Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 332 - 332. A Slow Time Skip 2

"We must get back to him, he\'s been winning all this time. First, that fake lover prank, then many more followed. Gryffindor has been losing the fight with Slytherin ever since Magnus came, so we have to do something." Sirius spoke with much enthusiasm in the Gryffindor common room.

"And what\'s your plan?" Remus asked him.

"We will... put pictures of him around the school. Embarrassing pictures." James suggested.

Someone yawned and said, "Man, that\'s too much work. And besides, Magnus is a cool guy, he\'s fighting for the rights of the Wizards, fighting Voldemort. He\'s not like the earlier Slytherin, even the Slytherin house is changed now. They don\'t look for fights with us. Heck, look at that awesome television on the wall, we watch movies, songs and news on it every day. Why would we go after him for no reason?"

Sirius snorted, "Huh, you are blind, this is what Magnus wanted from the start, he wanted to influence us and now he already has. Get up and fight."

"Meh... I\'d rather sit on the couch and watch the movie. AH LOOK! Patton is starting. It\'s a muggle war movie. Come guys, let\'s huddle together and watch it." A 7th year shrugged and sat in front of the television with many others.

Remus shrugged, "Accept it, you two have lost this battle completely and utterly. Just enjoy it like the rest of us now."

"NEVER! A Gryffindor never quits. If we stop now then we can never see ourselves in the mirror with dignity. Come, James, we will get him on our own."


Magnus planned to slowly change the mindset of all wizards with music, movies and pop culture. Also, tell them about the muggle world while at it. The fact that Magnus made movies with the help of magic made a lot of wizards excited to see what it was all about.

Rita Skeeter also became the first wizard news anchor. Despite her annoying habits, she was still a young and beautiful blonde, a lot of men preferred such women, hence the interest in the news hours was a lot.


Magnus and Ragnar were, however, at Camelot right now, experimenting with Rodolphus.

"Okay, try the next batch." Magnus ticked on the notebook.

"WHAT IS THAT? NO! The last one made me see nightmares and shit my pants." Rodolphus screamed.

Ragnar was not interested, "Well, you had to clean it yourself then. Anyway, open your mouth and eat it, or do you prefer torture?"

"Aaaaaa..." Rodolphus opened his mouth to eat the tablet.

They fed it to him and waited for a few minutes. Then Magnus started asking him questions, "Tell me what you feel. Happy?"




"Anything else?"

Rodolphus paused for a second before replying, "Horny."

(¬_¬") (°ー°〃)

Magnus and Ragnar looked at each other\'s faces. *BAM* *BAM* They beat Rodolphus up and left the room.

"*Sigh* It was our 14th test, why is none of the pills showing any effect?" Magnus sighed in defeat.

"Dears, here, drink some lemonade and cool down," Grandma Martha came to them flying, with a tray full of snacks and a jug of lemonade.

Ragnar was quick to start munching on it. Duck also came to see what was going on, "What are you doing, dad?"

Magnus shrugged, "Just trying to make medicine for muggles which makes them happy."

"That\'s it? They should just get out and play with friends. I play with Cuddles and Pebbles, it makes me very happy." Duck innocently reasoned.

Ragnar chuckled, "True, Duck, but humans are very pitiful creatures, they would rather cry about a problem than solve it. That is why we are making this medicine."

"Oh, why not use Phoenix music? I always make them sing for me whenever I miss you all. It cheers me up." Duck suggested.

*PAT* Magnus hugged Duck, "Boy, you can use the Portkey to come to me anytime you want. But only when I am at home."

Meanwhile, Ragnar had an idea, "Bloody hell, I think you are right, Duck. Phoenix songs have the power to change the mood. If... their songs are nothing but magic, if we can somehow add their music\'s effects to the medicine then I think we can have something."

"We are making muggle medicine, you have to tell the various health organisations the components of the pills. How will I explain phoenix tears?" Magnus pointed out the flaw.

Ragnar insisted, "Come one, brother. We can be the only players in the world in this medicine category. Just imagine, as long as we can have even a slightly helpful anti-depression pill made of just muggle materials, then we can boost the effect with Phoenix music. It will be our secret ingredient. Many would try to copy us but none shall have medicine as good as ours."

Magnus thought about it, "Hmmm... we will be a monopoly. But... if we can heal people, let\'s do it. Duck, thanks for the suggestion, you will get to eat 50 tasty roasted chicken tonight."

"Hehe... YIPEEEE!" Duck grinned and cheered, showing his sharp teeth, yet he seemed cute to Ragnar and Magnus.

So Magnus and Ragnar went back to developing the pill, they needed to do the tests for others as well. By now, Rodolphus had lost the effects of the last one. A new hell awaited him.


Halloween came. It brought back memories from last year, as it was the anniversary of the Battle of Hogsmeade and the Battle of Thousand Beasts.

Magnus held a memorial this day, in the name of the good wizards who lost their lives in that fight. The Ministry also announced Halloween as the Wizards Martyr Day.

Eugenia Jenkins was still the Minister of Magic and she was really popular. The reason was her success in everything she did. All the policies of the Ministry had shown a good result.

On top of that, the Ministry was now the least corrupt and much stronger. Despite many efforts made by some to bring her down from the position, she stayed strong. And with Magnus\' support, she stayed in the office. [A/N: In cannon, she was made to resign at this time due to being unable to handle Voldemort\'s threats.]

"So, how many did we get this month?" She presided over the weekly meeting with the major department heads.

Moody was the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement now and ran it like a well-oiled killing machine. "We caught 5 traitors this week in the Ministry, killed 3 Voldemort\'s Army members and caught one more Death Eater. Their properties have been confiscated, the vaults have been sealed."

She nodded, "Good, what about the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes?"

It was a young man, "Minister, there was an outbreak of Nifflers in Southern England. Thankfully, Mr Scamander was there to resolve it."

"And what are this year\'s plans for the Department of International Magical Co-operation?" She asked the next person. It was a woman.

"Minister, since last year\'s Inter-school cup with France was so successful, we have decided to bring more schools together. Now, the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has also joined. Next year, the competition will be held in the United States. Besides this, I think an official Inter-school Junior Quidditch world cup can also be held, since due to the new rules suggested by His Majesty, the game has become much more competitive, exciting to watch and profitable." She suggested.

The head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports, Hamish MacFarlan, nodded, "Absolutely, His Majesty has revolutionised the sport. Now with the televisions, the game is accessible for even those who can not go to the stadiums. I will try to contact the International Quidditch Federation and suggest the Under 17 School-based World Cup. But, Minister, if... if His Majesty could also give some support I believe the Quidditch federation will agree faster."

She nodded, "Fine, I will write him a letter and ask him for his opinion. Any other matters? No? Good. Now, remember, each of us here is a high ranking member of the Ministry, never do anything that can damage our image. Always denounce Voldemort and the Death Eaters, and if you see anything suspicious, tell me or Auror Moody, we will hunt them down. Dismissed."

Moody was the only one left soon after. Eugenia talked to him seriously, "Did you find anything? What is Voldemort doing?"

Moody shook his head in a disappointed sigh, "No, it\'s like that animal has disappeared. Only a few Death Eaters have been seen, but the main upper branch has vanished."

Eugenia frowned, "Keep your eyes and ears open for all our informants. He must be recovering and planning something bigger now. We can just hope that His Majesty and Dumbledore are able to find those quickly."

True, they were afraid that as long as Horcruxes were there, there was no way of defeating Voldemort.

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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