Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 201 - Thank You... And Goodbye...

"Ahhh" Evian yelled and sent a Cosmic attack at San who deflected it with another slash of his Saber while wondering why it was so weak. Only to see that there were more being sent to him by his former right hand.

Evian had reduced the intensity of the Cosmic attacks so that he could send multiple of the watered-down attacks consecutively.

While they were weak, San still swiped them aside with his Saber as they were sure to hinder his vision should they make contact. Not in the lethal sense of course.

Just like throwing sand in someone\'s eye to obstruct their sense of sight and take advantage. Except for that sand to the eye of a normal man would be far more effective than the Cosmic attack to San.

That said, San knew that any lapse in concentration was what Evian was after and he did not wish to give him that.

The rate at which his hand moved to deflect the multiple attacks was enough to cause it to blur but even then he made use of the hand that was free just to swat them away efficiently.

It was while he was doing so, that he realized that the attacks never needed to make contact for his vision to be obstructed just enough for the corrupted Evian to close the distance.

By the time he realized this and quickly swatted the Cosmic attack in front of him away, Evian was already right in front of him and thrusting his Saber at the Fidwud Family head\'s midsection.

Even then San sneered and grab the Saber\'s blade and headbutted Evian so hard it threw the Former right-hand man back by a couple of meters.


Evian managed to regain his footing quickly and dash towards San who slashed with his Sword and sent a Cosmic attack at Evian who leaped into the air to escape the path of the attack.

San simply slashed his sword and sent another attack at Evian or at least he made to do so but was distracted when the Edgar Brothers made to dash past him to the Runemasters.

He stretched his hand towards them and sent a Cosmic attack that knocked them back a short distance before Evian landed right in front of San and punched at him.

A futile attempt and was made evident when San did not even attempt to dodge and took the blow right to his cheek.

Despite the Devil shroud\'s dark fog that covered the fist, the punch had absolutely no effect.

This was most probably the moment Evian should have begun to despair. After all, the Devil shroud Fear inducing ability was useless against San whose Cosmic Phenomenon Realm cultivation granted immunity.

The only advantage Evian thus had was the enhancing ability of the Devil shroud and even that was ineffective.

San drew back his Saber and slow as can be he thrust it towards Evian\'s midsection.

It was in that moment that it could be seen that much as San wished to kill Evian, there was still some hesitation to end the life of the one who he had once boasted knew him best.

It was why his Saber was moving so slow and unconsciously giving Evian the opportunity to dodge or escape the strike.

While he allowed his thoughts to wander, Evian grabbed the slow-moving saber and plunged it into his midsection while he yelled, 

"I can only give you this much time. Go!"

The Edgar brothers knew immediately that it was to them he was referring so they were quick to dash past San who was about to stretch his hand to send out another Cosmic attack to prevent their advance when Evian grabbed him in what could only be described as a bear hug and closed any distance that was left between himself and San.

The saber pierced right through him and out the back of his body.


Evian spout blood on San\'s shoulder while the outstretched hand of the Plebeian leader remained frozen and his effeminate face paled as his pitch-black eyes widened.

"Thank you and... Goodbye" was the last words of the former right-hand man as his arms slacked and his eyes lost the light of living while his body grew cold.

San\'s eyes reddened and he turned towards the brothers that were about to strike at the Runemasters...

"Stop right there"

...and sent a Cosmic attack at them.

The two looked back at him and chuckled darkly while keeping out of the way to let the Comic attack from San make contact with Baret and Ian and knocked them away and completely damage their concentration.

Once the brothers were close to them, the Fear inducing ability of the Devil shroud was already affecting the Runemasters\' ability to think. Striking them had been the two brothers way of sealing the deal but San\'s Cosmic attack worked just as well.

San pulled his Saber out of Evian\'s body and laid it down. Angry at himself that he had allowed his emotions to affect him so much, that he almost killed Baret and Ian.

Had the attack being met to be lethal rather than reprimanding, the results would not have been the same.

He turned his eyes to the brothers while he made use of his perception to check if the Runemasters were fine and they were, only exhausted mentally.

Much as San would have loved to take his grief out on the brothers, he needed to attend to Hector as now was the prime and opportune moment to strike.

He turned away from them and dashed towards the Castle courtyard where Hector lay prone. 

Darryl and Marlon wished to follow and attempt to stop him when they heard Hal\'s voice in their mind, 

\'Good work. I\'ll take it from here\'


Let\'s back up a few minutes...

When Eugene and the Merchants were attacking the Dome in an attempt to leave the castle grounds as the battle was getting ever closer, Hal stood from his seat and put Amelia there.

"Be careful" Melinda said as he made to leave.

Hal smiled as he lowered himself and kissed her lips, 

"I will" and with that, he vanished.

Gregory and Ford\'s eyes widened as they were the only ones paying attention to him outside of his women.

Selina would probably have caught the disappearance as well if she and her brother had not been paying attention to their uncle smashing at the Dome.

Hal went into the battlefield and occasionally turned visible to cast Runes as any such actions nullified his invisibility anyway.

He had actually been close by when San had killed the \'Corrupted\' Plebeians but it was impossible for the Fidwud family head to see him as he fell under the category of those Hal\'s invisibility could work on;

Two Realms ahead.

He had been careful to use the perfect timing to cast Runes in the area of battle as San\'s perception was all over the place.

It was only thanks to Grimoire\'s sensory abilities that he remained under San\'s radar.

So to speak.

Once he was done, he returned to the castle courtyard, which had not been easy as he needed to maneuver between the battling men.

He was in a hidden location at the side of the Castle, where he had placed the activation circle of the Array when the Dome around Hector faded to reveal the weakened man surrounded by a Cosmic Phenomenon.

The moment San dashed forward as though he had not been hindered by the thousands of battling experts and at a speed that deserved Commendation, the Phenomenon around Hector exploded and its effects were all directed at San!

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