Confess System: Picking Up Girls After Girls, Try Not to Get Killed!

Chapter 164 Break In The Gateway Of Trial

(Silly Nissen: Wait, wait a minute, Tyler! I\'m not using the blinding magic anymore, you\'re facing the purple trial right now.)

Stupid loli, believing Tyler was still under the impression that the blinding magic was in effect, hastily tried to stop him.

However, what Tyler said next left her astounded.

(Tyler: Hmm, I know you\'re not using it.)

(Silly Nissen: Eh? But aren\'t you going to challenge the white trial?)

(Tyler: Who said I was going to challenge the white trial?)

(Silly Nissen: ...What?!)

Indeed, from start to finish, Tyler never stated that he was going to challenge the white trial.

Apart from the initial statement used to draw stupid loli into revealing her true form, Tyler had never planned to abandon the purple trial from the get-go.

He simply didn\'t want to be deceived by stupid loli again, hence the charade.

As for challenging the purple trial, Tyler was initially very apprehensive. However, after using his death foresight ability in the morning, challenging the purple trial became a foregone conclusion.

The reason is simple — in Tyler\'s future death scene, he did not die amidst a trial, but outside of one.

In other words, as long as he adheres to his own style of action, he can pass the purple trial.

Tyler confirmed the breakthrough route, then dismounted and patted Moto-chan\'s head. "Moto-chan, you stay here, I\'ll go in myself."

Tyler had previously confirmed with branch chief Oleg that creatures other than the parties involved cannot be taken into the Gateway of Trials.

Given that the woodland was now filled with the mayor\'s men, Tyler didn\'t want to leave Moto-chan in such a hazardous place.

However, Moto-chan lightly bit Tyler\'s arm, refusing to let him go.

Without a word, a single glance was enough for Tyler to understand Moto-chan\'s brave determination.

"Moto-chan, you\'re truly the most valiant warhorse in this world."

Hearing this, Moto-chan whinnied in response.

As such, Tyler once again mounted Moto-chan, adjusted his riding posture, and led Moto-chan to a position suitable for launching a charge.

Then, Tyler took the Fir Treant Long Hunting Bow from his back, strung a piece of leather on the bowstring, and used the longbow as a catapult to launch smoke bombs into the woodland.

Instantaneously, white smoke began to permeate throughout the woodland, with only the glowing Gateway of Trials clearly visible within it.

"Moto-chan, after I enter the Gateway of Trials, you head back to Sunny Town on your own, understand?"

Moto-chan whinnied in response, then, carrying Tyler, launched a full-speed charge towards the purple Gateway of Trials!

Along this sprint, arrows were occasionally shot towards Tyler and Moto-chan, but under the cover of smoke, these arrows lacked any precision and posed no threat.

As the purple Gateway of Trials drew nearer, Tyler stood up on Moto-chan\'s back in advance, then, timing it perfectly, leapt into the Gateway of Trials.

At once, the purple Gateway of Trials turned into a faintly glowing black color, signifying that Tyler had successfully entered, and until his death or successful completion of the trial, the Gateway of Trials would not light up again.


At the same time, within the Temple of Myriad Demons in the Abyssal Empire, The Eternal Winter Lord was using his seldom-utilized flame magic to dry his robe.

There was no choice, as the land of the Abyssal Empire was an eternal overcast or rainy, devoid of any sunny days.

One of the Three Demon Generals, Blade of the Butterfly·The Undead Maid·Flayer, was standing nearby, observing The Eternal Winter Lord with a gloomy gaze, and abruptly made a sarcastic comment.

"You, a foul-smelling male, why do you care so much about cleanliness? No one knows what you\'re wearing under your robe anyway. Even if it\'s nothing, it\'s fine to just run around like that." (Evilkind language, same below)

The Eternal Winter Lord laughed disdainfully upon hearing this.

"Flayer, would your mouth still be this filthy when the \'Singular Demon God\' arrives?"

Blade of the Butterfly·The Undead Maid·Flayer was about to retort but sensed the abnormality in the magic power in the air and immediately fell silent, standing respectfully on the side.

The Eternal Winter Lord also stopped his flame magic and put away his dried robe.

In an instant, the magic power within the Temple of Myriad Demons began to fluctuate intensely.

A black dragon claw mark suddenly appeared in the air.

It violently tore the space open, creating a rift from which a black-haired girl with huge dragon wings and a black crown made of gold and stone emerged, descending gently onto the ground of the Temple of Myriad Demons.

The Eternal Winter Lord immediately knelt on one knee, bowing his head in respect, while Undead Maid Flayer kneeled even more respectfully, her foreheads touching the ground.

"Eternal Winter Lord, you\'ve confirmed the coordinates of the traverser, haven\'t you?"

The black-haired girl\'s voice wasn\'t loud, but each syllable resonated in their hearts, each word ringing with authority.

"Yes, your Majesty."

The Eternal Winter Lord\'s response was somewhat casual, earning him a harsh glare from Undead Maid Flayer who believed he should have begun his response with "In reply to your Majesty".

"Good, then I\'ll rest a bit before I teleport over to kill him, but if there\'s another mistake this time, there won\'t be a next time... You understand what I mean, don\'t you, ETERNAL·WINTER·LORD?"

"I understand, thank you for your grace, your Majesty."

The Eternal Winter Lord didn\'t dare to raise his head in gratitude. Instead, he bowed his head even lower.

Once the sound of her footsteps had completely faded, they dared to raise their heads.

"Thank God, Eternal Winter Lord, her Majesty is willing to help you a second time. It\'s a divine favor, an unparalleled honor!"

This time, the Eternal Winter Lord didn\'t argue for he knew it was the truth.

If it weren\'t for his numerous contributions over the years, the "Singular Demon God" wouldn\'t have given him this face.

He just hoped that there wouldn\'t be any more unexpected variables.

(Banning, just let the "Singular Demon God" kill you. It will be your easiest death...)


Cutting back to Sunny Town.

In his luxurious mansion, Mayor Gideon was waiting for his subordinates\' report with his feet propped up.

He waited and waited, but no one came. Annoyed, he lit a cigarette, took a puff, and exhaled a cloud of smoke, which calmed him somewhat.

Not long after, his subordinate arrived and reported that a figure suspected to be the black-clothed archer had appeared. However, the figure seemed to also be capable of using magic, creating a large amount of white smoke.

Under the cover of the smoke, they failed to catch the archer, who instead ran into the Gateway of Trials.

"I see... come here for a moment."

Mayor Gideon beckoned, and his subordinate, not knowing what was going on, obediently approached.

Suddenly, Mayor Gideon pressed the burning end of his cigarette into his subordinate\'s eyeball!


His subordinate squirmed in pain on the ground, but Mayor Gideon was indifferent. He just stood up, then stepped on his subordinate, grinding his foot into him.

"You... are too slow... If you weren\'t so slow, I wouldn\'t have smoked this cigarette, understand?"

After a few minutes, the subordinate finally came to, covering his injured eye and kneeling on the ground.

Mayor Gideon looked at him coldly, a few ideas forming in his mind, but before that, he had some questions to ask.

"Was there only one person, the archer, who appeared?" Mayor Gideon asked.

"Yes... yes, sir..."

"And which color of the Gateway of Trials did he enter?"

"Purple... the purple Gateway of Trials, sir..."


Mayor Gideon widened his eyes in disbelief, then slapped his thigh and burst into laughter!

"This fool, in his hurry, willingly walked into the lion\'s den!"

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