How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 917 - 918 Man Civilization

Chapter 917: Chapter 918 Man Civilization

Through the information collected from the memories of the prisoners, the successors have a general understanding of their current fighting river civilization.

This is a civilization developed by a race similar to human beings. They also have facial features, limbs, five fingers and toes, but they are not human beings. Their skeleton is twice as strong as human beings. There are two powerful hearts inside. Their skin is gray and rough, hairless, and their faces are similar to Harry. Pottery\'s Voldemort, called himself the \'Man\'.

This is a river-level civilization that has completed the occupation of the river system. Among the surviving civilizations, the highest-level alien civilization encountered by the current successors.

The Mans discovered the existence of the spiritual realm before they explored the universe.

However, like the Selin people, a powerful great man similar to the emperor was born, who prevented the Man\'s in-depth study of the spiritual realm and banned the spiritual realm, causing the Man to develop physical science.

Because the development of spiritual domain technology was extinguished, the brilliance of science shone on the Man, the whole Man civilization flourished, and technology broke out to colonize the universe.

Therefore, the territory continues to expand, from one planet to the entire parent star system.

With the in-depth study of the universe, the Man people learned about the river system and learned that their mother star system is just a drop in the ocean, and the mother river system is also as small as dust compared to the whole universe.

If the Man family wants to continue to expand, they must solve the problem of the huge scale of stars.

Just like the original collectors, through the electromagnetic acceleration of the huge ring structure, they reached the sublight speed to achieve the long voyage between the stars. The Man family also developed in this way, accelerating the whole spacecraft to the sublight speed through the electromagnetic orbit, and then continuously spewing plasma through the nose of the spacecraft to slow down the voyage.

Due to the movement of the spacecraft, while the plasma emission slows down, it can also act as a plasma shield erected in front of the spacecraft to avoid the threat of interstellar atoms and space meteorites from posing a threat to high-speed spacecraft.

However, after expanding to a certain extent, the Man found that it was not enough to master the speed of light.

Not all races can be as selfless as Amoeba, but just between nearby star systems. After all, the transmission of information is only delayed for a few years. In those colonies of more than ten light years, tens of light years, and even hundreds of thousands or tens of millions of light years of light years, the transmission of information is extremely delayed.

Therefore, many local emperors were born. The whole Man civilization was divided, and many ruling regimes emerged. The political situation is somewhat similar to the feudal system on the earth. Many ruling regimes are only nominally subordinate to the dispatch of the capital.

The delay of information on the light-year scale forms an extremely strong chain of suspicion, and the conditions of the dark forest are reached, which directly leads to the outbreak of civilized civil war.

The only solution is to develop superluminal technology so that the transmission of information can reach more than the speed of light, so as to ensure the overall centripetal force of civilization.

But the development of superluminal technology is not so easy.

Collectors can develop superluminal speed using negative mass, because of the physical objects left by the Hui civilization and the study of Zeshu civilization, they have a new understanding of time and space.

However, due to the overall fragmentation of civilization, the civil strife that affected the whole river system, a large part of the resources need to be advanced to the war.

The study of new weapons, the relative defense of weapons, and strategic thinking have become the mainstream of scientific research in the field of Man civilization, not to mention spending a lot of money to explore micro particles that do not exist.

Isn\'t it good to have that kind of resources to build more fleets and more spectacle weapons?

After that, there was a mechanical rebellion. The specific reason is unknown. It can only be determined that the robots made by the Man tribe rebelled against their makers.

That battle directly divided the entire Man civilization, and countless colonies were constantly losing and declining, especially those industrial stars that needed the supply of other agricultural and mineral planets.

It doesn\'t matter if there is no mine, but the problem is that they need food, and people will die if they don\'t eat. As a last resort, a man-eating war broke out on industrial stars. After that, plague broke out due to mutual eating their own species, and the mineral planets are similar. These over-specialized planets are gradually coming to an end.

In such an environment, a Man regime used the study of the spiritual realm, which is today\'s Man Empire.

Mastering the superluminal technology of spiritual realm jumping, the Man Empire quickly strengthened itself.

Even if they encounter resistance from other ruling regimes, even if the weapons are weaker than the other party\'s superluminal technology, they can completely hang their lightspeed technology.

The two are not at the same level at all. The fleets of other ruling regimes will have to run for years to reach the nearby star system. It only takes a few minutes or even seconds for the Man Empire to complete such a voyage.

As a result, the Man Empire completed the unification of the entire Man civilization.

Generally speaking, this is the end of a fairy tale. The whole Man civilization has been promoted to a higher level, but in fact it is not.

Not to mention the administrative problem, the administrative workload of ruling a river system is extremely horrible. It is said that there is a building as high as a pile.

The population problem became a big problem for the Man Empire.

It\'s not that the population covers the whole river system, and the Man Empire can\'t provide them with food.

The main reason is that the Man Empire can\'t control their ideas. When the unruly people are full, they want to rebel. Even if the vast majority of the unruly people don\'t want to rebel, only a small part, and they dare to practice a small part of the part, but on the scale of the river system with a diameter of more than 100,000 light years, the Man Empire is facing Local rebellions can be said to occur every day.

One of the most serious is the kind of unruly people who use the power of spiritual power, which causes a lot of damage to the empire every time.

It\'s not that it\'s unacceptable. These losses can only be regarded as a piece of cattle from the overall perspective of the empire. It\'s no harm for one or two planets to be completely destroyed. But the problem is that the losses will be superimposed, and the losses will become a large amount after accumulating. The Man Empire has to fill in a lot of resources every year.

For the first time, it is a foreign enemy, which can also be said to be a wandering civilization.

Most of these wandering civilizations are native river civilizations invaded by the Man Empire. Because of the attack by the empire, they have to wander in the river system like the nomads.

The wandering civilization is assisted by the secret rebel forces of the Man Empire, which is not technically as big as the Man Empire, especially the use of the spiritual realm.

Perhaps this is to distract the attention of the German Empire, or for some other purpose.

Before these wandering civilizations reach a colonial star of the Man Empire, they will begin to raid resources and then launch low-cost and high-kill weapons such as viruses, causing great losses to the empire.

Occasionally, some more important planets and military facilities will be occupied by the clones of wandering civilizations.

In this way, the guerrilla warfare can cause the German Empire to lose a lot every year.

In addition, the fully automatic fleet from the remnants of the mechanical rebellion usually lurks. As long as the Man Empire does not pay attention to let them find a place to take root, it may rekindle again and become a disaster that sweeps the river system.

At the beginning, the successors arrived at the river system and were so targeted by the Man Empire and gathered a large number of fleets to attack. That was the reason. They confused the successor with the remnants of the mechanical rebellion.

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