How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 868 - 869 World Prison Cage

Chapter 868: Chapter 869 World Prison Cage

In the void, there are corpses left by various Amoeba creatures.

This is a cemetery left by Amoeba. Before it was sublimated to its successor, no collector could resist the forged instructions of great destruction.

However, in one night, pieces of creatures began to die in large quantities, not only the death of consciousness, but also the death of every cell.

Their death constitutes today\'s space cemetery.

However, this amoeba cemetery does not represent dead bodies, and there are still living things in this area.

With a planet as the core, spacecraft shuttled through the corpses of various Amoeba creatures, transporting various material resources left by Amoeba creatures to the planet.

The surface of the planet is covered by machinery, and a circular structure is synchronized with the rotation of the planet itself, giving these shuttleships a star port for docking.

This is the home planet of the empire - Celine.

After the blow of the Great Destruction, the empire was brought to the superluminal state as a scientific research resource of Amoeba to avoid the supernova of the Great Destruction.

As the collector cluster shuttles through one star system after another, it has seen supernova explosions again and again, and then the collector cluster died collectively because of forged instructions for destruction.

Today\'s empire can be said to have finally regained its freedom.

"The Head of state."

A chief science officer walked into the room and was asked by the head of state before he could speak.

"How\'s the repair going? How much is there?"

"The main problem is the active part. Part of Amoeba\'s technology uses living technology, which plays a \'control\' role in Amoeba\'s technology, similar to our computers and switch valves."

The chief of science is talking about the superluminal structure built by collectors on Celine.

This superluminal structure is also affected by the forgery of the Great Destruction and forgery, with some internal damage that it is no longer possible for the planet to enter the superluminal speed.

This superluminal structure can be understood as a giant organism attached to the planet. The collectors who build the superluminal structure do not want to give such an important technology to the empire, so they activate the huge structure that makes the planet superluminal speed.

"After the destruction of that radio information, all the active parts of Amoeba technology died, and the control of the ring was missing, which is the fundamental reason why the superluminal speed cannot be carried out."

"Therefore, we use nanomachines to replace the missing active part of Amoeba technology and play the role of \'control\' in Amoeba technology. Now it is about to be completed, and preliminary trials can be carried out soon."

The active part of the superluminal structure dies, which can also be interpreted as the death of the \'operator\'.

Based on this principle, as long as the work of the \'operator\' is inherited through nanomachinery, the superluminal structure can be returned to normal operation.

Of course, this is a general principle, and the details are still very difficult, because one side is a cell and the other side is a nanomachine, and there is a big difference between the two.

"Didn\'t you crack Amoeba\'s superluminal technology?" The head of state asked.

The chief scientist, who was worried about being held accountable, answered quickly.

"The Head of state? Is it difficult to crack the amoeba superluminal technology? First, material technology? Second, the construction process? Third, it is the specific internal structure.

"Amoeba created a ring-shaped black hole. The powerful gravitational constraints form the basic particles of the pipeline closely together to form a material layer that cannot even be penetrated by ultra-high frequency lasers. Is this the principle of the amoeba gravitational ring? Not complicated? But... actually implemented? But it\'s not that easy."

"It\'s like a person? All we can do is clone through gene coding? Cloning a person with exactly the same appearance? But amoeba can not only have the same appearance, but also the position and number of cells on the body? It is this technological difference that makes it impossible for us to build a gravitational ring like Amoeba.

"Replace the active part of the superluminal structure by nanomechanical like now? It is already the limit of our current industrial capacity.

The head of state nodded with understanding. He didn\'t have any idea of accountability? The gap in industrial capacity? It can\'t be smoothed by the efforts of one or two people. What this requires an accidental fundamental innovation? That is, a technical outbreak.

However, does understanding belong to understanding? It\'s still time to urge.

The head of state said, "Since it is the limit, you should find a way to break through. Now it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, understand?"

"Amoeba had no time to care about other things because of the great destruction, and even sharply reduced the control of the river system because of the heavy damage."

"If you want to get rid of Amoeba and vassals, the empire should seize today\'s opportunity."

Hearing what the head of state said, the chief of science solemnly saluted the head of state with a military salute, and a blazing fire in his eyes. The fire represented the ambition of a civilization and shouldered the heavy responsibility of a civilized future.

For this goal, everyone in the empire can do everything they can to do.

It is in such adversity that even the powerful Amoeba can\'t break their unyielding backbone.

"We all understand what you said that the scientific association is already stepping up the analysis of various technologies left by Amoeba."

After a moment of hesitation, the chief scientist said.

"In addition to reporting to you on the repair of the superluminal project, there is one more thing I want to ask you for instructions."


"What\'s the next step for the empire?" The chief of science asked.

It is talking about the future of the empire. Thinking of this, the head of state muttered, "Whether it is Amoeba defeating the great destruction or Amoeba, it is not good for us."

If Amoeba wins, the empire will become a vassal again. If the Great Destruction wins, the Empire may become the next Amoeba. Even if it is not immediately destructively hit, it will inevitably encounter it in the future, because the empire cannot always stand still, and if the Great Destruction can destroy Amoeba, it means that it will be destroyed. Extermination is more powerful and horrible than Amoeba.

Therefore, what the head of state really hopes for is not who wins, but that neither of them will win.

"The best situation for the empire is to die together, but I also know that this possibility is very low..."

The head of state sighed. He knew very well that this was just a delusion, just like a gambler who hoped that after the coin landed, the front and back would not be face down, but stood up.

"So, the next step for the empire after completing the superluminal project should be to leave here, leave our mother river system, go to the new river system, and seek development there."

"Although I don\'t know if there is a great destruction or another amoeba in other river systems, it\'s better than to confront the empire and the two horrible existences now."

The chief scientist who understood the decision of the head of state looked solemn and answered.

"I understand what you mean, so I will convey the order."


Time flies, because the great destruction is only aimed at Amoeba, and the empire can complete the construction project without any obstruction.

The restoration of the superluminal structure was quickly completed, and the empire took the Transluminal Thrine moving and headed for the river system.

The idea of the empire is to go to another river system and seek development there. Even if there is the same powerful civilization, as long as it hides in the dark and is low-key enough, it will not be targeted and can have more space for development than the mother river system.

The idea is beautiful, but it is not as good as they think...

"The Head of state! We can\'t go!"

Some subordinates reported to the head of state in panic.

"What the hell is going on? Make it clear!" The head of state questioned him unhappily.

"I don\'t know why, we should be constantly away from the mother river system, but after arriving at a certain position, we are constantly approaching the mother river system! We can\'t leave the mother river system!"

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