I created Magic!

Chapter 30 [Bonus ]God-Level Bodyguard System

Soon time passed, and the light slowly died down, seeing this George and the rest sighed with relief thankfully nothing happened.

little did they know that something did happen but just not in front of them

After the light went down, a stream of information rushed into Elric\'s head.

"So that\'s it!"

running through the newfound information, a complicated look appeared on Elric\'s face.

*Damn will of the world, why didn\'t you tell me all this the first time!*

mumbling to himself, Elric had a gloomy look, ignoring the dumbfounded trio on his side he began to sort out the new information from the will of the world.

"it seems this world is more dangerous than I thought"

"According to the formation just know, I am not the only person to have been gifted \'the source of the extraordinary\' by the world will, and currently apart from me there are two other holders"

"The first blasphemer on the human side, as he created an extraordinary road through magic beast blood, and the first god of Faith Cyric"

As soon as the name Cyric was uttered, Elric seemed to feel a playful gaze set sight on him, thankfully it left as fast as it came.

According to the characteristics of the source of extraordinary, the more people practise your extraordinary method, the more people learn your method, the more people develop your method all would serve as the original creator\'s nutrients.

As soon as Elric heard that, he immediately thought to all the Gods in the world of Elias and how they all require believers thinking of this, a terrible thought came to mind

*Could it be that the current Cyric is as strong as all the Gods of Elias combined?*

Although he didn\'t know much about Gods, it doesn\'t take a genius to make such a guess

*However, why haven\'t I heard the name Cyric before? even back then with the first world will appearance, and the inheritance of Kaios I never saw any God named Cyric*

The more he thought of this, the more he felt something was wrong, but thinking of the gaze from earlier, Elric was sure that there definitely was a God or powerful being named Cyric

After all, there\'s a popular saying in Elias \'Thou shall not call the name of God in vain\' it is said that once you call a Gods name, no matter where you are they\'ll surely hear you, if you\'re lucky they might gaze upon you and bless you, if unlucky they might strike you down and feeling the gaze when he said the name Cyric, Elric didn\'t feel like it was a blessing

"However, it seems with the birth of each extraordinary source, other holders would be notified of each other\'s existence"

it was thanks to this rule Elric was able to gain information on them unfortunately this rule also made them aware of Elric\'s existence

*but it\'s not like it\'s all bad news*

recalling the rest of the information, A smile appeared on Elric\'s face.

It turns out that the creation of the encyclopaedia of Magic inscriptions gave the originally scattered wizard system a foundation to stand.

after all before although there were tattoos, meditations, visualisations, etc, but none of this could serve as a base for the wizard system to grow and serve as inheritance

but now, with the realisation of the fact that magic beast skins can hold inscriptions and the creation of the encyclopaedia this means that magic books. can further be made thus serving as a means of inheritance

due to the will of the world officially acknowledging Elric as an extraordinary originator making the original two sources three.

and in the process of this acknowledgment, the will of the world also gave Elric some awards.

Firstly the original space opened up in the soul to house the source of the extraordinary has merged with the encyclopaedia and his A I. chip giving birth to a huge change.

the first change is that the encyclopaedia and Elric are bound, meaning Elric can summon it no matter how far it is, all future discovered inscriptions would be automatically written in it, and if damaged can be reformed after a period of time in the soul space

The second gift was not by the will of the world, but was an accident due to crossing, it turns out that during the process of transmigration, his soul and the a.i chip had been stained with the breath of time and space.

and now with its merging with the encyclopaedia and source of extraordinary resulted in a chain creation creating a small world capable of growth in his soul, the only thing is that currently living things aren\'t able to live there as it\'s only an empty space of about 5 kilometres with only the encyclopaedia floating around.

next was that the world no longer regarded him as an outsider, it turns out that the will of the world had long known he was a reincarnator from another world, but now even if one goes back in time all they would be able to find Is Elric from Elias not a reincarnator from the blue star.

And lastly, since the A.I. chip had merged with the source of the extraordinary, all those who practised magic or the way of the wizard, Elric could enable them to use the functions of the A.I chip

Going through all these benefits, Elric\'s face couldn\'t help but turn red as he was flushed with excitement, although he didn\'t know what to use the small world for, but all other benefits left him high in the clouds.

Especially the last one, seeing that he couldn\'t allow all future users to use the ai chip, an absurd thought suddenly came to mind

*Am I going to be lord of the system?*

*afterall since the A.I chip has the ability of growth, it might not be worse than those systems he read back on the blue star coupled with the fact that I can issue it out, it wouldn\'t be too outrageous to call me lord of the system*

Thinking of this, he turned towards George with a sly smile on his face. and George feeling Elric\'s gaze wanted to ask what\'s wrong, unfortunately just as he was about to ask a voice suddenly sounded in his mind leaving him scared silly

[Beep! host detected!]

[Your God-level bodyguard system has been activated!]

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