I was basking in my accomplishment, I heard such a voice.

…Is she perhaps talking about me?

I fearfully turned around and saw a lady glaring at me….

T-This is bad! If I get caught here, I won’t be able to watch Ritter fight!

I picked up the girl and made a mad dash.

“Ah! Hold-!”

“Waaaah! Faaaaast!!”

A knight had called out to me, but there was no way I could wait.

Though, the girl seems to be happy with this, so I’ll just keep going!

Thus, I kept running without looking back.

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