The Ancients World

Chapter 79: The journey to Zenith city XVII

Chapter 79: The journey to Zenith city XVII

I watch the breaking news segment with bated breath, I haven\'t listen to it yet. The reason I\'m so into this is because I can see J&X behind the live news reporter. The pretty and young reporter beings the live report now that the introduction is over. "Thanks Matt, I\'m here at J&X where just earlier today continuous rolling blackouts have hit the local area. The technicians says that all power is being diverted to the AW server room. J&X has refused to answer any questions regarding the blackouts or loss of power in the area. This has been Samantha with breaking news." Rolling blackouts near J&X, if that isn\'t strange enough a large amount of power is being diverted to the AW server.

I don\'t know what\'s going on over there, and I\'m worried if they are up to something that can affect the players. This isn\'t something I have knowledge about, I don\'t know why the server is causing blackouts. The only thing I can think of is some sort of power surge since so many new players have joined. I continue to listen to the news on Ancients World, I hear something I didn\'t wish I heard. "In other news, reports about the activity in Alsoma have come in from the native players. Many have witnessed monsters of many varieties killing males and capturing female NPC\'s, if you want more detailed information check the official forums. The rest of the report is to graphic to say or show on air." Looks like many players witnessed the attacks on the country of Alsoma. I\'m sure there will be lawsuits for mental trauma for some people, I wouldn\'t want to see something like that.

My cereal is now soggy, I lost my appetite awhile ago after seeing this. "All the players that once started in Alsoma have been moved to the newly formed kingdom Avalon, most of the starting cities are full of only players. This new kingdom was formed thanks to The Son of Arch-Angel Michael completing a story quest. Many players are wondering about the lore and mysteries that Avalon brings, its also confirmed that players will need to head to the capital of Avalon for their tier 2 quests." All the players on Ancients World know this, is there going to be any new reports. While the reports I already know about continue, my mind drifts to J&X once again.

Why would J&X keep the truth hidden, will it cause some sort of mass panic. That\'s why the government is cooperating isn\'t it. The issue is so bad that if the truth leaked out chaos would ensue, its either that or J&X is bribing the world government. I hear footsteps start coming downstairs and make their way to the living room. I turn to see most of my family, Hailey seems to still be on. "I hope you guys had fun today, pretty soon you will all start the same grind everyone else is going through." My parents look at me with a smile, and I just remembered that I promised that I\'d take mom out and catch up. Its late, but I\'m sure there are some places still open.

I was just about to bring it up, but both mom and dad get distracted by the news. They come and sit down beside me to listen as well. The news continues to talk about the blackouts and everything else going on. "Mom do you still want to go and hang out? Some places are still open." She totally ignores me and just continues to listen, I\'ll bring it up after they are done catching up with events. I bring my soggy cereal into the kitchen and dump it out, I look around for something good to eat and I come across a hot pockets. While not a nutritious meal, its good and filling.

I take them out of the freezer and place some on a plate, I toss it into the microwave and just watch it heat up and spin. "You better share with the rest of us!" I hear my dad call out his desire for me to share with everyone. I put enough on the plate for everyone, just means I wont get as much as I wanted. After a few minutes the hot pockets look ready to eat and I open the microwave to see steam roll off the hot pockets. I take a deep whiff of the scent and my hunger returns.

I take the hot plate out and rush to the living room so I don\'t burn my fingers. I set it on the coffee table and dad starts eating the really hot food. He doesn\'t seem to care as he just eats them like nerds candies. "Slow down dad, save some for the rest of us!" Marcus calls out dads behavior and we soon start to laugh. I hope Hailey is having a good time, she is probably looking to get that legendary class as soon as possible. Knowing her she has already left and is on her way to the first objective.

I\'ll eventually have to tell my parents about my class one day, its not something I can hide forever. I\'m just grateful they didn\'t question how I know all this, if they did I wouldn\'t have an answer. They will put the dots together that I know more than I let on, but that\'s after they learn more about Ancients World. "So mom, are we going to hang out like you wanted or what?" I ask my mom once again since she isn\'t so consumed by the T.V. this time. She looks at me with a smile, but one of slight shame. I haven\'t seen my mom look like this in a long time.

She picks up the remote and turns the T.V. down so we can talk. "I\'m going to have to cancel on you sweetie. I have plans and quests to do in Ancients World, I\'m sorry to shrug you off. I understand completely why you didn\'t want to hang out before." What just happened. Did mom just cancel on me because she wants to play games. "We can hang out in Ancients World when we meet up again. I promise." Wow, I cant believe it. My mom just canceled on me to play a game! I cant stop myself from laughing and tearing up. Talk about something you don\'t see everyday.

Both my parents join in on the funny moment that has happened. "Ohh, no worries mom. I\'m sure that we can do something next time we see each other in Ancients World." I wipe a stray tear from my eye as I say that, this is going down as one of the funniest moments in my life. "Just make sure you get off enough to feed yourselves. I don\'t want you guys becoming addicts to video games." I say that as my voice shakes from trying to hold in the laughter. I look at both my parents with love, I\'m happy that they are getting into Ancients World seriously.

While most of the Adamo family is laughing and having a good time in the real world. Hailey is planning a little trip of her own. I\'m feeling kind of bad that I\'m leaving without saying anything to them, but I do have a friend coming along with me on my quest. "So are you going to tell me what we are exactly doing? I get that you want my help, but I have priorities to you know." Snow Princess questions what we are doing. I don\'t want her knowing I\'m heading for a legendary class, if I learned one thing from my little brother its that you keep important information to yourself.

Its not like she is getting nothing out of this either, I promised that I\'d help her with any quests after mine. "I can see why my brother was so annoyed with you, maybe bringing you along was a mistake. If you want to miss out on all the items and gear then turn around and head back to Nelmorp." If people ever asked where Cera got his treatment of people sometimes many would question his parents, but in reality he picked up my habit with word play and manipulation. Its the one thing that he learned from me he can actually use.

I turn my head slightly to the short girl and see her frustrated face. "I could see the resemblance when I looked at you too, but now I know there is more in common then just appearances." She begins talking about my family and how beautiful we all are, what I hear next surprises me a little. "So does Cera have a girlfriend? He doesn\'t seem like the type that can handle most woman." I\'m intrigued on why she is asking, she never showed any romantic interest in Cera. If she does have a little crush on him she does a good job hiding it.

I just laugh at the thought of my tall little brother with a shorty like Snow Princess. She must know what I\'m thinking cause she doesn\'t look happy. "Cera has a very specific taste in woman, and you are not his type. Most woman will never fit his description of what he wants, so don\'t feel bad. He isn\'t demanding a lot, just the things he wants are to rare. He probably would have a girlfriend if he went outside more often." I start laughing at my little brothers failed love life, he hasn\'t so much as talked about girls. I\'m sure he is still a virgin, if only he got it through his think head that casual encounters are okay. His excuse is that he isn\'t that type of person, he is the only one missing out. We continue to talk and walk as the night passes, I know mom and dad will be getting back on soon. I don\'t know Cera\'s plans, but he might be taking a break for the night.

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