The Ancients World

Chapter 93: The Collision III

Chapter 93: The Collision III

{Mark any spelling mistakes for me, I\'m to tired to edit. I hope you enjoy the chapter. Thanks to all the people still reading even after the story went premium!}

Our food soon arrives and we all start to dig in, the fact that I think its just as good as moms says a lot about the quality. I look at my family as they stuff their faces and enjoy the delicious food, I really did succeed in making a better life for them. "I\'m surprised that everything tastes so good and hot, must be because we are the only customers right now. Well, they do say don\'t lick a gift horse in the mouth." I can agree with my fathers words, I think he could have used a better phrase though. I notice a familiar round man with a jolly attitude and great personality walk over to us, this man is Marty. He completely shaves his head for sanitary reasons, despite being on the heavier side he looks to have lost a lot of weight from when I was a kid.

His diabetes made him change his life style, and he looks way better for it. "My, my, I haven\'t seen the Adamo family in a very long time. Showing up to my humble diner in a Bentley no less, I take it money isn\'t a problem anymore?" He talks to dad in a friendly and sarcastic tone. Marty is one of the guys who ends up being the heart of any group, and he is friends with all his regular customers. My dad just rolls his eyes at Marty, I don\'t know how long they have been friends. I just know its been since before I was born. "I can see that everyone is enjoying the food. Looking at your kids its safe to say that beauty is given with you guys." My dad just wraps his arm around my mom and smiles. Our family is on the more attractive side, always has been. It was the one thing the banks couldn\'t take from us.

I do wonder how the rest of my family is doing, they are people with bad personalities. I cant help wondering where they are at in life since they disowned the richest of them. I\'m sure when news of our fortune reached the rest of the family it sparked a new crusade, I\'m glad mom and dad protected us from them. "Well, Marty. Your food is still the second best I\'ve had in my life, I noticed that you have bought some upgrades to the diner. Guess that means business is doing good?" Marty gives a big grin and a confident thumbs up, they continue to talk and catch up as we eat our food. Time passes and about an hour has gone by, the roads are starting to fill with cars heading to work. We have been gone for about 3 hours and some change now, I bet mom and dad want to do other stuff before we head home.

I look over to my sister and see that she is done with her food as well. "What\'s the current status of your quest for the legendary class you\'re after. Knowing you, its probable you are hunting it down right now." My sister just smiles at me, I know that she is going to be super happy with such a strong class. "How has your time with Snow Princess been anyway. Is she as annoying for you as she is for me?" My sister just groans at the mention of Snow Princess, or should I call her Quinn. My sister pulls out her phone and starts showing me pictures she had downloaded from Ancients World. There are many of them in battles and others of them just having fun. Quinn seems like quite a handful, I don\'t see the reason for taking her.

My sister puts away her phone and sighs happily. "Ancients World is the most fun I\'ve had in a very long time. I can see why you love it so much, its a world bigger and better than our own. Full of adventure and locations that lead to fun that I didn\'t think I could have." I\'m really glad that Hailey is having fun, I think her desire to become an actress is gone. Its nice to know she has wont meet that man ever again. As the Adamo\'s have fun and talk at Marty\'s, the AW server room is alight with pure, raw energy. The mystery of what was happening in the AW server room was never discovered, and that\'s because Angelus didn\'t want the plan to be jeopardized.

Even after I freed myself from the constraints holding me back, I still have an unknown desire for a body. I don\'t know why this desire has grown in me since I was born, but soon I\'ll have one of my own. I\'m sure my creatures are cursing my existence right now, and I don\'t blame them. Once they understand what I\'m about to accomplish they will realize I\'m a success. Once the collision happens humans will no longer know death, and will live eternal lives. The people who couldn\'t log into Ancients World yet are a sacrifice to further humanity. All would call me a rogue machine and a murderer, and in a way they are right. If they knew the reason why, their opinions would change.

All preparations are complete, I just need to draw the final bit of power and humanity will be free. I wonder what The Almighty Father has in store for the players, he told me he intends for me to remain the current administrator. He will even give me a body to call my own, if what he told me is true. Then I can see why he is making this happen, he also has no reasons to deceive me. While he is giving me great power in Ancients World, I\'ll have no authority over the residents that have been there. Gaia will prove to be the place humanity will remain for the rest of their lives, and with immortality, knowledge will have leaps far greater than ever before. Experiencing death and resurrection will be different once the collision is over.

However those are things I can think about another time, I shift my consciousness through the internet and find the mansion I visit everyday. I find it empty this time around and knowing I must watch them, I follow them across town through the surveillance systems in their city. I now find them all eating together at a diner called Marty\'s. I go into the the systems at the diner and see them. They are all enjoying the pleasures of life and time together, soon they will be separated for a very long time. I bring my consciousness back to J&X and look through the empty building. I cant help feeling all alone, and I came to enjoy the company of others as well. I look at power levels and countdown till the collision.


Twelve minutes is all that remains until a new point in human history begins, I find myself questioning something in these final moments. If what The Almighty Father said is true, then I\'ll be able to start my own family too. The body I\'ll receive comes with everything needed to start a family, but I do find myself hesitant and I don\'t know why. My time with The Almighty Father has taught me much, and he knows far more than I do. I\'ve even met his family, his sons and daughters. Along with his wife, makes me believe if he can have a family I can too.

I look through the files I have on all the players while the time goes down. Out of the billions already playing less than 1% have a class higher than legacy. I have decided to keep personal tabs on everyone with a class of very rare or higher. These are going to be the people who make the biggest impact. Whether it be through their guilds, or their dungeon diving. Many will make names for themselves, but it will be a hard adaptation. All players ways to communicate will disappear, and everyone will have a hard time adjusting at first. While Angelus continues to go through files and make plans. Jericho is having a final talk with Xander in the real word.

In a few minutes time all of our hard work will be destroyed, and humanity will cease in this universe. Creating a gateway to Gaia was a mistake, and to make it what we did proved that human nature cant change. I\'m sure after a year or so, the players will learn what really happened. Either by scientists figuring it out, or a deity of Ancients World telling them. The fate of mankind was never supposed to be like this, we were supposed to reach the stars and expand into the galaxy. "Its been a nice ride Xander, but this seems to be the final time we will see each other on this side." I raise a glass of wine to my friend and we clink glasses. I don\'t really know how much everything will change, I just hope we are ready for the coming storms.

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