Master’s Smile

Chapter 126

Ritter suddenly announced her intention, which caused a question mark to appear on top of Master’s head.

The scene was currently taking place in the courtyard of “Salvation Army (Yelquchira)”’s headquarters.

Ritter, who was supposed to be escorting Neena, appeared all of a sudden, looking at Master and immediately asked him for such a request.

“…I want to properly… use demonic power.”

Master nodded, understanding what Ritter was trying to say.

Ritter was a demon-possessing knight so she was able to use a strong demonic power.

However, due to “an incident in the past”, she had avoided using that power, and would fall into a bad shape everytime she used it.

Even at that time, after using her power in a duel against Theldorff, she developed a high fever and other adverse physical effects, and as a result, she was unable to counter Lintz and Wissen’s attacks properly.

Hence, Ritter decided to temper herself.

This time, she would be the one who protects her master rather than being protected by him.

…Though, she still wished to enjoy the thrill of being protected by him once in a while.

“…Thank you.”

Master knew what Ritter was thinking and willingly gave his approval with a nod.

He was happy that she, who was like a daughter to him, had come to rely on him.

Master was immediately motivated and asked Ritter what he should do for her.

She nodded and approached him swiftly, and then dove into her master’s chest.

Master tilted his head in wonder but accepted her gently.

“…This is fine.”

Ritter replied when she was asked if this was good enough.

Her poker face gave off a cheerful vibe.

With this, the bloodlust flying from all over the guild would not bother her at all.

She trampled down the plants that had sprouted up from the ground and chopped up a certain someone’s familiars that were flying with a pitter-patter.


It happened in an instant.

Ritter told her master, who was completely unaware of what happened, that he had nothing to worry about and clinged to him.

Fortunately, they weren’t inside the castle as the ground she stepped on before was now cracked.

Well, if it was nothing, then it was indeed nothing, Master concluded.

However, he once again asked Ritter if this was really the training that would enable her to fully handle her demonic power.

“…More, embrace.”

Ritter uttered after thinking for a moment.

And Master, not realizing that this was just her selfish desire, complied obediently.

“Ah, fuuh….”

Ritter was hugged with a little more pressure and let out a mellow voice.

Her cheeks turned red, and her eyes became cloudy.

Ritter now felt like she could do anything she wanted.

That’s why, it was possible for her to knock down all the incoming kunais from behind her that were aiming at her neck without seeing any of them.

At that time, she used her demonic power.

Ritter transformed her left arm into a demon, and with a single swing, she was able to knock down the many incoming kunais, as well as swords and other sharp objects occasionally mixed in.

It was normal for her to have some bad memories when using her demonic power.

There were often flashbacks to memories of the past that she did not want to recall, and sharp pains would then spread throughout her body.

But now, after being embraced by her master, she had none of those problems.

“…Master, amazing.”

Ritter suddenly praised him, and Master could only tilt his head in wonder.

Still, he felt better after being praised by her.

Ritter was also happy.

Just being in the arms of her favorite master gave her a tremendous sense of security and happiness.

Although she was a very rare human among the “Yelquchira” members, Ritter followed her animal-like instincts more than the other non-human members.

She was probably able to relax this much as she did not have to be on guard at all, being under the protection of an overwhelmingly stronger person.

“(Want a baby too….)”

She would gladly turn her hips towards him if he proceeded to push her down like this, but Master would never do that.

If he had done it with the others, she would tell him that she too wants him to do it to her.

Yet, he didn’t seem to be doing that as well, so it was indeed a situation where she couldn’t do anything about it.

“(Better yet….)”

Ritter thought about pushing her master down right here and now instead.

She was an inexperienced woman, but…if she followed her instincts, it would probably work out.

Ritter did not have a maidenly thought that her first time should be on a bed.

She would welcome anywhere, anytime, as long as her master was willing to do it.

“…But, now seems impossible.”

She sighed while blowing away the plants and bats that tried to assault her once again with her demonized left arm.

It would be hard to believe she could do such a thing when she was being attacked from so many different directions.

Still, just being in Master’s arms like this was already enough for now.

There was still plenty of time.

Someday, she hoped she could win Master’s heart.

Thinking so, Ritter’s expressionless face turned into a faint smile as she rubbed her head on her master’s body.

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