The Legacy System

Chapter 668: Hell on Earth!

Chapter 668: Hell on Earth!

In fact, it would be an offense to those prideful and great animals to compare those guys to them, as they looked more like vultures, or hyenas whose luck had shined that day.

Looking at the approaching beasts, the \'resurgents\' who had just been thrown out of Nightless Stone City couldn\'t help but get frightened and start running as if their lives were dependent on that.

It wasn\'t a mistake to think like that though, as their lives truly depended on the fact whether they were able to escape this messed-up situation in front of them.

Their try to escape just made the vultures even more excited though, as they started speeding up their vehicles.

It was just like their food had suddenly decided to make their meal even more enjoyable as it had tried to jump around and \'play\' the difficult card.

Of course, there were also those that accepted their fate or had different plans and stood their ground as well, as they awaited for the vehicles to arrive.

It was at this time that one could understand just who were the ones that instigated the whole resurgence thing.

Of course, no one from the crowd was able to notice this right away, but they were still filled with regret and terror.

There wasn\'t one of them who wasn\'t crying, pleading, and begging for Eric to take them back through his miraculous means.

They swore and cried that they would never think of every going against his orders, or disrupt the order anytime in the future, but there wasn\'t anyone to hear them.

Or to be more precise, no god or devil responded to their pleadings and cries, as the scary vehicles got closer to them.

\'whissshhh…, whooosshhhhh…, whooosshhhh…\'

It didn\'t take more than 5 minutes for the terrifying car sounds to reach their position, as sounds of ropes whishing over their heads started sounding.

The vultures didn\'t seem to care whether they killed or injured a few of them to terrorize the rest, as they started pulling a few from the crowd with their ropes just like hunting prey.

Of course, this was just the start as the rest of the vehicles speed up and rushed to circle around the group with metallic chains and ropes connect to stop and gather the crowd.

It was just like a trap that was slowly being enclosed, as each and every one of the people that were thrown on the seashore were captured.

The screams and cries became even louder the moment that they understood they had no escape from the situation, but no-one was moving now.

"Hehehehehehe~! Well isn\'t today a great day for us!? We have just scored big today! I am sure that the bosses will be extremely pleased!

I am about to reach higher into the hierarchy!"

"Heheeheh~! Boss don\'t forget us at that time!"

"Of course, of course, you guys are my trusted aides!"

While the guys in the vehicles were screaming and partying hard about their \'catch\' the people in the crowd, and especially those that had instigated everything couldn\'t help but cower and fear more.

That was because while the people that just captured them seemed to have the same features as them, they were speaking a completely different language.

Meaning that they had just been thrown to an unknown place and unknown country. Which made them feel that their fate and current position were even shittier than they might have thought.

Of course, not all of them were like that, as in that day and age would be a shame to not be even one in their crowd who understood a different language from their own.

At that moment, one of those \'resurgent\' agents inside Nightless Stone City felt like this was his chance to make contributions but also take revenge against Eric as he immediately got on his knees, and screamed,

"Commander, I can help you not only reach higher in the hierarchy but also become the leader of a city by yourself!

Furthermore is a place that you will be able to control without wasting much energy, as its lead by a useless and weak leader!"

While the commander was taking great stride and pride in his current and future self, he heard the words of the \'resurgent\' and couldn\'t help but get interested.

After all, if those words held any bit of meaning, he was going to jump from a small Leader of the 1st Operation team, into a full-fledged city lord.

The difference was the same as that of a small beggar working for an illegal organization to that of the leader of the organization.

"Everyone, shut the hell up!"

With his greed being fully scratched and ignited, he couldn\'t help but shut the whole team and crowd, while he turned to the \'resurgent\' and said,

"And why would you decide to let me in, on that information!?"

"Really simple actually, I was planning of taking that place for myself by making these useless idiots stand up, but he was stronger than I thought and we ended up here!

Now my previous plans and dreams are over, but I don\'t want that bastard to escape this easily either, I want him dead!

Not only that, but I want him to die through a really painful death!"

Of course, there was more to his intentions, as he was thinking of staying alive until he contacted with his previous Leader, and have him rescued as well, but that was for later.

Despite his intentions though, it looked like his words managed to pique the interest of the Team Leader, who couldn\'t help but fall prey to his greed.

This was his chance to actually jump and make it big in life, especially in this time and age. What made him even more interested though was the fact that all these \'catches\' were weak and useless.

If even these guys had managed to make that \'Leader\' scared and flustered, then he shouldn\'t amount to much as well.

This was his chance in life, his opportunity, he couldn\'t let this escape.

With those thoughts in mind, he immediately smiled with a warm expression, and said in an interested tone,

"Then tell me more, if you please me then I promise you that I won\'t mistreat you!"

"There is a city underwater, in a hidden place that even I don\'t know where exactly, but in less than a 1 km radius, where there are more than 40.000 people remaining.

A city, hidden underwater, with a strange source of light and full commodities, that is difficult to find and even less attack.

A proper underwater city that is waiting for your rule, City Lord!"

To the team leader whatever was said sounded like nothing short of fantasy, but he was sensible enough to look at the rest of the crowd and understand that whatever was said was true.

This just made him even more interested and curious on the Nightless Stone City, as he couldn\'t help but get excited.

With those thoughts in mind, he immediately decided to do everything on his hands and power to make sure that the place became his.


Unfortunately even before he could make a sound and order his Team to start looking for that place, his head left his shoulders.

\'banng…, rollll…\'

Not only was his head separated from his body, but it even fell on the ground with a bang sound and started rolling like a ball, while he still had that excited and happy expression on his face.

The crowd could only watch with stupefied stares, as they didn\'t members.

understand what had just happened, same as the 1st team members.

It took a while even for the best of them to understand what had just happened, and start looking around in fear, only to have the world around him start rolling.

\'Just what the hell…\'

This was most probably their last thoughts, as they felt their conscience fade away and their soul left their body.

In but a few moments, all the team members that came to capture whatever the sea had thrown out were dead with their heads rolling on the ground.

It was a massacre that happened faster than anyone could think about!

The whole crowd of people was fully terrified at that moment, and there were also quite a few that lost their conscience due to their fear and terror.

Still, the one who was the most terrorized was the \'poor\' resurgent, because while the rest hadn\'t realized yet, he was living the worst nightmare of his life.

The person standing in front of him with a calm reproachful look was none other than the \'weak and useless\' leader Eric.

"You don\'t seem to understand your lesson, and even less appreciate your life! It\'s useless for you to want to live, isn\'t it!?

So let me give you a memorable death, that you won\'t even be able to forget in your next life!"

With that said, Eric quickly moved his hands a few times, completely paralyzing his target, and then took out a small crawling insect and placed it on the guy\'s forehead.

For the next 3 days, no one dared to touch the guy as he was fully infested and ingested by insects while screaming in terror, wishing to be dead.

No one would be able to imagine what he had gone through during those three nights, they could only describe it as nothing short but Hell on Earth

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