The Legacy System

584 Chapter 584

Eric seemed sleepy, surprised, and startled by such a reaction to the beauty, as he couldn\'t help but retort back in a tired and sleepy voice while stretching himself,

"Why are you so grumpy in the morning! It\'s too early isn\'t it!?"

"Huh!? Early!? Helloo, it\'s already 8:30 in the morning! What the hell do you mean by it\'s early!? I don\'t know how someone like you managed to become a gardener!

Anyway, since you are officially a gardener of the Long Family Mansion from today forth you have to wake up early in the morning and take care of the garden, and all the plants in the Mansion.

Don\'t tell me that you expect to receive VIP treatment here, you aren\'t a guest, you are but a mere worker!"

Her words gave Eric a bitter taste, as he thought that Madam Yan Meng would treat him just like a guest knowing the special need of the \'Blood Rose\' and his greatest contribution.

But it looked like he had thought too lightly of the situation and that woman as he was now being forced to truly work as a gardener.

Well, it didn\'t matter much, since he had spent all night sleeping on top of Wei QingPing cultivating, he had become quite numb, and he was in need of a walk in fresh air, even better in the garden.

Still, he couldn\'t help but ask the beauty,

"Did you Madam order this or is this just your idea!?"

"Of course, it\'s Madam\'s order! Do you think I am that free as to come here and make things difficult for you!?"

In fact, the truth was far from what she said, after all this was purely her actions. She was afraid that upon waking up Eric would go for a repeat of what happened the other day, and she would get worked up once again.

While she wasn\'t a normal person either, and her body was much better in many ways compared to the normal human body, she wasn\'t some insensitive and freaking terminator either.

Not to mention that Eric\'s skills in bed seemed to be beyond normal, and something that she so deeply wished to try herself.

This was probably the first time that she had thought about something like this, and also the first time that she had actually felt like this, but this didn\'t change the fact that she desired it.

Her Madam hadn\'t said a thing, but she figured out that it wouldn\'t be much of a problem even if she did and said something like this, would it!?

Eric could tell that this young woman was lying, but he had no intention of telling her on her lie, as he just said in a cool voice,

"Very well, wait for me here I will go change inside, and we will go eat breakfast first! Then I will go on and work in the garden."

"You what!?"

"Come on, don\'t tell me that you don\'t even allow your workers to have breakfast before they work, right!?"

"No, of course not, it\'s just that I am afraid that you are just parrying me off, and you will dodge work!"

"Huh!? Do I look that stupid!? I am in the Long Mansion and I came here myself to get hired to work. Why the hell would I dodge my work now!?

Furthermore, even if I do something like that, can\'t you just break the door and force me to come out!?"

"Uhh! Yes, I can do that, you are right! Very well then, go inside and quickly change, I am waiting here!"

Seeing that Eric had actually logically attacked all her points, and she couldn\'t follow him inside, the beauty could only put a disgruntled expression on her face, and let it go.

Still, Eric didn\'t completely seal her off, as he intentionally left the door a little bit open, and walked towards the bed once again, where the complex Wei QingPing was in deep thinking.

Approaching the bed, Eric took a good look at her body with a perverted expression on his face, as he said,

"Yesterday you surrendered your everything to me but you were muddleheaded, today I will give you the whole day to think about it, but I want a final and irrevocable decision!

Was I clear!?"

"Yes, yes you were!"

"Very well, then take a good rest and think about it!"

With that said, Eric left behind a deeply thinking Wei QingPing, while he got out of the door and followed behind the young woman that came to wake him up.

Now that he looked at her, this beauty didn\'t look bad in the least. While her face was average, and her soft melons were a bit small for his tastes, she had a great rear view.

Not to mention that she was actually an evolver, which meant that if she had done even a bit of training then her thighs, her flat stomach, and her arms should be quite tonified and fit.

This young woman seemed like someone that could totally bend to a man\'s will in bed, and one that would do everything that was asked of her due to her inferiority of a small chest.

"What are you looking at pervert!? Could it be that you don\'t know anything else but doing it like an animal!?"

These words certainly surprised and startled Eric who couldn\'t help but look at her with a questioning look, as he questioned,

"What!? How do you know about that!?"

"Hmph~! You aren\'t even denying it!"

"Why should I!? That is a big compliment for a man, everyone dreams of being a stud in bed, but that doesn\'t answer my question!

How do you know about that!?"

It was only now that the young woman understood that she had had a slip of tongue and had revealed something she shouldn\'t.

"I…, I…"

"Is your room neighboring ours!? Could it be that the walls in this Mansion are so thin and you heard us all night long!?"

Seeing that the beauty was stuck, Eric decided to personally throw her a life vest, which the beauty captured immediately.

"Yes, that\'s right! I didn\'t have a wink because of you two!"

"Well, if you couldn\'t sleep you could have come and joined us!"


"Just like I said, if you can\'t sleep next time, just come and join us! Like that we will have fun all three of us, and not just me and Wei QingPing!"

"You…, You are shameless! How could you propose something like this! Are you crazy!? You damned pervert!"

"What is there to feel shame about!? Are just our natural body needs and pleasure that we need to fulfill and enjoy as much as we can!

Can someone be called a pervert because he goes to sleep!? No, right!? Then why should one get called like that when he just wants to fulfill another body\'s need and pleasure!?"


While she was denying everything that Eric said through her mouth, she was in fact clearly moved and disturbed inside.

Of course, her sexual tension and desire were doing their best to waver her mind. So, she couldn\'t help but look at Eric\'s thoughts in a much warmer and reasonable light.

As for Eric, he couldn\'t help but chuckle inside as he had just come out of the bedroom, as another target had appeared in front of him.

What\'s more, he could finally know who was the one that was spying on his room, and the fact that she seemed to have the hots for him.

As long as he played his game well, he could easily make his surveyor turn into his side, and feed Madam Yan Meng with whatever news that he wished her to know.

That would give him an edge in everything he did, and he would be able to control this whole mess much better.

Not to mention that it was extremely funny and pleasing to actually tease this young woman, and also slowly corrupt her mind and soul.

He felt just like a love swindler, who instead of money wanted absolute loyalty!

"Anyway, let us put a stop to this talk now, we are in the kitchen!"

It was clear that this was the workers\' kitchen because it was full of big pots, a lot of people, and a lot of noise.

Not to mention that while the food looked good, and beyond the average quality it wasn\'t at the level of a high-class restaurant, the level at which a wealthy Long Family should dine every meal.

Their arrival certainly seemed to startle quite a few souls in the kitchen, as they all turned around to have a look at them.

The young woman didn\'t seem to care about the many eyes upon herself, and neither did Eric care about them.

While he would live with these people for some time he had no intention of making buddies with them, because that some time could be as long as a few months, and as short as a week.

He was just a passing leaf in the history of their lives, completely foreign and unimportant. Still, this didn\'t stop those people from whispering and talking about him to one another.

While Eric wasn\'t bothered by the whispers and rumors, the young woman certainly wasn\'t the same as she suddenly stood up and questioned in a loud voice,

"Don\'t you guys have anything better to do!? I don\'t think that you have dealt with your work for the day right!?

If you have finished your breakfast then immediately go to work, stop dawdling in the kitchen!"

Her words seemed to have quite a bit of weight, as a lot of people started getting up and going to their designated posts, making the kitchen much more silent than before…

Check my newest book! Return of Lust!

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