The Psychopath's Harem

Chapter 145 The Best Way To Become Rich!

Dust settled, blades sheathed, and everyone thought the conflict was over. Then, out of nowhere, members of the limitless sword sect started glowing like radioactive fireflies.

"Holy crap on a stick, what is happening?" Hao Fan exclaimed, his eyes bulging with disbelief.

The Princess of Darkness chuckled from a safe distance. "Looks like someone\'s been tinkering with some forbidden cultivation techniques," she said, her voice dripping with amusement.

Su Wei wriggled in discomfort. "Guys, I don\'t know about you, but there\'s a strange tingling sensation near my nether regions," he said, squirming like a worm on a hook.

Jiang Qui smirked, thinking he had figured out the problem. "Uh-oh, did the younger master pee his pants? Should we get him some diapers?" he teased, only to feel a similar sensation himself, causing him to panic.

As the strange light continued to emanate from the bodies of the limitless sword sect, the group began to realize that they were in way over their heads. "I think we might need to call in some reinforcements," Hao Fan said, sweat dripping down his forehead.

The Princess of Darkness rolled her eyes. "No kidding. This is what you get for playing around with my master!" she scolded, before vanishing into the shadows.

As the strange light dissipated, the group of cultivators breathed a collective sigh of relief. But when they looked around, they found themselves in a completely different environment, surrounded by people staring at them with bug-eyed expressions.

Su Wei couldn\'t take the stares anymore and exploded like a firecracker. "What the hell are you all staring at? Have you never seen a bunch of badass cultivators before?" he yelled, his voice thundering through the silent crowd.

But as soon as the words left his mouth, something weird happened. Su Wei\'s voice came out in a high-pitched, girly tone that sounded like a dying hamster. He clamped his hands over his mouth, horrified at what had just happened.

In confusion and panic, he turned to Hao Fan, only to do a double-take. "Brother Fan, why are you a woman now?" he blurted out, staring at his friend\'s newly feminine form.

Hao Fan rolled her eyes and smacked Su Wei on the head. "Idiot! Look at yourself!" he snapped.

Su Wei looked down at his own body and felt a scream crawling up his throat. He too had transformed into a woman, complete with long hair, curves, and a pair of boobs that could knock over a small elephant.

It was then that Su Wei realized the horrifying truth - he had also transformed into a woman. He let out a blood-curdling scream that made everyone around them jump in fright

"Hahahaha," Xia Tian\'s laughter rang through the air, drawing the attention of both Su Wei and Hao Fan.

Su Wei pointed an accusing finger at him. "You did this to us, you little bastard!" he shouted, his voice still sounding strange in his new female body.

Hao Fan nodded vigorously in agreement. "Xia Tian, enough with your games. My father will be here any minute now, and he won\'t hesitate to burn down this entire sect if he finds out what you\'ve done," he warned him sternly.

The other members of the holy water palace, however, were not amused by her threat. "What did you say?" one of the elders growled, his eyes flashing with anger. "Just because you\'re the son of the Hao Xin doesn\'t mean you can act however you want. This is the Holy Water Palace, not your own personal playground!"

Xia Tian continued to laugh, unfazed by the tension in the air. "I didn\'t do anything, I swear. But I have to admit, this is pretty hilarious," he said, grinning from ear to ear.

Su Wei clenched his fists. "We\'ll see about that. If you had anything to do with this, I\'ll make sure you pay dearly for it," he threatened, glaring daggers at Xia Tian.

Suddenly, the senior core disciple of the Holy Water Palace stepped forward, his eyes sparking with anger. "Brat, you need to learn some respect for your elders and superiors!" he barked, his voice echoing through the crowd.

The other disciples joined in, shouting and waving their weapons in the air. "Yeah, teach them a lesson!"

Su Wei and his companions looked around nervously, realizing they were outnumbered and outmatched in this unfamiliar environment. They tried to think of a way out, but every exit route seemed to be blocked by angry, sword-wielding cultivators.

Hao Fan gritted his teeth, determined not to show any fear or weakness in front of his enemies. "Stay calm, everyone. We can handle this," he whispered to her friends, trying to sound confident even while his heart was pounding in his chest.

But as the disciples of the Holy Water Palace closed in on them, it became clear that they were in serious trouble, their eyes started to dark nervously looking around for an exit route.

Suddenly, like a bolt of lightning on a sunny day, Xia Tian butted in with a booming voice. He announced that it would be better to let someone else handle the situation. "Hold up, boys! Let\'s not start throwing punches like a bunch of rabid kangaroos. Real men know better than to hit a lady!"

The group looked at him with a mixture of confusion and amusement. "What\'s so funny, Brother Tian?" snickered one of the core disciples from the Holy Water Palace.

Xia Tian grinned widely, pleased with the attention. "I\'m not joking, mate," he replied confidently.

Ye Suyin and Wang Wenshu exchanged wry smiles. They were used to Xia Tian\'s quirks, but they still found them amusing.

Meanwhile, Xia Ying watched with bated breath. She couldn\'t wait to see what her brother would do next. Would he come up with another one-liner?

Xia Tian exclaimed with excitement, "Hold your horses, folks! I have an idea that\'s better than a monkey\'s banana stash! Let\'s seal their mouths and sell them to brothels for just one day! We\'ll rake in so much dough that we can buy all the cultivation resources we need!"

Xia Tian\'s words caught the crowd off guard. "Seal their mouths and sell them to brothels? You\'re a genius, Brother Tian!" exclaimed one of the disciples.

The crowd burst into laughter, but Hao Fan was fuming with anger. "Xia Tian, you are crossing the line, you bastard!"

Hao Fan\'s new feminine voice only made it funnier, and Xia Tian couldn\'t help but chuckle. "Relax, bro! Do you have better things to worry about? Like, why are you sounding like Sailor Moon?"

Hao Fan was initially perplexed, but before he could figure out what was going on, he saw the members of the Holy Water Palace approaching them with their fists clenched and their teeth bared.

Hao Fan tried to make a run for it, but he was quickly surrounded by thousands of angry disciples. Xia Tian and him were swiftly apprehended and dragged away to an unknown destination.

As they were being dragged, Xia Tian stopped the man who seemed to be the leader of the group. "Hey, dude, can you at least tell us where we\'re going?

The male disciple leaned in and whispered the secret location into Xia Tian\'s ear. Xia Tian\'s eyes lit up with excitement. He had found someone with a similar mindset, and he couldn\'t help but show his appreciation by handing the disciple a bowl.

"Take this! I need a 10% commission!" he exclaimed, handing over the same bowl he used to collect money when he pulled the same trick on the elder of the Xia family.

The disciple grinned and took the bowl. "Brother, you\'re quite the fierce businessman!" he added, thinking that Xia Tian was quite greedy.

But even with so many beauties surrounding them, who cared about wealth? Especially since Xia Tian didn\'t appear to be poor in the least.

Regardless, without comment, the disciple carried out his task with sheer dedication and will. After all, they were all lacking resources, and sometimes you had to resort to unconventional methods to get what you needed.

As for the wrath of Hao Xia, the leader of the Limitless Sword Sect, Xia Tian knew that by the time the old man found out about his son\'s condition, it would already be too late. And even if he tried to cross the boundaries of the Holy Water Palace, he would have to face the Sword Fairy, who was known to be unbeatable.

Xia Tian couldn\'t help but chuckle at the thought. He knew that the disciples and elders of the sect had full confidence in the Sword Fairy\'s ability to defeat Hao Xia alone.

With a sly grin, Xia Tian thought to himself, "I might just get really rich this time." He couldn\'t wait to see the look on Hao Xia\'s face when he found out what had happened to his precious son.

[Master, aren\'t you already rich?] Luo Xue asked, feeling that Xia Tian sometimes behaved quite dramatically.

Xia Tian chuckled and replied, "Yes, yes! But beauty and wealth are never enough."

Luo Xue, " _ "

The Little fairy unsurprisingly didn\'t argue with him on this, leaving the sentence blank.

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