Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 153 - 153. Paper Trouble

Everyone was excited after seeing the Duel between Magnus and Flitwick. Those who were not so interested in this previously were now hoping to go pro, though it was just momentary motivation.

Another thing that happened was that the Gang of Slytherin developed slight fear towards him now, as he was so good at fighting and now they were fully sure they could not do anything to him in a face to face conflict. ​​

Other than this, everyone else started admiring him more. He became the role model and goal of many students who were truly interested in duelling and were even good at it.

Magnus though was helping Emma, Ragnar and Severus. Soon, Sirius, James, Remus and Peter also joined as they recognised Magnus\' amazing abilities.

"Ragnar, you only need to become fast, just like me, so you can overcome the lack of your wand skills. The rest of you, just focus on your spells. You will not find wizards like me who jump around so much. I use a sword, that\'s why I move a lot." Magnus told them.

"WHAA... but I want to look cool like you," Sirius complained. Emma nodded at him.

"Okay, can you cast all the charms me and professor used in our duel?" He asked them.

With embarrassed faces, they looked down. "See, you need to focus on normal charms first. Just practice the disarming, shield and stunning charm first.

"Ragnar, you follow me. I will show you how to toy with the mind of your opponent. I have a perfect trick for you."

Ragnar followed him to the corner of the hall, where Magnus started teaching him. "I have come up with a plan to make you the best fighter. You know potions best, so you must have a lot of potions with you that you can use on the opponent. Next, all you have to do is keep your wand out and fool your opponent by just speaking the names of spells.

"You can name any spell you want. And you can even make opportunities to strike the opponent by shouting a fake attack and anticipate their counter. But you will still need to know how to perform the defensive and disarming charm. Without them, your chances of survival and winning will be thin."

"But... those are my main problems. I must make those runes at all costs." Ragnar\'s will reignited.

"I will help you too. Now, let\'s practice." Magnus continued to help him.


The 1st duelling club ran till 7 PM. Much more than the planned 2 hours. But, all of the students were so motivated that they didn\'t want to stop.

In an hour, time for dinner would come so Flitwick had to force them to leave to their dorms and change clothes. However, Flitwick invited Magnus to his office to talk about something.

It seemed the charms professor was in a very good mood today, "Come, Mr Pendragon, here, have some hot chocolate."

Magnus obliged and took a seat. He had a very favourable opinion regarding Flitwick till now.

"Where did you learn to fight like that? Only once in my lifetime have I seen a wizard fight like you, but he was not so talented in charms and died on the stage." Flitwick asked him while he drank what seemed like Firewhiskey.

"I was taught by King Arthur\'s portrait and my father, as he\'s in the army. I have been practising to skillfully use my sword. So that I can someday be the best of both Arthur and Merlin." Magnus shared his thoughts.

Flitwick liked that Magnus considered him worthy to be knowing this, "Indeed, King Arthur fought beside Merlin in all fights, he\'s as great as Merlin, but sadly, Muggles forgot about him."

"It\'s not that they forgot, it\'s just that because the Statue of Secrecy came into place, slowly the entire muggle population started to believe all the magical things only happened in stories. Hence, the groundbreaking achievements of Arthur also became fairy tales." Magnus replied. This was his theory of why Arthur was not remembered.

"Indeed, I would have loved to meet him if he was alive. A person of royal blood, who treated people right. Who gave the goblins land to establish their bank on." Flitwick commented.

Magnus then asked, "Professor, do you feel closer to humans or Goblins? I don\'t mean to offend you. Please ignore if it\'s a stupid question."

Flitwick chuckled, "Haha, no-no. My case is rare, so it\'s normal for people to feel curious. Well, sadly, I don\'t feel close to any of the two. To me, Goblins look too obnoxious, short-sighted and greedy. While humans... well... I was prejudged and foredoomed from an early age because of my ancestral connection to a different breed of being that was both regarded and treated as second-class citizens by much of the wizarding community. So, I can\'t bring myself to feel close to humans either.

"I am stuck in my own world, in the middle. But don\'t feel pity for me, Mr Pendragon, as that would hurt me more. I was subjected to scrutiny from those around me from the minute I set foot inside this castle. I knew that nobody would stand up for me, I must help myself. All that I am today is because of my hard work and will to never quit."

Magnus wanted to salute this guy. Muggle-borns were so mistreated and harassed in the current world, he couldn\'t imagine the things Flitwick must have faced in all these years. Stuck with dual identities, unknown if he was by law even considered a first-class citizen.

Magnus had an idea, "Professor, your life has been so inspirational. Will you let me tell my personal writer to write a book on you? Your autobiography? I am sure it will help so many, I personally have a friend who is a werewolf due to an accident. Your story will motivate people like him to push forward no matter what."

"Are you talking about Mr Lupin? Haha... don\'t look at me like that. Most of the faculty know and we support Headmaster. As for the book, will Rita Skeeter be writing it?" He inquired.

"Of course, I pay her good money to use her brain. Come on, professor, the world will hear about you. You might just help some depressed wizard kid avoid suicide due to social pressure." Magnus tried to convince him.


"Fine, Mr Pendragon, I will allow her to write a book about my life." He agreed.

Magnus was happy, "Thank you. And, please call me Magnus. Mr Pendragon seems too... official."

"Alright, Mr P... Magnus. Ah, look how long we talked, it\'s nearly dinner time. Well, I asked you to come with me because I wanted to ask you about your wand. When will you go out to find one?"

Magnus sighed, "I\'m afraid there is none for me, Professor. I am supposed to hold Merlin\'s staff someday, but until that day I must use these replaceable wands. But, I have swords to fight too, and they can easily stop a killing curse."

Flitwick nodded, "That\'s good to hear. It\'s time, we should leave for Great Hall."

Magnus nodded and started leaving, but as he was about to reach the door, Flitwick called him back.

"Magnus, I read the book about you. The dream of yours, of an equal world, as idealistic as it may be, is quite wonderful. If it was someone else, I would not have believed it, but maybe... you can do it.

"If you ever need my help with something, do ask me," Flitwick said.

Magnus left after hearing this. ~Hmm... I wonder if all the people like Professor, who were wronged by the society band together, can they defeat all these pure-blood racists?~


At the great hall, the dinner felt much tastier for a few students. Because they exerted so much during the duelling class. Poor elves of Hogwarts were having to work extra today, but unknown to all, they were extra happy, thinking their food was being valued more.

Magnus also drowned himself in food. His favourite dish, pancakes were there too. But, they were not as tasty as those his mum makes so he also ate some chicken, lamb, beef, cake, apple pie and finally a large glass of banana shake.


Soon, the newspapers also arrived and Magnus opened the first page to see what was going on in the magical world.

But, his mood got spoiled immediately. The headline read, "YOU-KNOW-WHO warns the world to obey or be reduced to ashes. A family of wizards burned alive on a pyre, including 2 children."

Magnus was not dumb, he knew that the Ministry owned the paper, not the chief editor. But this was his warning to the ministry indirectly, for them to look into this matter. Because this headline spoke less about the tragedy and more about what the dark lord wanted to tell the world. This was an obvious sign of the Ministry being compromised.

He took out a blank paper and started writing a letter to the chief editor of the Daily Prophet.

"I am disheartened to see the current state of your newspaper. How it has become a mouthpiece for racists and murderers. Now you are even issuing announcements for Death Eaters? Do you love Azkaban so much?

"Perhaps, I should start my own newspaper. I\'m sure it will just take me a day to destroy your sales records. But, you still have a chance to come clean, by selling the newspaper to me, or else, see your newspaper become worthless in this capitalistic business world. I can distribute my paper for free for years, I do not lack money. Can you do the same without going bankrupt?

Think about it.

Magnus Grant Emrys Pendragon."


Ministry of Magic,

The ministry had its own propaganda division. They did not have a designated department as they didn\'t have that many employees. Their job was just to subtly keep the image of the Ministry clean.

But, the whole operation was now compromised because the new head of this small division was a pureblood supremacist, as well as a staunch follower of the Dark Lord, although he was neither a Death Eater nor had met them in his life.

The moment he read the message from Magnus, he seethed in rage. After all this time, his un-questioned power was being questioned and threatened. He wanted to fight back, and for it, he was going to use the same newspaper Magnus wanted to buy.

"Cancel tomorrow morning\'s 1st-page special. I will write one personally," he announced.

[You can see the duelling hall on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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