I created Magic!

Chapter 67 They Killed A God!



Hearing the word \'king of humans\', the faces of all of the Gods suddenly turned ugly

After all, according to the prophecy, the king of humans is meant to lead the era of God\'s fall

Gods fall, another word which brought a bad taste to their mouths, it was unlivable that they who are regarded as almighty and all-powerful lofty beings were currently at their wit\'s end due to a few words and a human

Seeing their reactions, Helios had no words as he too was annoyed by the current situation, however, now wasn\'t the time to brood over it as they had to come up with a solution

"As you all know, during the execution last time Latet took away the suspected king of humans, since then, neither of them has been found all over Elias"

Saying this, Helios suddenly raised his right arm slowly. Soon under his control, a faint light screen appeared in front of all the Gods, looking closely a picture of Elric could be seen.

"This here is the main suspect, according to my investigation this mortal was to die a while back when his tribe was destroyed by a river God over a month ago"

"But for some unexplained reason he survived and ever since then strange things have been happening all over Elias."

"Adding this plus other information I\'ve gathered, this right here is the only outlier among the human race!"

Hearing Helios say he checked Elric\'s fate, none of the Gods were surprised after all even an upper God can somewhat see the destiny of a creature much less a God-king

Unfinished this method of looking into a creature\'s fate is rarely used by Gods due to the existence of variables making the accuracy of the predictions very low

However, gods who specialise in fate clergy or wield a fate-related priesthood such as Delphi can make predictions with the utmost accuracy sometimes even getting it a hundred percent.

This again is why most Gods rarely provoke other Gods related to fate due to the weird nature of fate itself

So due to this, none of the Gods present cared much about Elric\'s fate since most of them could check it themselves rather they were curious about the river God involved unfortunately Helios didn\'t seem to want to tell them which river God exactly it was.


"I think most of you are focusing on the wrong thing"

Seeing their facial expressions Helios couldn\'t help but cough slightly dragging their attention back, obviously he had guessed what they were thinking

"Haha your highness what are you talking about"

"Yeah, I\'m thinking about where to catch that human named Elric and that traitor latet!"

"Haha yes your highness, what else could we be thinking about?"

Hearing Helios words, all the Gods in the temple suddenly burst into denial as they face Helios with serious expressions on their face


Looking at them go on, Helios couldn\'t help but wonder if these Gods rather than spending their thousands of years of life to increase their strength used it all instead on developing thick faces

"Alright I believe you, let\'s go back to the topic at hand"

Waving his hand impatiently, Helios had no choice but to agree with them in order to continue the meeting, thankfully the Gods were quick to catch on and quickly stopped talking

After making sure that everyone had stopped talking, Helios suddenly spoke

"After searching the whole Elias for so many days now not a trace of latet nor Elric can be seen, According to my guess there\'s a high probability they\'ve left the main plane"

"So now we have two options, one either to send groups outside the main plane to search for the two of them, or wait for them to return one day as Elric if the king of humans has to return in order to fulfil the prophecy"

Immediately without giving too much thought, almost all the Gods rose their hands In favour of waiting in here for Elric\'s return, after all only the will of Elias knows what\'s going on outside the main plane, and given the fact that it is almost impossible to find their way back to the main plane on their own, they quickly rejected leaving the plane as an option

Seeing them so quick to reject it Helios had no words to persuade them this time after all, even he wasn\'t sure on how to return after leaving the main plane, the only reason he gave it as an option was to test their reactions, and sure enough he was right

"It seems no one wants to leave the main plane same with me"

"So in order to prepare for this so-called era of Gods fall, I\'m once again imploringly all of you to try and put away your past differences until we survive this catastrophe"

Just as he was about to plan on how to solve future disputes in the temple, a voice suddenly sounded in his ears

"Don\'t worry your highness, we\'ll surely work together and escape this catastrophe successfully"

Turning his head, Helios suddenly noticed who just spoke, it was Venti the ever-quiet god of wind, however at this moment he seemed to be the eye of the storm as he released the aura of the upper God suppressing most of the Gods present

"Good then, Venti! I\'ll leave it to you then"

"From now on you\'ll be in charge of handling disputes among Gods till this matter is solved"

Without waiting for Venti to react Helios suddenly stretched out his arms, soon a beam of light flashed from his palm hitting Venti directly

Seeing this happen Helios nodded in satisfaction, just now he had given Venti some of his power to use in case of emergencies

And Venti opening his eyes he knew what he had just received, feeling the power of the God-king in his body although shocked, under the envious gazes of other Gods he bowed slightly towards Helios

"Your highness! Your Highness! it\'s not Good!"

Just when Helios was about to disband the meeting and let the Gods get to work, a sound suddenly came from outside the temple

Rushing into the Temple two females angels with pure white wings on their backs suddenly knelt before Helios

"Both of you calm down and tell me what happened"

Although angry about being interrupted, Helios still wanted to hear what happened

However, the angels next words shocked him and all the Gods to the core

"Your highness! It\'s the humans!"

"They actually killed a God!"

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