New Game+

Chapter 228 - Road To Damascus

When the battle began, Trigger and Blast dealt with most wolves by drawing their aggression through their attacks. 

Trigger used a powerful piercing bullet and used another magnetic pointer that changed the direction of the bullet\'s flight. His barrage seemed endless, and the shots that he used had a memory reshaping ability that allowed itself to reform. 

Though the bullets couldn\'t easily pierce through the wolves, it would stagger then and stop them from the assault. Trigger would then use another special round of shots that can pierce through the wolves\' resilient muscles. 

Blast was equipped with several guns with large barrels and turrets. The size seemed like it was too big for an average human to carry. It could release large bullets, and some of his other weapons were like mini-canons. He could not bring most of the powerful weapons that he would usually carry as the WGP\'s scanners were expected to surpass other countries. As such, having stronger gear would make him a marked target by the WGP. And so, Blast brought in a rather crude weapon that relied on an electromagnetic technology. The mortar weapon that he used only several bullets. Through magnetic technology that allowed the broken shrapnel to be summoned back and reform itself, Blast practically looked like he had unlimited ammo. 

All he had to do was wait for the cooldown period for his ammo to reform. 

But what supported the two of them was the massive Armor of Suit, which kept sending them more ammo and guns on critical moments. 

These three had always worked as a team, and facing an army was one of their specialties. 

Trigger kept shooting and slowing the enemy down. Blast focused took the opportunity to attack the staggering wolves with his weapons traveled slower and had a longer cooldown to reform. And the air support of Suit would rain down an attack just at the precise moment. 

Due to the chaotic movements of their teammates and the addition of Cliff and Gardo, the two had to adjust how they attacked the enemy, and Blast limited his use of powerful explosives. Any wrong move, and he might end up hurting his team members. 

When the battle progressed, the two had used the various invisible platforms that Typical created and used it to escape the wolves\' claws and move in strategic positions to shoot. 

These two were mainly the ones who drew the ire of the wolves and faced most of them. 

The precise gunmanship and careful analysis of the two was the biggest factor that they could survive. The wolves could bite through steel and had the physical from to rip an Exoskeleton apart. Some of those who turned while inside an Exoskeleton suit even managed to pull their way out of it. 

The strange virus that infected these pilots\' bodies created a significant mutation that gave them a powerful healing factor within their cells. The cells, muscles, and tissue would reform as they were attacked or wounded. Some even retreated to eat and devour the dead bodies of other wolves or dead humans. 

With that, they managed to recover from their wounds at a frightening level. 

As the battle progressed, Trigger and Blast were the ones who saw all this and understood the terror of the wolves\' ability. And so, when Typical gave his analysis, the two were greatly relieved. 

Typical was correct. The virus that Amir Mann created was limited. It was not something he could endlessly make. 

The energy needed to create even a drop in the wolves\' saliva was staggering. In truth, this was worth two months of Amir\'s conserved energy. After his embarrassing and frustrating failure to kill Cliff and some of the Fangs, Amir finally found the resolve and the mental strength to take the leap and apply the experimental studies that his family developed. This was the science that their Progenitor had left behind. 

Of all the Seeds that the Progenitor left, he was a special kind. Their family had long carried the knowledge that they would seek out and challenge the other Seeds. They were the trials and weeds that would uproot any seeds that would not bear fruit. 

The virus that the Mann family developed was a strange drug and stimulant that stimulated the cells to the extreme. It also was the combination of several other technologies that the Mann family acquired from the other families and organizations that they devoured. It created a strange hormone that forcibly changed the cells of a human body. The only drawback was that it would fall into a crazed state once the cells awaken and would metabolize at an unbelievable speed. 

As Typical concluded, the body of these werewolves wouldn\'t live for long. Even if the awakened cells wouldn\'t\' do anything to exert energy, it would die within three hours. And this time limit would decrease the more the werewolf moves or if the body were to be wounded. 

But the strange thing about the virus that Amir creates is that it was a product of an Unlocked body. And because of that, the werewolves that Amir Mann made could be controlled by him to a certain extent. 

Through the strange hormones that Amir created, those infected would feel a sense of aggression and attack the targets that Amir would mark. It was as if the virus in their bodies was connected and being controlled by Amir Mann. 

The wolves were quite strong, but because they were slower and did not have the perception of the Unlocked, Blast and Trigger was quickly able to shoot them down with their weapons and saved the more destructive ones for Amir. 

But their numbers and very reckless movements and how they did not care for death was the one thing that made them quite terrifying. 

Apart from that, their muscles were designed that it would immediately tense up when struck. 

The compacting and expanding muscles made it difficult for the bullets to pierce through. It was as if the entire muscles of the wolves were layers of an advanced Kevlar suit. 

But now, with a strange command, the hormones within the bodies of the fallen wolves awakened. Their body reformed. Those without a head were slowly regrowing a head. Only the brain fully reformed for most of the revived wolves, leaving their heads with open wounds. Those without limbs regrew thinner limbs. The speed that the bones reformed startled Cliff and the Fangs. They had gone through regrowing a bone, and it took them at least a month! 

Amir Mann also moved, and his time of the attack was when another terrifying explosion occurred due to the Titan and the Horn\'s battle. 

Suit reformed his massive Armor into one and stood to absorb most of the damage from the explosion. 

The pain that Suit went through was unimaginable. His senses were linked to the Armor\'s itself, and so, the explosions brought about the pain as if it was his body were the ones affected. 

Yet Suit didn\'t even scream but focused on the battle to aid his comrades. 

It was starting. The moment the undead wolves charged, Typical gave his orders. 

As the werewolves started to attack, they soon overtook Amir\'s sprint, which was slower than the werewolf\'s pounces. 

"Don\'t be fooled by this!" Typical warned his group. After losing an arm from Amir, he no longer assumed that he was smarter. 

While raising the battered and disemboweled werewolves seemed impossible, this was something that Typical expected from Amir. 

After their previous clashes and how Typical stopped the wolf from killing Cliff and Gardo, Amir already had a rough estimate of how strong Typical and his team were. And believing this, Typical knew that raising the wolves back from the dead would not be enough. 

Typical had considered a lot about the battle. If Amir knew just how strong they were, he didn\'t believe that Amir would spend a significant amount of energy creating werewolves. And so, Typical thought that the wolves before them would be stronger. To counter this, Typical ordered Blast, Suit, and Trigger to ready the Road to Damascus. 

After conquering India, China discovered an extraordinary steel tech that became the basis for their reforming weapons. But the true techs of that technology was not revealed to the world. 

Western ideology believed that innovation was the best. They would often advertise that their products are the latest and have the most innovative features. Eastern ideology differed that many cultures believe that the older something is, the better it is. And so, even the Chinese would often advertise how a drug or medicine of something was something the ancients used. 

After the Third World War, the two ideologies met. 

The long science of Wootz steel, which was admired in the ancient world, resurfaced. After conquering India, One China had perfected and improved on Damascus steel technology. They created near-perfect, reusable steel that worked with their magnetic techs. 

When Typical ordered to prepare for their ace attack, Trigger and Blast had switched and used this most precious steel as they shot at the many wolves around them. They became fiercer, and unlike before, where they were cautious and sparing in shooting, they just kept on shooting like crazy. 

Of course, this was all part of Typical\'s plan. He knew these wolves would awaken once more. And when he gave his orders, the Fangs immediately understood what Typical had deduced. And so they made precise and numerous attacks. 

Taking inspiration from Lennox\'s lightning field, the Fangs, led by Typical, created their own version. And through a specific event in the Bible, they made the perfect name for their most vigorous attack. 

Road to Damascus. 

Trigger, Blast, and Suit had already activated their attacks and waited for their master\'s move. 

"Open your blind eyes, beast!" Typical roared as he took out a metal cube. He crushed it, and yellow lightning charged out. 

Some of the bullets that struck the wolves were still within their bodies. The sharpness of the Damascus steel-based bullets managed to pierce deeper but not through the wolves. Some of the bullets struck the walls. And a lot of those bullets fell on the area right in front of Typical\'s current position. And with the appearance of the lightning, it was called out. 

The Fangs had battled against Lennox after the incident in China and faced his full wrath. And now, with the help of Lennox himself, they found a way to recreate the insane endless lightning field of Lennox. 

The bullets rushed out and began to move and fly at extreme speeds. It was as if the shots had a mind of its own and passed to attack the wolves. Most of the bullets first gathered right in front of Typical and pierced through the wolves that were about to reach Typical\'s group. 

From the skies above, several invisible needles pierced down and stopped the sprint of the werewolves. Those at the very front were all minced into pieces by the flying bullets, and they were sliced apart that it would take a while for them to reform or recover if they still had that ability. 

Typical knew that what was most important now was that they outsmarted the opponent in the battle between them. The enemy, Amir Mann, proved to be more than just a mindless brute. His calculations in the competition earlier almost succeeded. He was aiming for Typical the whole time and left the clues to lead Typical into a situation where he revealed his ace in touch-response. His muscles were so trained that he could move his body by the senses he could feel. 

This state was both weaker and stronger compared to the advantage that the usual Unlocked would have. 

Typical revealed his eyes, but his eyes were affixed to Amir\'s expression. It was then that Typical felt a fearful sensation running up his spine. 

Amir Mann didn\'t seem scared or bothered. He was excited. 

"What is your ace?" Typical wondered as he watched Amir move forward with a lot of wolves following him from behind. 

The Road to Damascus created a barrier of flying bullets to protect them and would slice apart any enemy that would move. Even the thick and dense muscle of the werewolves no longer stood a chance. 

"Quick! Attack them! Those wolves are different! They are weaker than they once were! Send an attack so that I can tell what it is!" Cliff shouted quickly. He had used his daydreaming ability and discovered that the strength and durability were weaker. But the reactions of the wolves right before they were minced into pieces made Cliff wonder. It was as if the wolves could have reacted. 

Blast, Trigger, and Suit immediately began attacking with their weapons and redirected and controlled the endless bullets\' flow before them. 

As these attacks were launched, it moved right inside the bullets\' barrier calling many of the circling shots out. 

These bullets rushed forward, and a field of chaotic flying bullets surrounded the running wolves. 

The Road to Damascus finally revealed its final form. Some of the bullets that remained inside some wolves were also summoned out. 

Cliff was about to use his last daydream, but then, he stopped. He didn\'t need it to see what the abilities of the wolves were. 

The wolves began to dodge the incoming bullets at a very expert level. While many still got struck by the bullets that started to create a chaotic field, some managed to evade it. 

Typical locked his gaze to Amir Mann, who was quickly moving through the field. 

Typical\'s expression darkened at what he saw. 

Amir Mann was doing a similar thing that Arthur did when the Fang\'s sparred with Arthur, Cliff, Lynd, and Meryl. 

Amir\'s only difference was that while Arthur treads the Lion\'s Den and could easily calculate and walk in it, Amir would evade just before he would get hit as he retained his ability to move and react upon contact. 

Typical had once sealed his brain to prevent it from reaching Inhuman. With the coolant liquid that was acquired and modified from Australian Dawn tech, Typical was able to stay and maintain an Inhuman state for days before it would be dangerous. He knew what it was to seal or unseal it. And it happened right before his eyes. 

"Inhuman!" Typical shouted. And this simple shout brought great fear to his Fangs and Cliff. 

Amir Mann had used a strange technique to push his brain to a temporary Inhuman state. And the wolves around him also received a portion of this state. 

Cliff, Gardo, and the Fangs now faced an Unlocked pack of Werewolves. 

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