Help! I don't want to NTR the protagonist!

Chapter 74 74. Planting Seeds

"Hold on when you"

Hearing this Lucius paused. He purposefully turned around and looked at Xander as he married his eyes.

"Like I said before, we can continue the conversation like I promised when you come to see me later."

"Humph! I\'ll see you later then."

"It\'ll be my pleasure."

After saying that Lucius smiled charmingly before walking off, ignoring  the slight scowl from Veronica.

Originally there was nothing wrong with these sentences exchanged between Lucius and Veronica,  but with the seeds of doubt planted in Xander\'s heart,  each word sounded more and more wrong, and that was exactly what Lucius wanted.

Although he concealed it well, Lucius could clearly see the bubbling furry  that was about to burst in Xander\'s eyes 

\'Now to watch as your relationship falls apart.\' thought Lucius chuckling to himself 

Sigh! Breaking relationships? When did I become so despicable?

This god, no, this world has corrupted me...

As soon as  Lucius walked away, Xander was letting out all his fury on Veronica.

"Veronica, tell me what the hell is going on!"

It was only now that  Veronica realised Xander was in fact incredibly angry but there was just one problem,

She had absolutely no clue why Xander was behaving like this, after all in her mind she had done nothing wrong 

"This.. what do you mean?" Asked Veronica puzzled 

"Don\'t try to play stupid with me! What were you and Lucius talking about before?"

"Why are you being so confrontational? Don\'t you know I\'m doing this for your sake? I heard Lucius say he was doing this on somebody\'s orders and questioning him to get to the bottom of things."

But instead of the  thanks that she had been expecting all Veronica got  was his burning rage

"Veronica! If you\'re going to lie, at least try and make what you say believable! 

Do you know who Lucius is?  A COMMONER! Someone that wasn\'t even a third rank fighter?

Even if someone wanted to target me they wouldn\'t use such incapable trash.

I\'ve fought him before and clearly know his lack of skills.

The only reason we\'ve reached this point is as a  result of his luck and my own negligence.

If you don\'t want to tell me what happened in the conversation, at least make it believable! Do you take me for a fool!"

Hearing Xander\'s words Veronica was completely unreconciled 

"Why  would I lie about my conversation with Lucius? What would I gain from doing such a thing? Remember he attacked me too."

"Oh really?" Said Xander sneering 

"So you met with Lucius before and that\'s why you were stuttering and blushing?"

The more Xander thought about it, the more angry he became 

"Fuck! Whose fiancé are you? Mine or Lucius\'s because to anyone else it would seem like the latter!"

Veronica was completely stunned. In her mind she had done nothing wrong she just couldn\'t understand why Xander would suddenly lose his mind.

"We were supposed to be engaged together and even married after we graduated from the academy but whilst your future husband was being beaten and humiliated you were here flirting with the enemy!"

"No….no I.."


Veronica held her now stinging cheek in shock

"Shut up! Ever since you\'ve come to the academy you\'re golden talent has made you forget your true position. You are only a baron\'s daughter and your family\'s territory is directly within the Caldwells sphere of influence."

"Your Beaumont family will always be subservient and rely on us Caldwells." As he spoke Xander stepped forward with a horrifying look in his eye

"I don\'t think you understand the consequences  these actions have caused for  yourself. No, not just yourself. This will cost your entire family!"

Still holding onto her sore cheek, Veronica\'s face went pale.

She desperately tried to beg and calm down Xander but he wasn\'t hearing any of it.

He was furious!

He had been humiliated again and again and the shame of his fiancé flirting with the same man that had embarrassed him to this state had driven him to his limit.

He would never be one to admit that he was incapable and he had been looking for someone to blame for his situation, if that person was going to be his finance then so be it!


Lucius was unaware of the carnage that his actions had caused and even if he was, he wouldn\'t care.

Lucius calmly headed towards his room and opened his door breathing a sigh of relief. To his amusement, just as Lucius entered the room, he could see an unsettled Camilla already waiting inside.

By now Lucius was so used to Camilla\'s sudden and inexplicable appearances that her appearing in his room did not even surprise him in the slightest 

But contrary to Lucius\'s look of calm Camilla\'s could be said to be the definition of panic.

"Young Leader, what happened, are you okay?"

The second he entered he was instantly bombarded with Camilla\'s words of care and panic.

Lucius just sighed as he tried to calm down her worries 

"I told you, it\'s okay to call me Lucius and there is no need to worry about me too much. What happened is not a big deal. I got off lightly the only punishment was a few weeks  of volunteering  after school and on weekends but it\'s not so serious "

What about your physical condition?  After the poisoning, your body has weakened and your mana is gone. I\'m afraid that you could be greatly injured."

Lucius sighed once more 

"You really don\'t have to worry that much. My body received the best healing from the mages and priests so there really is no big problem."

"Young leader…."

Camilla didn\'t know what to say.

Although Lucius may have forgiven her she couldn\'t bring herself to do the same.

In her mind her mistake was simply inexcusable.

She was there not just to assist the Young Leader but protect him in his weakened state.

If she couldn\'t even do the basic job she was assigned by the revolutionary army what was her purpose in even existing?

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