The Legacy System

Chapter 471 - 471: Insurgence In Nightless Stone City

Chapter 471 – 471: Insurgence In Nightless Stone City

Since no one besides Eric could make those puppets move, none of these people at the entrance had any idea about it!

So, when the puppets started moving and slowly taking care of each and every one of them they were scared shitless, and unable to fight back.

In a few seconds all the tough guys that were actually keeping guard at the entrance, were either beaten black and blue or were knocked out unconscious.

The disturbance at the entrance seemed to have alerted the others as a loud voice boomed through the tunnel,

"Intruder stop right there, or we will blow you…"

\'Slappppppp~! Boooommmmm~!\'

But he didn\'t have the time to finish his words as the sound of a strong slap, and then his clashing to the tunnel\'s walls was heard from inside.

The sounds clearly stunned the rest of the soldiers, as they thought that the enemy had reached them and was trying to kill them, but seeing the person who had just done that, they were shocked.

It was none other than one of the Jady Fairies that were in control of this Nightless Stone City, or to be more precise it was none other than Hilda.

That wasn\'t the end of it, as what followed next was her angry booming voice,

"How dare you point your weapons and try to kill Master, are you tired of living?"

"Fa-Fairy Hilda that wasn\'t our intention, we were just trying to protect the tunnel!"

"Hmph~! You better hope that Master doesn\'t get angry at you, otherwise no one can guarantee your lives!"

Her words though seemed to have an opposite effect of what was intended, as one of them even talked back,

"Yo-You can\'t do that! It is against the rules and laws of this place! Even you won\'t be able to confront the Mayor of the City!"

"Oh? Since when was this place allowed to have a Mayor? Care to explain to me, Hilda?"

"Master! This subordinate has been lacking and failed you, Master! I request Master\'s punishment!"

"We will talk about that later first tell me what happened here as we walk inside!"

Hilda didn\'t even dare to look Eric in the eye this whole time, and it was clear that she was feeling guilty about this situation, at the same time she felt relieved with his return.

"Yes, Master! The thing is the population of the Nightless Stone City has grown beyond our capabilities to control and rule them Master!

At first, everything was going smoothly as the numbers were smaller, and they were still under the impression you had left on them.

But after some time, seeing the good food, and the good conditions, coupled with the increase in strength, these people started growing greedier.

They seemed to have forgotten everything, and led by a few ambitious idiots with one of them being an evolver, they set up their own governing system, and they started facing us!

These bastards even went as far as to poison sister Ice, before taking action and claiming to have the rights of a democratic ruling!

The leader is a lecherous and greedy bastard, who even dared to propose we kill you and serve him.

The only place under our rule at the moment is left the Mansion, and even now they are trying to break in!

If it weren\'t for other sisters opening the entrance and carving a way for me, I am afraid that I wouldn\'t be able to come here!"

Even though Hilda\'s story seemed concise at first, quickly her thoughts and words were all over the place, but that didn\'t matter much to Eric right now, as he understood the general layout.

"In other words, you are telling me that these bastards dared to oppose you in my city, and they are still alive?"

"Huh!? Ye-Yes Master!"

At this moment, the guy who had spoken to her earlier seemed to have recollected a bit himself as well, as he started saying in a hesitant voice,

"No-Now that you know what happened you better follow our lead! There is no way our people will listen to you as long as we have leader Takashi!

After all, we are a democratic country that should live according to the laws and rules of human society!"

Hearing that, Eric\'s face didn\'t show any anger, rage, or loss, instead, it showed clear disappointment as he said to Hilda,

"You have truly failed me! All of you! I thought I made it clear that this place was my garrison to train soldiers that worked for me, and not some stupid democratic city."

\'Arrgghhh~! Killed~! Arrgghhh~! Nooo~! Please, no~! Arrgghhh~!\'

The next moment, with one, though he gave an order to the puppets, as the puppets started removing the heads of each and every one of the guys at the tunnel before picking them up.

It was quite the blood-curling show, even though Hilda and Cui La were unable to actually \'see\' what was going on just the screams and shouts were enough to give them a colorful image.

"Where do you think you are going?"

Before the two ladies could recollect their selves from what just happened, they heard Eric talk to nothing in front of them, only to realize that there were more guards who were trying to get back.

It seemed like some sort of massacre as whether it was in front, or in the back the screams and the metallic smell of blood spread like gas.

Still, no matter what happened Eric continued to walk forward, without fear or regard to anything.

Even if there were dead bodies in front of him, he would walk over them, like they were nothing more than pebbles on the way.

When he finally reached the entrance Hilda and Cui La had become almost numb to whatever was going around them, as they finally entered the true Nightless City.

This place was extremely beautiful, giving an ancient vibe, and even more with the colorful lights to light, the place, as a big crowd of people seemed to be gathered at the back.

Some guy seemed to be screaming some bullshit about rules, law, and democracy, as six females and 7 kids and a few thousand people were actually being presented in front of the crowd like prisoners.

The moment he saw that Eric\'s aura and bloodlust seemed to increase exponentially, as the puppet at the door greeted him with that normal mechanic voice,

"Welcome Master!"

Still, despite his current mood at that moment, Eric turned towards Hilda and said,

"Is everyone else involved in this?"

"There are people who are being forced, and there are also those attracted from the crowd Master!"

"Well, it doesn\'t matter anyway!"

With that said, Eric suddenly looked towards the city, and said out loud in a booming sound,

"I am the Master and ruler of this place, whoever doesn\'t want to die due to their stupidity disperse!"

The truth was that there were more than a few tens of thousands of people inside Nightless Stone City at that moment, and only a few thousand were on Eric\'s side.

Eric\'s voice was booming, but clear, whoever was inside Nightless Stone City at that moment was able to hear what he said.

The crowd of people couldn\'t help but return their heads and attention towards him, as they heard what he said, and for a moment they were startled and scared.

After all, even though not all of them, quite a few of them had already witnessed with their own eyes what he was capable of doing, and it had terrified them at that time.

If it weren\'t for the fact, that they had forgotten about his existence and he wasn\'t seen around, those people wouldn\'t dare to even dream of something so stupid.

Now that they were faced with his face, and those words, their hearts couldn\'t help but beat faster, as their bodies started trembling.

Even their leader couldn\'t help but make sure that he wasn\'t dreaming or seeing something that watching some illusion.

Still, looking at the numbers on his side, and the hostages beside him, he regained his composure and clarity as he said in a loud voice as well,

"What kind of tyranny is this! We are humans coming from a civilized society, free human beings with a will and sentience!

We have our rights protected by law!"


Hearing those words, Eric started laughing out loud like he had just heard the funniest joke ever and it took some time for him to finally stop and look at them in mockery, as he said,

"Rights!? Laws!? Free!? Humans!?

It seems like you idiots have forgotten where you came from! Have you forgotten that you were all slaves in concentration camps?

Have you forgotten that I bought each and every one of you? And you think that you are free humans!? This has to be the best shit I have ever heard!


Yes, this is a fucking tyranny! I bought your sorry asses, feed you, dressed you, and even trained and spent so much money, time, and resources on you!

And you tell me that you want democracy and freedom? Where the fuck have you seen such a free lunch in this world huh!?"

The whole crowd of people in front of him heard those words with different emotions, and feelings. But one thing was in common none of them could refute him.

Despite that, this was something that they couldn\'t give up, especially their leader. After all, this was his big opportunity, he couldn\'t let this chance escape!

"Damned Tyrant you treat fellow human beings as animals, there is no way we are going to let you treat us like slaves!

We better die fighting than let that happen!"

"Really!? Well…

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