Ranking System

Chapter 120 SS: Mother And Daughter Talk

[Reina POV]

"Honey. How\'s your relationship with your fiance doing?"

Today was the day the cat and my hubby would start an invasion. I won\'t lie; I was worried about him and the cat.

Even if I knew that Hubby would be safe, this still a smidgen of a chance of him being hurt. My skill doesn\'t work if I was not involved in the mix.

To calm my nerves, I went back home to visit my family. Father and Tristan had a busy schedule, so having them here was almost impossible.

"Hubby and I get along very well."

Mother chuckled, listening to what I had said. She had gotten more cheerful ever since I regained my emotions.

"When do you plan to marry? From what I can see, more people will flock to your fiance. You have to strike it when the iron\'s hot."

My face turned red when I heard my mother say marriage. The last time we had this talk was a month ago. It didn\'t help that my emotions were unstable the last time we had this talk.

"Isn\'t it still early?"

"Dear. It\'s never too early. Your father and I married at your age."

That\'s because you have known each other since high school! I didn\'t voice that out as I knew I would get an earful from mom if I did.

"Mom! We only met less than three months ago."

"From what I can see, you love each other very much. You can get to know more once you marry."

What she said wasn\'t wrong, but would Hubby agree? I knew my confidence had risen after our date, but marriage seemed too early.

"You worry too much. From what I can see, your fiance won\'t mind. He may think it would be a hassle, but he won\'t reject it."

"How are you so sure?"

"Just a gut feeling."

Gut feeling... Sorry, mom... But that won\'t help my confidence. I\'ll go at my own pace. The nervousness of this discussion had died down as I felt more ready for it.

"Then what about a wedding dress? It\'s never too late to prepare."


Even when my emotions were suppressed, it was hard to talk to her. I wonder how I will deal with her now that most of my emotions have been intact.


Laughing at my anger, I never thought talking to my mom would be this embarrassing. Before my change, she would always try to make me happy within her best capability.

It was refreshing to see a new side of my mother that I hadn\'t seen in a long while, but it would help if she didn\'t try to make me uncomfortable.

"How\'s class doing? You haven\'t told me anything about it. I\'m curious how you\'re doing."

Class? Sometimes I even wonder why I attend class. Brave Academy, indeed, is the best academy one could go to.

The academy would be the best place to grow for those without a background. It wasn\'t the end of the world if you didn\'t attend.

For people like Hubby and me, the academy felt unnecessary. Talent can only go so far in being taught.

Hubby was the best example of this. The cat beside him may have taught him something, but it didn\'t amount to anything at the end of the day. With opportunities, he rose like a jet engine through the ranks.

It didn\'t help that I was pretty isolated in class. My previous attitude didn\'t help much, and Hubby added to the mix. The jealous stares from my female classmates would scare even the brightest person in the world.

"I\'m doing well."

There wasn\'t much to say about the academy. As a model daughter, I shouldn\'t voice out my previous thoughts.

"That\'s nice. So, about the wedding dress."


Seeing that I wouldn\'t go in too much about school, she decided to change the subject to something she found exciting.


"Sorry, but your expression is so adorable. I can\'t get enough of it."

I felt like I was being made the butt of a joke. She probably hasn\'t had this much fun with me in years. It was sad if you think of it.

"As your mother, I\'m so happy that you can start over again."


"I know I haven\'t been much help as your mother, but I\'m so glad that everything worked out in the end."

It wasn\'t her fault. She had no control over the situation. She tried her best to find a cure for my trauma but fixing them would be nearly impossible.

"Mom, it\'s not your fault. You did the best you could, and I\'m thankful for that."

She hugged me with drops of tears coming out of her eyes. Mom must have wanted to hear those words for a month.

I reconciled with my mom the whole day and spent the whole night with her. It was already late, and I decided to head home.

"Are you sure about leaving so early?"

"I don\'t want to pile up the work you need. I\'ll be back once you\'re free."

Mom\'s schedule was busy, and I shouldn\'t stay here any longer.

"Tell your fiance that I said hi."

"I will."

Taking a flight back home, I went to bed and fell asleep. Today\'s event got me thinking. Without Charles\'s help, what person would I be?

Would the death of my brother really help me? Or was there a chance my parents could die because he wasn\'t there to help? Many possibilities could happen.

Despite his obvious flaws, I cannot help but love and be grateful to him. He may be too greedy and lustful, but that\'s what makes him human in some ways.

Without realizing it, all these tiny little details started to add up because of his help. There was no amount of words that I could say to him to describe how grateful I was.

Even if I assist him for my entire life, I don\'t think I could ever repay him. But that\'s fine. As long as I continue to be by his side, then I\'m sure that will work out.

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