New Game+

Chapter 268 - Exposing Africa’s Secret

The information that Magantae received was enough to cause great shockwaves in the WGP. If someone planned to betray the all-powerful and untainted WGP, it would mean death. Nations have, in many points, crossed the line, and they received great punishment in return.

But just when Admiral Magantae and her team had completed the necessary preparations for their trip, the shocking incident occurred.

An Australian EMP bomb was deployed over the city and took out the defenses. Panic ensued as a majority of the defenses went offline.

"It\'s him! It\'s him! That General has launched her weapon! He really aims to kill me! My god! An Australian EMP?! How did he get this?" Taking advantage of the sudden bombing, Lowengren began to do his part.

Magantae was furious. Her suit was damaged, and she had to use various emergency protocols, including a satellite drop, to restore her power. Worst still was the fact that the Caliphates took this opportunity to attack Africa. It didn\'t matter who launched the attack. The Caliphates acted swiftly.

But then, Magantae appeared and used her Nuke Emitter.

A powerful erupted on top of the Red Sea. The Commanders wore their Armors and flew to various locations, and sent their warning. However, despite the explosion, the Caliphate army refused to believe that those who fought them were the WGP and rushed on.

Magantae was so angry that she began to summon her suit\'s full might and waged war on the army.

The Nuke Emitter was a powerful tool that practically devastated the skies.

The Caliphates retreated, but several powerful weapons of mass destruction were detected.

Magantae and her commanders charged through and used a strange large ship that bombarded the base.

The appearance of the famed Pegasus ships proved that this was indeed a WGP ship.

After proving their identity, the Admiral ordered a full retreat.

"This is bad! Now that we revealed ourselves, Intrik will be on the move!" One of the Commanders explained.

"Admiral Intrik." A Commander corrected.

"No! He doesn\'t deserve my respect! An Australian EMP? It\'s him!"

"We can\'t prove it!"

"That\'s why our first order of business is to head for those places that Vender reported immediately! We go to the meeting spots and capture any suspicious character. We then head towards the trading locations!"

Lowengren gave two different kinds of places in his report. The first were the locations where they would discuss the objects to trade. However, the trading spots were on different locations. Some locations were so far that it was on the other side of the African Continent.

This forced the team to move immediately. With word that another WGP Admiral was nearby, it created chaos.

Magantae waited for a message from Intrik or from the nearby Kraken or Atlantis. But no such message happened.

"What\'s going on?" Magantae wondered. She could not help but worry. Why would her battle practically be neglected and ignored? She used the Nuke Emitter, and the nearby WGP facilities did not respond.

Magantae had personally traveled to look at the various locations that General Vender mentioned on the report. She sent her commanders to look at some key locations that seemed sketchy while she decided to head towards the place, which seemed the most unlikely place for a trade between two enemies would meet.

The location was on the west end of Africa. It was a very sheltered place, and Magantae concluded that it was the perfect place to conduct such trades because its position was very inconvenient, and even if the trade were discovered, the government would not presume that the other party was with the Caliphates.

And so, Magantae ordered the rest to check on the other locations while she would deal with this one.

The secret trading spot was very difficult to travel to. There were only very few places in all of Africa that were unmonitored by the government. It was on the outskirts of the north-western side of the African continent, in a location that was hidden in the cliffs.

She used her techs and reached the locations an hour, which was impressive considering the great distance that she traveled in.

The place was a hidden cove underneath the cliffs. There were practically no roads or means to reach it.

"What an ingenious place." Magantae commended.

She immediately dove and used her suit to burry herself on the sand. Only her head protruded, and it camouflaged itself with the same color of the sand.

Morning arrived, and people finally appeared.

The people looked as if they were ordinary. They had shabby clothes and brought with them the most ordinary of items.

As ordered, Magantae and the Commanders would immediately send an emergency video broadcast that would immediately be uploaded on the cloud for all of the top brass to view. This was Magantae\'s plan to prove Fleet Admiral Intrik Roovite\'s detestable activities immediately. If they can video record trading the raw materials used to create a Rule, anyone with the information would immediately realize it.

The video was also set to be uploaded anonymously. Although it would be possible to identify who, it would take hours for it to be traced. And this was the time that Magantae and her Commanders needed.

If they succeeded, they could immediately escape and leave Intrik Roovite to be punished by the Emperors and other WGP officers back in the Arctic nations or in the World\'s Helm.

The video began recording and immediately uploaded it.

The soldiers in the Arctic nations and the World\'s Helm immediately saw the files and reported their superiors.

As for Magantae, she received the shock of her life. She was set on finding out the illegal deals of General Vender and prove Admiral Intrik Roovite\'s betrayal. But what she witnessed the uncovered secrets of Africa. She was so shocked that she trembled in anger.


"Is… Is this real?!"

The Commanders also witnessed the same scenes as they continued to upload the video on the Cloud.

Back in the jail cell, Alean and Lowengren continued to discuss Alean\'s new power.

"So what is it exactly? You just feel you know what to do?"

"It\'s closer to feeling lucky. Have you ever felt that way? Like everything you did just would work out? And I\'m not talking about that in your games. I mean, does it happen in everyday life?"

Lowengren thought for a while.

"Outside the game, I think there were just days when I felt happy, and things just went my way."

"It\'s something like that. Zone is the ability that appears in a compressed amount of time. So when you have a game, or when I am fighting, those moments bring out the best in me and just allows me to focus. That\'s when you are in the Zone. But the way that I have to use it during this entire trip was to somehow spread it out through the day."

"So it\'s like waking up on the right side of the bed. Or simply having a lucky day?"

"Sort of. I\'m sure you\'ve noticed it. My Skill greatly helped the deceptions you have made."

"Of course. Your small suggestions have been… very helpful. Was it your Path that sensed that me and Roas\'s sister is compatible? I haven\'t even seen how beautiful she is. But damn! Am I already engaged? My eccentric behavior as a gamer hasn\'t really made me popular with the girls. Guys, however…"

"Should I have asked if Rosa had a brother?" Alean laughed.

"To answer your question, no. Me arranging you with her sister was just me having fun. I wanted to pay back her arrogance and your crazy schemes that have purged my innocence." Alean laughed.

"You could have said no. Why didn\'t you?"

"I could say no later. Rosa\'s very attractive. At least, I have to see her sister first. Otherwise, I might regret saying no immediately. But you\'ve forever made Rosa our enemy."

"That Rosa thinks she\'s all that just because she\'s the wife of an Overcomer. So I wanted just to push that pride down. The way she looked at us was as if we were beneath her."

"It\'s part of her Path. I keep telling you that a person\'s Path affects his personality! That\'s why Richie is the way he is! Well… I\'m not really complaining. Seeing how beautiful Rosa is, a part of me is excited to meet her younger sister."

"Too bad she didn\'t want to wage her other sister on another gamble."

"Eh? I don\'t want to have that kind of harem, though. Don\'t you know? Leviticus 18:18 forbids a guy to marry a woman and take her sister as a wife."

"You really plan to follow that? The world will change soon. And someone like you deserves two or more girls at his side."

"I mean, if we are trying to make this world something that uses the Judeo-Christian worldview as the main religion, we Overcomers should abide on the laws of the Bible."

"We Overcomers?" Alean laughed.

"I have to lie to myself, shouldn\'t I? That\'s the only shot I can think of becoming them." Lowengren laughed.

"Speaking of lies, you\'re really cruel. No wonder you\'ve been asking those questions on the Programmed Slaves and Pangean spies we went to."

"I think that\'s my way of using the Zone thing you have. I think all Paths have to find this Zone. I can\'t just lie randomly! I have to know which lie and what lies to use and what things to get."

"Still… the things you try to get are very… unnatural. Putting aside the dildo request, you had to strip naked and showed your privates to all the highest-ranking officials of this world. And then after showing them that, you immediately ask Pangean double agents, spies, and programmed slaves to give you a list of those banned locations!"

"I really never understood why they are banned here. I mean… sure. Back in the Void Years, various diseases were airborne and could transfer from one person\'s skin to another. But we\'ve practically eliminated it!"

"Know your history! The continent of Africa suffered more from that disease. And so, it\'s natural to be doubly careful of that illness."

"Then why have they created these locations?"

"Suppress something, and the desire to do it simply increases. It\'s like putting a No Fishing sign somewhere. It will make people want to fish. Or putting a Do not touch and people will be curious and do it!"

"Welp. Luckily, these places are not reported to the WGP. We can use those banned locations to trick Magantae and her team."

"Yeah. I wonder what they\'ll think when they realized that we sent them to all active nudist beaches here in Africa."

"Too bad we can\'t get to see their faces."


The faces that the various commanders and even Fleet Admiral Magantae distorted as they witnessed the parade of men and women suddenly disrobing and enjoying the free lifestyle of nudity.

No other apt description could be used to explain the shock, surprise, and confusion these people felt, except for the word, "Cuttlefish."

The high ranking officers based in the World\'s Helm and anyone else who had access to the cloud saw the file.



"Alert the soldiers! We\'ve been hacked! Someone managed to upload porn in our cloud!"

"Find out who uploaded this cursed file!"

"BLLLARGGG!" Someone vomited as he saw a happy grandma frolicking.

Various reactions from the video happened all over the world as these top officials were appalled at what they saw.

The Commanders immediately closed the video and blasted off.

All of them didn\'t even care that they would expose themselves as they blasted out of their buried spot and created a shockwave that sent all the nudists into a naked panic.

As if in sync with each other, the Commanders and the Fleet Admiral shouted the same word.


General Vender Hirock felt a strange imbalance and glanced outside.

"What\'s wrong?" Vender\'s wife couldn\'t help but ask.

"I don\'t know. It\'s as if a bunch of angry voices is urging me to die… Such imbalance in the force is disturbing." Vender sighed and brushed off the mysterious sensation.

Meanwhile, Fleet Admiral Magantae had to stop herself from using the Nuke Emitter and bombard the area in her anger.

"Commanders! I hope you have better things to report."

"Fleet Admiral… I\'ve seen… I\'ve seen a naked grandma."

"So what? I\'ve seen a horrifying half-man, half-elephant!" Another Commander shouted.

"Wait! All of us were sent to a nudist beach?!" Another Commander exclaimed.

"That Vender!" Another Commander shouted in rage.

"But it makes sense." The Commander, who saw a naked grandma, explained.

"What makes sense? The free life?!"

"No! The Nudist beach! I don\'t think Vender would trick us! Why would he? He is our prisoner! These places are the perfect places to make illegal trades!"

"TRADE! YOUR! MOTHER!" The Commander who saw the man-elephant cursed.

"Haven\'t you seen his dildos first hand!? If anything, this man is sick in the head!"

"No. Drinths has a point. Let\'s not forget that we just launched an attack in the Caliphates." The Admiral stepped in.

"But… this was too fast! Vender\'s reports stated that they met daily!"

"What if we did see the meeting! What if the trades now included modified humans! And to hide this trade, they make it look like a nudist gathering!" Commander Drinths, who saw the naked grandma rebutted once more.

The commanders were silent. It did seem TOO coincidental. Vender reported specific locations, and all were nudist beach. The commanders believed that this General would not dare deceive them.

One of the commanders who saw the horrifying scene of the elephant-man brought severe damage to his pride. It would take a long time until this soldier can perform a flag ceremony as his manhood was psychologically shattered.

"He must have been modified… That\'s it!" The Commander concluded.

"No. I thought about that. I scanned their biology and noted that none of them were enhanced in any way." The Admiral added.

Swords stabbed the Commanders heart as he heard the Admiral\'s assessment.

"I… am… pathetic." He muttered.

"We don\'t have the time to search around. Admiral Intrik may be acting as we speak! But there would be no point in Vender sending out in this nude hunt! Remember, Intrik might be after his life!" Admiral Magantae shouted.

"The nudist beach could be a properly established trading post. We don\'t know, and frankly, we don\'t have the time! We have to proceed with this mission! We prove Intrik\'s betrayal and wipe away the shame that we caused the WGP! As such, we need Vender! No one is allowed to torture and hurt him!" The Admiral cursed.

"Admiral! He must suffer! He must-"

"We\'ve already betrayed his trust! In our actions, we proved that we couldn\'t care less about him or his daughter! We cannot use the stick anymore but only the carrot! Think! What would everyone back home think after they saw consecutive videos of that scene? We would be laughed at! We do this and fix this and do it the fastest way! That man has gone mad because he thinks his daughter is dead! He will not be afraid of torture!"

She recalled the shrill and frustrated cry that General Vender had before she departed. When the EMP attack occurred, Vender rambled on and on about how he was right. He even believed that his wife and child were dead began to ram the jail cells with mad expression. The Lieutenant-General tried to calm the General, but it was pointless as he kept on smashing on the jail cell.

"Commanders, make haste for that building! If Intrik has killed him, we\'ve lost our chance for redeeming ourselves!" The Admiral urged.

The Commanders then increased their speed, even risking getting detected.

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