New Game+

Chapter 394 - Revelation

With the raps suddenly referring to weapons of mass destruction, the entire nations nearby became restless and issued various orders to scan for any detected fluctuations of nuclear, titan-type tech applications and other techs that would bring the same type of destruction.

"What do we know about Egypt?" One of the commanders asked.

"Very little! We have seen their tech possibilities in controlling locusts and subterranean techs. The weapon of mass destruction may appear deep underwater instead!" One of the soldiers reported.

"Scan for everything! We need to know where the attack will come from and what the target is!"

"And if your wondering, from whence will it come? I won\'t tell you I\'m not dumb!"

"It\'ll be on the sky for all to see because this weapon has indestructibility!"

"Of course, I\'m lying! It will be underwater! Hey! Wait! Why are you making a storm there! That\'s not where the rocket will pass! Honest!" Vender shouted as he saw a strange tornado forming.

A large tornado, as large as the first, appeared once more.

"They\'re alive! The Lost Primordial is alive!" The group exclaimed..

Shakstress saw the tornado forming around her fortress.

"Presider. Should we...?"

"We wait. This is strange. It looks like I\'m not the only person here. What happened earlier?"

"We believe that Presider Pridgeon shot and attempted to kill the one causing this Tornado." The Pioneer answered as he showed the video footage they acquired earlier.

"Then let\'s wait and see. These two are trying to kill each other. Let\'s attack whoever survives." Shakstress watched as the rapping person was in a panic and kept urging the rest of the nations to attack the Lost Primordial.

The commanders and generals prepared their weapons, but no one was willing to shoot in such a troublesome and unpredictable manner.

A gust of wind suddenly blew around the ship, and a weak and faint wind carried the words of Hermes into the command centers of most ships.

The strange predicament surprised all the Commanders and General.

"Shoot me. I am the Lost Primordial. I am in a tornado. Egypt is now planning to shoot the Anubis Nile Serpent. It\'s a weapon that uses Dug Down Technology, Egyptian Nile, and their version of the Caliphate Sandstorm. It\'s a sentient, remote-controlled calamity similar to the WGP\'s power that they revealed in the Kraken. Shoot your weapons in the storm, and I will navigate your bombs. If you don\'t, then you will all die anyway. So prepare to fire if you wish to live. I will tell you when." A voice spoke to them through the wind.

The Generals and Commanders were stunned at those words.

"How?!" The General shouted.

"What was that? Telepathy?" A soldier exclaimed.

"It felt as if a voice spoke inside this room!"

"We don\'t have time to ponder that. Those techs surpass the GPS! What can you make out of his declaration?" The General asked the important question.

"Anubis Nile Serpent?" The General asked.

"I haven\'t heard of such a thing. General... What do we do?"

"...We shoot. That stupid rapper did condemn us all and threatened to attack us with a weapon. Those controlling the tornado just got blown away from that last attack. Between those two, we can\'t have any one of them again too much of an advantage."

"But attacking Egypt will make us targets of Egypt! I thought our goal was not to spark war against Egypt! Especially since Egypt is much stronger than all of us anticipated!" Another commander interjected.

"He\'s right. We can\'t carelessly attack Egypt, General."

"You forget. We\'re not attacking Egypt!" The General smiled.

"That\'s why the Lost Primordial told us to attack the tornado! We aim to destroy the tornado in the sky. We can even broadcast our target so that Egypt will have no one to blame." 

The Commanders lit up as they realized this option.

"Understood! Prepare the cannons! We\'re shooting a volley of everything to Egypt!"

The plan was placed in action. Very few nations ignored the call of the Lost Primordial.

All over the sea, the same conclusions were reached. Various ships above began to communicate with their submarines to prepare a volley of attacks. Various weapons that were just a level lower than Weapons of Mass Destructions were prepared. 

The locust surrounded Vender and began to move towards the tornado. The sky was darkened from the tornado and the endless locusts that appeared from the deep sand.

"There it is. Egypt\'s true locust techs!" A General was amazed at what he saw.

Small explosions began to occur as the Locust was mixed in the tornado. Each explosion was as large as a grenade. More and more locusts suddenly exploded, and the sky was lit with fire.

"Egypt is trying to break the tornado!" A General exclaimed.

"This must have been what blew up and stopped the tornado earlier! A Locust must have entered! Amazing! I can\'t detect any mechanical objects within the swarm! Each locust is biologically enhanced and has nano-technology that allows it to get visuals!"

"What if we blow them up?"

"Too wasteful! The locust is following a strange formation. It is making it look like they are swarming, but our rockets would only kill a few thousand or even hundreds. We would run out of weapons and not kill even a fourth of them! The distance, the movements, everything is designed to make it look like there is more of a certain area! Egypt has taken their Swarm Technology to a dangerous level!"

They watched as the tornado was bombarded with small explosions.

But suddenly, a strong gust of wind blew and threw the approaching locust back.

Vender\'s voice was heard once more as he began cursing and calling names on the tornado.

"You stinkin\' Lost Primordial! You think you are so tough making tornados? Die!" Vender appeared and began to shoot with a large gun that his Armor was holding.

But another gust of wind threw all the locusts back that they were off formation.

Suddenly, a smaller and concentrated gust of wind struck Vender and threw him back. The locust struck by these attacks began to explode. It was as if there was a gigantic invisible fly swatter striking the air.

"Damn you! You think you can blow me just like that!? I can blow you better! Do you think you can defeat me with those quick one-two wind punches? Well, my punches pack more than your pitiful blow jabs!"

"What in the damned nutterballs is he saying?!" Alvin cursed.

"Concentrate! It\'s his path!" Hermes warned.

"Evade! Evade! Whops! Miss me there! Ha! Your blow jabs aren\'t that good!"

The entire world watched in amazement at the constant talks of Vender.

The frustrated Akasha couldn\'t take the insults. Every word Vender said was causing her entire being to tremble in irritation.

With a flick of her finger, several red spears began to appear and were being blown by the wind.

But this only made things worse.

"So she wants to give me a blow jab too, huh? Then come at me! Give me your best bite! Let\'s see if you can suck me dry!" Vender began to hurl insults at the vampire.

Harker and Arthur listened in horror.

Gardo was laughing, and Lowengren was giving Vender a thumbs up.

As the horrifying broadcast shocked the world, Andronze had finally reached her position.

She contacted Arthur\'s team once more.

"I\'m in position. I will draw her attention and shoot that tornado that she made. But I\'m sure she\'ll reveal her true power once I shoot."

"Alright. That\'ll be great. We\'ll be preparing our attack. Aim for the tornado, but be ready to change it. The tornado is a distraction that this Presider is using. The real base is close. The real location of this base should reveal itself when we make our attack. Make sure that whatever your doing is seen and understood by Presider Pridgeon." Lowengren disconnected the call.

Andronze flinched. She had wanted the line to remain open, but the Pioneer kept ending the call.

"Pridgeon. You better keep your promise!" She cursed and activated the power.

The universe energy gathered on the top of the pyramid ship she was staying in. The underground region of Egypt grew bright as a strange power erupted underneath.

Shackstress noticed it and could sense that the target is the tornado.

"Presider. What do we do?"

"Nothing. We wait here. Pridgeon and Shakstress are aiming for the tornado. We just so happen to be close by. Once the tornado is destroyed, we reveal ourselves and begin our attack. Ready our shields and set it to maximum power."

"Yes, Presider."

Pridgeon saw the fluctuations and was amazed that Andronze still kept her promise.

"She really intends to fight her?" Pridgeon was amazed.

"Do we prepare our weapons and fire?"

"Only on my command. Suppose her attack doesn\'t do anything to this Presider\'s power. It\'s best that we don\'t do anything. Leave this insane Andronze to her own recklessness! I am not willing to fight if there is nothing to be gained here."

At that moment, a small Armor broke out of the underground regions of Egypt.

The tornado grew stronger as the Locust charged forward.

A strong gust sent all the Locust flying back, scattering to the sides.

Vender\'s Armor began to use powerful boosters to avoid being thrown away.

"Now." A single word traveled in the channel of the Wind Whisperer and reached the ears of all Commanders and Generals.

More than eighty percent of the surrounding forces launched an attack. 

Various rockets flew at the exact time, and all raced towards the large tornado.

Alvin and Austin used their power and kept blowing a strong squall to keep throwing all rockets off.

The three Presiders watched in anticipation as the rockets filled the sky aiming for the tornado.

"Omega." Grant Hermes called out.

Omega took control of the wind. The blowing wind stop immediately and a powerful suction appeared, creating a vortex that consumed all rockets.

The targeting system of the rockets was also disengaged.

All Generals and Commanders had already prepared their men to disengage the warheads if this Lost Primordial betrayed them.

But the wind blew and immediately drew all rockets to that location.

Among the group of rockets was Egypt\'s weapon of mass destruction.

Might of Ra was a massive solar bomb that had all the capabilities of a nuclear bomb except its release radiation.

"Detonate!" Another word was passed on, and the Generals all ordered the detonation.


Several powerful explosions rocked the sky but then, a bluish light that looked like something attacking a force field reflected on the skies above.

At that moment, Pridgeon and Andronze saw the fortress as the defensive mechanisms were activated.

The Pyramid that Andronze was piloting harnessed the energy.

"I\'ll show you why I am the Sun God of Egypt!" Andronze declared as the beam blasted from the tip of the Pyramid.

The yellow beam blasted from the great distance and crossed the hundreds of kilometers in an instant.

The blast occurred from deep underground and penetrated through the soil, and struck the source of the distortions in space.


A powerful shockwave ripped through the sky, and all the clouds vanished in an instant.

A huge ship shaped like a saucer appeared on the horizon. It spanned over ten kilometers and was made with what looked like gleaming metal. The force field around it could be seen, but a large hole in the force field appeared on the center. The center itself was badly damaged and began to produce faint blue electricity as it began to fix itself.

There was silence. Not just in Egypt but around the world, to everyone watching.

Seeker watched in his room.

"Do you know that ship, Zeek?" Lynd asked.

"No. That\'s a new one. I\'m guessing whoever that Presider is, he or she didn\'t join the war."

Back in Egypt, Andronze was stunned. Her attack didn\'t destroy the ship!

"What power!" She exclaimed.

Pridgeon, however, took advantage of this moment. It was do or die. And Pridgeon knew he had to act now.

A moon appeared. A large moon hovered above where the large saucer-shaped ship stood. It was the same moon that appeared during the battle of the Kraken.

"Begin planetary bombardment!" Pridgeon ordered.


Massive explosions that would have been considered as weapons of mass destruction attacked the ship from above.

"Commence attack!" Harker ordered, and the underground mobile fortress surfaced from the large dunes of sand and deployed all the weaponry towards the saucer.

"You choose who you want to attack. Would it be us, the Lost Primordial? That Moon, who is the Progenitor? Egypt? Or that saucer that all three of us are attacking? Make your choice. Your survival depends on it." The laughing voice of Hermes called out to everyone in the ships below. All the commanders and generals that gathered in the Mediterranean heard this order.

"... General?" A Commander asked. They belonged to one of the forces that did not follow Hermes\'s orders and didn\'t attack the tornado. But now, the revelation of the forces lurking around Egypt made everyone nervous.

"Do I need to say it? We\'re taking part in this war. Whatever that saucer is, destroy it!" The General ordered.

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