The Psychopath's Harem

Chapter 193 Xia Shuiyao Want Kids?

Xia Tian continued to suck on her breast, unwavering in his attack, "Exwwplainwn."

His eyes glinted mischievously as he asked her to explain herself.

Her chest heaved as she spoke, "If I chose to kill him, he would have suffered a swift death. But instead, I did nothing. He\'ll be trapped there for eternity, a fate more excruciating than death. As time passes, his mind will deteriorate into madness, yet he won\'t be able to end his suffering. Ultimately, he\'ll be driven to rip his own flesh, devouring it until he dies a painful death. You wanted to see what choice I would make? Don\'t you?" She tilted her neck towards him, her face a mask of cool detachment.

Xia Tian released her bruised nipple for a while, observing her with a raised eyebrow. "You\'re a cruel one, aren\'t you? To bestow upon him such a vicious fate," he mused in amusement.

Xia Shuiyao smiled wryly, fully aware that Xia Tian was hinting - it was her choice, and pushing the responsibility onto him was futile.

As she watches Xia Tian, Xia Shuiyao can\'t help but wonder about his true intentions and motives. \'How long has he planned all of this?\' she thinks, unable to shake off her suspicions. 

Questions swirl in her mind as she thinks back to when Xia Tian used a ring to capture the Zhang family patriarch instead of killing him directly.

Did he plan all of this before then?

Or was it only afterwards that he put his scheme into motion?

Or had he secretly been plotting all along, strategically manipulating her?

Xia Tian\'s mind is a labyrinth, impossible to predict.

Every move he makes, every action he takes, always seems to be laced with deeper meaning.

Xia Shuiyao can\'t help but feel uneasy, unsure of Xia Tian\'s true motives.

Suddenly, she speaks her mind, unable to keep her thoughts to herself any longer.

"You always give people choices, don\'t you?" Xia Shuiyao accuses, her voice betraying a trace of anger.

"You had planned this from the beginning, hadn\'t you? From the moment you trapped the Zhang family patriarch in a stone before handing him over to me, you were already evaluating the people around you, studying their reactions and calculating how to use them to your advantage. For you, it\'s all just a game, isn\'t it? We around you are just pawns in your pursuit of entertainment."

Xia Tian chuckles at her accusation, finding amusement in her accusations.

"Quite clever, aren\'t you?"

He remarks teasingly, impressed by her insight.

"But you\'re wrong, my dear sister.... You aren\'t my pawn but my - Toy!" 

Suddenly, without warning, he leaps at her breasts and starts feeding on them again, his movements quick and sudden.

Xia Shuiyao\'s expression changes in an instant, a sudden jolt of pain flashing across her face.


She feels the energy leaving her body, drained by Xia Tian\'s actions.

She can\'t produce any more milk for today; now it was her life force slowly being depleted due to lack of qi.

Yet strangely, her mind is clouded with a sense of tenderness that she cannot explain.

She wasn\'t able to feel angry at Xia Tian, even if he sucked her dry, leading to her her unltimate death.

Her hands ran through his hair with a soft, almost loving touch. Xia Shuiyao\'s voice was chillingly emotionless as she asked, "Do you think there is a god in heaven who also enjoys watching us make choices? For him, it\'s all just a game. Not good or bad, but solely a game."

She raised her eyebrows slightly and tilted her head to the side in wonder at the absurdity of the thought.

Her fingers continued to move through his hair, offering a strange contrast to her coldness.

Xia Tian caught her attention with a sidelong glance. "Don\'t go too deep into the tunnel, else you\'ll lose the way you came by, and find yourself in utter darkness. Not everyone can make peace with the dark," he warned, his voice low and serious.

Xia Shuiyao was startled by the suddenness of the warning, but her curiosity waned, and she nodded, realizing the truth in his words.

"I think living with you isn\'t that bad. If we learn to think like you, we can actually understand things..." she spoke her thoughts out, her hands still playing with his hair, her touch now lighter and more cautious.

Xia Tian\'s lips quirked into a small, pleased smile. "Should I promote you to my favorite toy?" he asked, amusement lacing his words.

Xia Shuiyao was surprised by the new term. She asked, curious, "What benefit will I get?"

"You will receive the most amount of pain," Xia Tian replied, his voice matter-of-fact, yet tinged with a strange sense of satisfaction.

"_" Xia Shuiyao was taken aback by his response.

"That is not a benefit," she said firmly, her hands leaving his hair to rest on his chest in a show of defiance.

Xia Tian leaned in close to her, his hand cupping her face as he said, "My dear sister, why would it have a benefit for you? Of course, it\'s beneficial when you look at it from my side..."

Xia Shuiyao was left stunned, as she realized the extent of his self-centeredness.

Despite his words, her hand traveled down to his back, tracing lazy patterns almost absentmindedly.

Yet, as she thought about it, she couldn\'t deny the truth in his words. Selfishness was a trait found in most people. Maybe Xia Tian was more human than any hypocrite out there.

\'The faster you accept the notion that each person is selfish and acts according to their goals, the better your life would become...\'

Xia Shuiyao remembered one of his lines, her fingers moving to press against his skin in a show of resolve.

She smiled faintly, realizing the truth in his words.

Suddenly, Xia Shuiyao winced in pain, her face turning pale as she remembered that Xia Tian was actually sucking whatever remaining life force she had left.

The feeling was surreal. It was as if someone had inserted a needle in her body and was slowly draining out her life essence.

"That is such a strange way to die," Xia Shuiyao whispered, tightening her grip on Xia Tian\'s back as the pain intensified.

But Xia Tian seemed unfazed. Suddenly, he shoved her back and started kissing her neck instead, causing a wave of relief and pleasure to wash over Xia Shuiyao.

His kisses were soft at first, gradually turning into bites as his passion grew.

Xia Shuiyao heaved a sigh of relief, but there was a sense of emptiness inside of her that was quickly removed when he started to touch her body again.

It was a strange feeling, one of both pleasure and pain, but she couldn\'t help but feel addicted.

The woman didn\'t want to accept it, but she was slowly becoming addicted to it.

Her body craved his touch, and she found herself losing control every time he was near her.

Suddenly, she spoke up. "C-Can I have your child, brother?"

Xia Tian was momentarily stunned as he glanced at her, confusion etched on his face.

Xia Shuiyao appeared completely serious, and instead of denying her outright, he wanted to know her reasoning.

"Why do you want that?" he asked, his voice barely a whisper.

Xia Shuiyao swallowed her shyness and spoke. "We can both serve you together then, wouldn\'t it be great? How about having more than one?" New ideas started to pour into her mind, and she found herself getting lost in them.

Xia Tian\'s lips twitched as he slapped her breast, bringing her back to reality. "One cold body is enough for now," he spoke before latching onto her body again.

Xia Shuiyao cried out in ecstasy as he claimed her once again.

The rest of the day was a blur of pleasure and pain.

Xia Tian was rough with her, his hands wandering all over her body, exploring every inch of her skin.

She was tossed around the room, her moans and cries of pleasure filling the air.

Xia Shuiyao lost track of time. She didn\'t know how long they had been at it, but she knew that this was what she wanted.

She wanted him to claim her, to make her his, to own her in every possible way.

And as he whispered dirty words in her ear and pounded into her with reckless abandon, she knew that she would never be able to resist him, no matter what he did to her.

She was his, body and soul, and she knew that she would do anything to please him.

At her current state, she didn\'t care what he asked or how he wanted her to bend.

He kept filling her again and again, and she didn\'t mind one bit.

Finally, after a tiring episode, she lay there, breathless and cold.

Her mind was foggy, and she found herself bullshitting to distract herself.

As she lay there, her fingers found their way to the middle of her legs, which were overflowing with fluids.

Without hesitation, she scooped some up with her finger and brought it near her face.

A profound question crossed her mind, and she let it slip out.

"Why is it okay for a woman to do this, but not for men?" She asked herself, intrigued.

And with that, she swallowed her finger, licking it clean.

Xia Tian, beside her said, "Rest already, your mind isn\'t working."

Xia Shuiyao nodded and closed her eyes, but the question still lingered.

Why is it fine for women to lick the fluids of their own genitals, but not for men?

The thought fascinated her, and she found herself questioning why men would never taste their own sperm.

She wondered, why were women not repulsed by their own fluids?

Was it something about same that caused a man having a harem to be acceptable while a woman having multiple male partners was not?

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