The Psychopath's Harem

Chapter 158 Visiting His Sugar Baby

Xia Tian stood firmly before Sword Fairy, his wooden sword gripped tightly in his hand, his expression a mask of unwavering composure.

"Don\'t blame me," he warned, his sharp gaze daring her to make a move.

Sword Fairy\'s eyes tightened, her body shooting forward at lightning-fast speed.

Her sword shimmered with deadly intent as it sliced through the air towards Xia Tian\'s neck, the sound of its arc sending shivers down onlooker\'s spines.

Anticipation hung in the air, as bloodthirsty expectations swirled about.

As the sword approached its intended target, Xia Tian moved with a grace that seemed almost supernatural.

In an instant, his arm flicked, and the wooden sword vanished into thin air, leaving nothing but a trail of invisible energy, soon it appeared back into its original owner\'s hand, as if nothing has happened. 

Sword Fairy skidded to a stop several meters away, her body shaking with shock.

She reached up to wipe at her eyes, her fingers coming away dripping with hot, sticky blood. "This... how?" she stammered, her voice barely audible over the stunned silence.

A wicked grin twisted Xia Tian\'s lips as he looked out at the crowd, taking in their stunned silence.

He held his wooden sword aloft, the light glinting off its sharpened edge as he relished in the attention.

With a flourish, he bowed, announcing his victory with a haughty arrogance that made the audience\'s blood run cold.

But his true target was the Sword fairy, and he wasted no time in trotting towards her.

In one swift motion, the wooden sword disappeared from Xia Tian\'s grasp, burying itself deep into the flesh of his opponent.


A spray of blood exploded from the wound like a crimson ribbon, splattering across her face and the ground beneath her.

Sword fairy\'s eyes bulged in disbelief and agony as she tried to comprehend the unexpected blow.

She had known defeat before, but never had it been so brutal, never had it felt like her heart had shattered into a million pieces and lodged in her throat.

Still, she ignored the pain, focusing all her attention on the man before her.

Xia Tian\'s voice was deep and deadly serious as he spoke, his words dripped with a menace that made the crowd shiver in terror. "Just swinging swords and moving them in the air will only give you mastery over it, but it won\'t allow you to take lives," he barked.

"For that, you need to have a heart to kill first. On the battlefield, it\'s either you or your opponent. Don\'t miss an opportunity to attack the fatal parts of their bodies due to the human inside of you."

With a sadistic gleam in his eyes, Xia Tian pullled out the sword and plunged the wooden sword again into Sword fairy\'s other eye, the sound of bones cracking making the sickeningly audible.

The entire audience gasped in horror, watching as the woman writhed in pain, her body contorting as she tried to scream.

The onlookers shuddered in horror as they witnessed Xia Tian\'s brutal attack on Sword fairy.

They knew that she was a formidable opponent, a skilled fighter who had earned her title as \'sword fairy\' through years of hard work and dedication.

But even her reputation was not enough to protect her from Xia Tian\'s vicious assault.

For a long moment, Sword fairy remained silent, her body wracked with pain as she tried to come to terms with what had just happened.

It was only after Xia Tian had left that she reached up and removed the wooden sword from her eye.

With practiced ease, she swallowed a pill, healing her injuries almost instantaneously.

But despite the physical recovery, her gaze remained troubled as she thought back on the battle.

"Who are you?" Sword fairy muttered under her breath, her eyes following Xia Tian\'s retreating form.

She couldn\'t shake the feeling of dread that consumed her, a sense of unease that was tempered by a fierce curiosity.

Xia Tian\'s words ripped through her like a bolt of lightning, exposing the cruel truth she had been trying to ignore.

Despite her lofty title as the \'sword fairy,\' she was still held back by her own humanity when fighting. And she was not alone in this weakness.

Many fighters were hesitant to strike at vital points like the eyes or ears, clinging to the futile hope that their opponents would show mercy in return.

But in the savage reality of the battlefield, there was no room for such illusions.

A true killer would not think twice about thrusting their sword into their enemy\'s ear or gouging out their eyes if it meant emerging victorious.

The clash of steel, the gurgling cries of the wounded, the stench of blood and death - these were the harsh realities of war. Amidst the carnage, humanity was a fleeting luxury.

The only way to survive was to embrace the savagery and revel in the brutality, knowing that the only way to win was to crush the enemy without remorse.

Sword fairy knew that she had much to learn from Xia Tian, and she vowed to study his methods more closely in the future.

For in a world where strength was measured by one\'s skill with a sword, there was no room for hesitation or restraint.

Only the strong survived, and only the cunning prospered.

Xia Tian paced inside the Holy Water Palace, excitement building in his chest.

He couldn\'t wait to tease some innocent girls there.

Maybe he could even approach them, charm them with his wit and good looks.

But when he made his move, fear gripped those little girls hearts ike a vice.

The girls scattered at the mere sight of him, leaving him feeling helpless and bored.

His previous performance have made him infamously famous inside the sect.

Evelynn watched from afar, feeling disappointed for her father\'s unsuccessful attempt at flirting.

A devilish smile spread across her lips as she reminded Xia Tian of the new sugar baby he had hired.

The idea of Su Yanling, his latest addition to his toys, made his heart race with anticipation.

Without a second thought, he left to find her, a spring in his step.

Meanwhile, Nyx and Evelynn stood watching his shadow disappear in the distance.

Nyx was curious about Xia Tian\'s intentions.

She pointed in a specific direction and asked, "Why do you need to send him to Su Yanling? Doesn\'t he already have her here to play with?"

Evelynn\'s eyes narrowed as she scanned the area, looking past the objects.

Her gaze fell on the dragon princess she had kidnapped for Xia Tian. Instantly, she remembered Zhou Zhixuan\'s existence and shrugged nonchalantly.

"He already has a lot of toys to play with, he can play with her latter," she said, her voice ringing inside Nyx\'s ears.

Nyx nodded silently, understanding her Evelynn\'s wicked ways.

Suddenly, Nyx\'s thoughts were interrupted by a disturbing realization.

The sudden disappearance of Xia Chen sounded alarming to her. "Have you investigated Xia Chen?" she asked, changing the subject.

Evelynn shook her head. "I was not keeping an eye on him. Selene can\'t see anything either."

Nyx furrowed her brow, "Why are you so calm then? Shouldn\'t you investigate it already?"

Evelynn pouted, "Do it for yourself. I am too tired for handling it."

With that, she opened a portable device and left, leaving Nyx behind.

Frustrated with her sister\'s lazy attitude, Nyx resumed her task of guarding Xia Tian, she can\'t even say anything to Evelynn anymore, already knowing the source of Evelynn\'s lazyness.

Nyx spread her presence across the Sacred Sky Jade realm, on the lookout for any clues.


"Haaaa.... So peaceful...." 

Su Yanling reclined on her plush chair, her body sinking into the cozy cushions as she watched the bustling scene outside the large glass wall.

The Phoenix Auction House was alive with activity, every surface shimmering with elegance and extravagance.

She couldn\'t help but be drawn to the glittering display of jewels, the centerpiece of the auction. They sparkled and glinted, each one vying for her attention.

Su Yanling carefully assessed each gem, her sharp gaze taking in every detail.

A female servant delicately worked on her nails, the sound of the file against her nails a soothing rhythm.

Su Yanling closed her eyes, allowing herself to be lost in the gentle sway of the music filtering in from the surrounding speakers.

Despite her outward calm, Su Yanling couldn\'t shake the sense of foreboding that gripped her.

She knew that the competition for this treasure would be fierce, and she was determined to keep a close watch to avoid any mishaps.

The leaders of various organizations, including the Alchemy Association and Merchant Guild, were present, their movements poised and calculating.

Su Yanling couldn\'t help but feel a sense of tension in the air, a tension that threatened to erupt into violence at any moment.

She steeled herself, resolving to stay alert and focused.

Su Yanling was determined to protect her interests and maintain order at any cost.

She took a deep breath, her resolve unwavering as she watched the auction house staff scurrying about, preparing for the event.

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