My Angel system

Chapter 21 The Power Of A Master Demon

After Luis had run off into the hallway Greg quickly charged in to end Raph as quickly as possible. He swung his sword aiming for his head, but Raph quickly lifted both of his swords to protect his head and now it was a battle of strength, Greg with his large sword and Raph with his energy double swords.

"Becoming a master demon still doesn\'t change anything."

Greg quickly slid his sword down and gave the other a kick in the stomach which sent him a few steps back, but he didn\'t look hurt by the kick.

"Ha ha ha, well that makes it easy." Raph laughed.

Greg tightened the grip on the hilt of his sword and the whole blade started to turn hot red and then a smile appeared on his face.

"Let\'s see how you still handle a hot pure blade."

Greg quickly sprang forward and was attacking Raph with his heated sword, head-on.

Raph didn\'t look panicked at all, as soon as Greg was close enough, he struck both of his swords together which created an invisible force that knocked Greg backward causing him to hit the wall and fall on his stomach.

"Do you think I will let that thing touch me again?"

That fall might have hurt but Greg didn\'t show it as he picked himself up.

He joined both of his hands and slowly separated them to reveal three short blades which have been heated.

"Then I\'ll just attack from distance."

As he said that the three heated blades quickly flew off all aiming for Raph who just knocked all three of them away with his swords.

"I know those aren\'t pure blades."

"But this one is," Greg said pointing down his thigh, that was when Raph felt the stinging pain on his thigh and he could see the cause, one of those blades was stuck on his thigh.

"You are not so fast when you\'re not looking."

"Arghhh!" Raph screamed as he tried to pull the blade off his thigh but Greg was already there giving him another slash of the pure blade on his shoulder which made him scream even more.

"It\'s over Raph," Greg said to Raph who was now on his knees with both of his swords on the ground.

"It\'s only just begun." Raph groaned, then a smile appeared on his face, that was when Greg felt the zapping effects of his necklace. He quickly turned to see two fireballs heading his way with full speed, he didn\'t have time to summon his shield so the force of the fireballs carried him and smashed him through the wall, causing him to hit his back on the wall.

He was now in a very dark room, the next second two more fireballs came flying towards him, he successfully dodged the first one and placed his sword to block the other one, he blocked it from hitting him directly but the heat from the ball had ruined his clothes.

Blocking that ball alone had taken a toll on his body.

"You are a nuisance, Greg." He heard a voice say in the darkness." And now I will show you the powers of a master demon." He now saw a pair of red eyes approaching him.

Greg coughed out blood, hitting through that wall had hurt him internally, those fireballs were strangely strong that was why he trained with his daughter every day on how to avoid them.

Greg managed to get up with the help of his sword with he was at a heavy disadvantage here, he could barely see where Raph was except for his red eyes, demons could see perfectly in the dark but he had a mistake by thinking that the eyes in front of him belonged to Raph because they soon became four and that was when he focused his hearing to hear the footsteps coming towards him, Raph was aiming for his head from behind, he quickly summoned his shield to block the attack in time.

One of the demons ran towards him and with one swing of his sword its head was rolling on the floor, he was relying on his hearing, if not for that he would have been dead by now.


Luis and Tammy were still running around looking for Greg, but it was as if she kept running in circles and coming back to the same spot, Luis was keen on following her because he thought she knew what she was doing but it turns out she wasn\'t.

"I thought your hearing could help you find people?" Luis was worried that something might have happened to Greg.

"Yes, but it works within a certain range," Tammy said, panting she was clearly doing more running than Luis.

"Are you saying they are no longer here?"

She nodded and was about to go check elsewhere when Luis called her back.


"This is where he was with the demon before I left," Luis said pointing at the door which had a vice-principal sticker at the top.

"I don\'t think they are still there," Tammy said and was about to head out again when Luis grabbed his arm.


Luis closed his eyes and activated his aura vision, he searched the office but there was not any sign of life but then he saw a hole, it didn\'t look like his aura vision could go that far but he managed to stretch it inside, immediately he saw the auras of Greg surrounded by the two demons, his aura vision deactivated.

"What?" Tammy asked, she was surprised by the way he was behaving, if this had been school hours she would have slapped him.

"Greg!" Luis gasped."He\'s in trouble, he\'s surrounded."

"What…" Before Tammy could finish what she wanted to say, Luis was already pulling him towards the other room, near the vice principal\'s office, he tried the knob but it seemed to be locked.

"It\'s locked." Luis seemed to be disappointed but he was forgetting something.

"You seem to forget me easily," Tammy said, she used her feet to knock down the door.

"Throw your daggers!" Luis ordered immediately after they entered the room.

Tammy was a little bit confused because she couldn\'t see anything. After all, the room was dark.


"Your dad he\'s getting attacked from behind." Luis tried to explain.

Tammy without hesitating threw her daggers forward and they hit the demon at the back of its head.

"Stump your feet but aim it towards the far end of the room," Luis commanded again.

Tammy without asking questions did what she was told to do.

Raph was about to finish off Greg who was barely standing when the vibration started knocking him off his foot and causing him to hit his head on the wall, while Greg remained standing, but not for long because he was about to fall when Luis caught him.

"We need to leave now," Greg told him.

Both of them headed for the exit and Tammy was glad to see that her dad was alive but he wasn\'t looking good because his clothes were burnt and he had scorch marks all over his body.

"You will not escape!" Raph screamed and then started to build a very large fireball in his hand, this didn\'t go unnoticed by the three.

"Run!" Greg yelled and the trio picked up the pace, but Tammy was being slowed down by helping his limping father.

"You can\'t escape this," Raph said releasing the humongous ball of fire and now it was after them through the hallway.

"This place is going to blow!" Tammy said after seeing the flames chasing them.

"That\'s the exit." Luis pointed.

The ball continued chasing them, and had become explosive, with the flames getting close they were just at the exit in time for the three of them to jump.

The flame continued spreading throughout the school and the whole building was on fire now.


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