Reincarnated As A Wolf With Cheats

Chapter 96 Finding Aella - Part 2

"That is..."

The bag which the man had was drenched with blood, for some reason, Shin imagined the worst thing out of all.

\'Is Aella dead...?\'

On seeing that much amount of blood, his mind stopped temporarily for some reason, of course, it was partially due to the skill focus.

,m Aella was by no means dead, this thought popped up in his head because of the word \'Active\' that was still visible on the screen.

This meant that Aella was alive, however, was she fine?

Was she completely alright?

Those were some important questions that were to be considered.

Indeed, if she was alive, then what could explain the immense amount of blood in the bag?

For a moment Shin thought that the blood belonged to the soldiers however his heart was saying something else!

In any case, at the moment he could see the bag clearly, and no matter what, he had decided to take that bag away.

When Shin used his focused vision to look at the weapons which the soldiers had, all he could find was some swords, spears, and shields.

Other than that, some soldiers held some sort of nets and other kinds of stuff, however, he could find no guns.

This meant that they couldn\'t fire t him and their long-ranged attack wouldn\'t work, at least, that\'s what he hought.

However, he forgot to think about the arrows, he thought of them as some other weapons too.

This was probably because he was way too busy thinking about Aella and her condition. Also, he was taking a look at the system\'s screen again and again while noting the navigation portion.

He then deiced to just fly away with the bag. Wendy was the one who was holding it while others were busy being proud.

They were being praised due to which they had let their guards down. Needless to say, Shin took this as an opportunity.

Because Wendy was distracted, the grip in the bag was loose. Shin had nothing to worry about at all.

Yes, he had nothing to worry about other than the fact that Aella was quite heavy for his current state!

He didn\'t even consider that and almost immediately dived down from the height in which he was flying.

Everyone was way too busy getting praised, this was the same with the citizens too.

They were praising them without stopping even for a second.

A fact to see was that the citizens were genuinely smiling, this was probably because the knights had brought fame to the country by doing something which no one had done.

Of course, they didn\'t have any proof of what they did but no one even asked about the proof, so there was nothing to worry.

Since no one was free enough to notice a crow flying straight towards them, Shin could freely move!

Within a few seconds, Shin arrived near Wendy with such speed that he was taken by surprise.

It was as if some str0ong wind passed by, of course, it was Shin who passed by.

Wendy dusted away the direct particles that landed on his body due to the strong wind. He made sure to see if he was alright or something had happened and found nothing changed.

However, it was only after a few seconds he realized that he was no longer holding the bag which had been lying on his shoulder!

"The bag!", was what he said right after identifying that it was missing.

The blood was all over his shoulder and his right palm so he was sure that he was holding the bag, but now it was nowhere to be found.

He turned his gazes towards the ground however found no bag nearby.

"Just where did the bag go?", he raised his voice a bit when suddenly a guard from behind shouted.

"Th crow!"

"It\'s taking away the beast!", a guard shouted, it was the same guard who had informed about the den earlier!

"What!?", said all of them because his voice was quite loud.

Balton heard it too despite the fact that he was far away.

He turned back to check his hearing and indeed found Wendy troubled.

Then he turned his head towards the eat and raised a bit towards the direction which the soldier was pointing when he found a crow flying in an unnatural manner!

"What the-", he was surprised to see the crow carry8ing such a huge bag with just its beak.

The capacity of a crow to carry a thing in its beak was only 1.5 pounds ( nearly 0.6 Kg ). That was why all were surprised to see a crow, a normal one, carrying something that was 14-15 times its capacity!

That was quite ridiculous indeed, no wonder that Shin found it way too hard to even fly!

Was Shin abnormal? How was he able to carry such heavy stuff?

Well, normally even Shin would have failed, he wouldn\'t have even been able to lift it in the first place.

So how was he able to do?

The answer lied in the skill that he used!

[ You have used the skill Fly ]

[ -> The weight of the body in total will be reduced by half ]

[ -> The dexterity of your wings will be increased by 10% ]

Since the weight of the body in total would be halved, this meant that anything that he was carrying would also have less weight!

It was almost confirmed the Aella was in the bag and without a doubt that was true because SHin could actually recognize the subtle scent that was being emitted from the bag.

Indeed, it was overtaken by the scent of the blood, however, it was still detectable.

It could be concluded that Aella\'s weight was reduced by half or nearly half. The rest was managed by the dexterity of his wings thanks to which he was able to fly further reducing the effect of the weight!


"Fire the arrows and kill the crow!", a loud cry took over the praise that was heard a while ago.

How were the archers able to detect Shin? Shouldn\'t his black body have blended with the black sky?

Were the archers that amazing that they could detect him even in the nighttime despite the blending?

the answer was no, they were average archers. So there was nothing about them that was able to distinguish the night sky and Shin.

The reason was clear, it wasn\'t a night in the first place!

It was daybreak when Shin had arrived at the city and that was the only reason why he was visible, perhaps he wasted way too much time in the foggy area!

The arrows were fired almost immediately after Balton gave the command.

The archers fired the arrows, however, their aim was off.

The arrows failed to him, also, Shin was moving in a weird manner making them almost impossible to predict the next path.

In a minute, SHin had already gone far from their sight, he wasn\'t that fast, but was still fast enough to escape the soldiers who were busy trapped in the crowd!

Shin didn\'t go out of the town. He never passed the border or the gates. He just hid on top of a roof of a building.

Although the large buildings weren\'t that modern, they were still well built.

Shin had no problem at all hiding on top of the roof of probably the tallest building in the town.


\'That was close...\'

*huff huff*

He was panting a lot, his stamina was almost nil and he had accumulated a lot of fatigue.

[ Level: 4 || Max. level: 5 ]

[ HP: 5/40 || Max. HP: 45 ]

[ MP: 8/30 || Max. MP: 40 ]

[ Exp: 21 || Max. Exp: 25 ]

His HP had almost become nil probably because his beak was at its limit.

Thanks to the pain nullification, he felt no pain, but his HP depleted way too much.

When he took a look at his own beak, he could find that it was almost torn from his body, he was bleeding a lot!

\'Damn, this pain nullification is turning to be dangerous...\', was what he said.

Right after that, he didn\'t think about himself and tried to remove the knot of the thread which kept the bag closed.


"Aella...", that was the only thing that he was saying when suddenly he found something which he couldn\'t believe at all.


There was an arrow piercing right through the bag.


Everything in front of him turned a bit blank when this notification popped up.

[ Status ]

-< dead >-


To be continued...

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