The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster


The fox lady frowns “At least I have joined the forefront and still manage to survive, What about you, lord chicken.”

Fire Dragon King clenches his fists hard, he is now on his human form so his expression was easily readable.

Shadowslash stops and turns towards them “Pardon me but I have something to ask.”

The two stop fighting and turn to him, both of them know that Shadowslash’s identity is now quite important, Banjo is a bona fide Void Beast and he was also thought to be one, so none of them wants to sour their relationship with him, not to mention, he was respectful to them.

“Ask away, you and our clan are fated.” Baika quickly speaks, she does not want to lose someone like Shadowslash to another clan, he is not just a rumoured Void Beast, he is more than that, if their clan has him, they would grow stronger, probably even comparable to the top clans in their race.

Fire Dragon King grumbles in annoyance but he does not interrupt her, knowing that he is now on her territory.

“The battle that the two of you were talking about, what type of battle was it?” Hearing this, the two turn to each other and their expression becomes solemn.

It was Fire Dragon King that answered his question “This realm is fighting against a new species that was unknown to us for a long time, if it were not for the fact that we have the Ancient Titans as vanguards together with the slave race, The Leviathans and Behemoths, they would have broken through this realm.”


Shadowslash’s expression was not looking too good “Are the beings you guys have fought looks like these.”

He waves his hand and creates a set of images via his illusion, they are images of the army of the Plunder Universe and the Demon Universe, the expression of the two changes.

“How can that be?!” They cannot believe that someone like Shadowslash who came from the lower realm knows the appearance of their enemies.

“It seems that they have been testing the waters for a long time, the preemptive attack on the lower realm was a drill, they want to train as many soldiers as they can before their true attack.” Shadowslash speculated, he felt that he was close to the truth.

“What?! You mean that those things have attacked the lower realm?!” Hearing this, Fire Dragon King and Baika were shocked, their shouts were heard by everyone.

Banjo looks proud “Yes, they did, they caused so much chaos to the lower realm that this realm cuts off the connection between it and the lower realm.”

“The future was bleak for us but the one who changed everything was my big brother, even with a cultivation comparable to that of an ant compared to our enemies, he still managed to obtain victory.”

Banjo was not wrong, the attack on Beast Plane was the biggest move of the Plunder Universe army, they were attempting to conquer an entire plane and making it their base but unfortunately for them, they chose the wrong plane.

The two quickly turn to Shadowslash, they could sense no lie in Banjo’s words but they still cannot believe such a thing, he knows that the two were in complete shock so he does not disturb their thoughts.

“Let us go inside and talk more deeply about this issue, by the way, lady Baika, can you tell everyone to disperse, our conversation might affect them.” Hearing this, Baika snaps out of her daze and orders everyone to return to their tasks.

The two were feeling giddy while the other two were talking and chatting in a jovial manner, Banjo was even making faces at the egg, the two were speechless at their antics.

After a couple of minutes had passed, Fire Dragon King could no longer hold his patience and let out a loud cough but his targets were the two, the cough did not touch the egg nor anyone else, it was amplified at Baika’s ears though.

“Sigh, it seems that the two can no longer wait, let us go, Banjo, put my daughter down.” Hearing this, Banjo reluctantly puts the egg down as slow and gentle as he could.

“You know, I feel a sense of intimacy towards your daughter, maybe because she was born in an egg.” Shadowslash chuckles.

“It is because you have some sort of instinct that should belong to a mother, well, I cannot blame you for this, both of us are raised by a single parent.” Banjo snorted.

“If I become a father, I will not leave my children, I will raise them with care and attention!” Shadowslash quickly uses his divine sense to block the sound of his brother’s shout.

He gestures to him to be quiet, Banjo quickly clamps his mouth shut realising that he had messed up.

They return to the guest room, the four of them sit there in silence, the two were actually sweating because of nervousness.

If they are not wrong, their enemies have surrounded their realm and are now on the verge of attacking them once again, Shadowslash can see their anxiety and decide to break the silence.

“Ahem! The situation is like this, our opponents that are from another universe are trying to absorb our universe in order to strengthen theirs.”

“Our universe which is called the Cultivation Universe is the weakest universe in existence.”

“There are other planes of existence but they do not deserve to be called universes as they are too small and low grade.”

The two were shocked, Baika asked “Do you mean that there are other universes other than our own, that should be impossible, this realm is already so big, how can other realms such as this exist?!”

Shadowslash laughs out loud “This realm? Our universe is quite weak compared to others, Why do you think we are being invaded, it is because they see us as pushovers, if the other great universes actually tried to invade us, we would not be able to last long!”

His emotion was in disarray after saying this, Amethyst has to inform him that she has activated the silence system inside the mansion.

“I apologize, I was caught up in the moment, I am going to tell this to the two of you, considering that me and my brother are going to be in your care during this peaceful time period, I want you to start preparing, the invasion that we have experienced is actually just a test flight for our enemies.”

“The next battle is going to be more brutal than the last, they are no longer going to hold back.”

Fire Dragon King clenches his fist and asks “Hold back? You mean that they haven’t even gone all out in the last battle?”

Shadowslash nodded “They have something that we do not have, advanced technology capable of traveling through space and even to other realms or more accurately universes.”

“Traveling through space, are they Void Beasts?!” Hearing his words, Fire Dragon King was startled, he could not help but ask.

“No, they are not Void Beasts, they are using machines or in our terms, artifacts, to travel through space and beyond, you might not know this but in our multiverse, there is a constant state of destruction and creation, in order to avoid destruction, one has to destroy a civilization similar to them.” Baika seems to have realised something.

“You mean that, our universe was targeted because another universe has been born?!” Shadowslash shakes his head.

“No, you can say that, our universe is being used as a sacrifice to increase the power of the top five universes, actually, they are using our three universes and pitted us amongst each other in order to solidify their rule.” Shadowslash knows that with the disappearance of the Dungeon Universe, the spot of the supreme ruler is now vacant.

If the Dungeon Universe did not overreach its boundaries, it would have continued ruling over others for eons, unfortunately, they are greedy and they were punished for it.

But if it was not for this, Shadowslash would have never obtained The Fragment, if he is not wrong, there are other fragments of the Dungeon Universe scattered all around the other universes in order to preserve itself.

He found the first one on the edge of the Mecha Universe, he might be able to find another on the edge of this universe, but before he starts gathering them, he needs to do one crucial thing, to control or at least suppress the Fragment.

He knows that such an entity would never let anyone control them if they have the power to do so, Shadowslash is afraid that if he obtains the other Fragments, his control over them would diminish over time.

There are already multiple dungeons on Gaia, he is not going to risk it, his loved ones would also get harmed by the nature of The Fragment.

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