Banished to Another World

Chapter 86: Yuan Zhan gives Yan Mo reason to believe that he is that bastard......

Chapter 86: Yuan Zhan gives Yan Mo reason to believe that he is that bastard......

After Yuan Zhan and Yan Mo deliberations, Namely all the rules announced in the first Nine Rules The Jiu Yuan Council will have the women join but in the future the number of men and women must be equal, the council elders term is five years, a maximum of ten years. In the future, there will be other management organizations, except for the Tribe Leader and Priest, everyone else job part will have the same composition and tenure as the Council Elders.

In order to ensure that this will be carried out, Yan Mo asked Yuan Zhan to engrave the content behind the stone monument.

Yuan Zhan seemed to want to say something, and finally agreed to him.

Yan Mo felt that Yuan Zhan\'s attitude was a bit strange, but he was not in the mind to poke at that.

And since that day, what has changed within the tribe has changed significantly.

First of all, it is the spiritual outlook of the people. If the previous Awu Tribe is more to follow the tide and live by the rules even compare to then and now they are actively participating, and even trying to express their feelings and suggestions in the stuttering Jiu Yuan language.

Secondly, everyone is enthusiastic about studying Jiu Yuan language. Everyone is trying to speak it no matter how old they are

Again, people are starting to like asking why.

"Wu Chen, why is your name Wu Chen, Wu means black what is up with that?"

"Ye Xing, why 1+1=2? But you and your mother added three of you! Is this not 1+1=5? "

"Hey Old man, why did Da Ren let us add salt when we made the skin leather?"

"Sa Yu, why are there 30 days in a month? Not 20 or 50 days?"

"Meng Da Ren, why do men naturally have many muscles, why are women are fat? What makes them fat? What is muscle? Why is it that only women will have children? Why can\'t men give birth to children?"

"I can\'t figure out why Priest Da Ren doesn\'t let close relatives have sex in the tribe, God do it like this. Why can\'t we?"

When such a question was introduced into Yan Mo\'s ear, Yan Mo used his student\'s mouth to convey his explanation during the lecture: "Humans are different from God, and God\'s body is not defective. And the way they combine and create the next generation of God is also different from humans. But humans and other creatures themselves have various flaws, which is why Gods can no longer be born after being combined with humans and other creatures but their offspring have a chance to get some kind of divine ability. "

Listening Yan Mo say that, another question was raised:"Well it is not good to interbreed blood ability warriors?"

Yan Mo laughed, he knew that someone will ask this, "When humans or other biological close relatives are combined, although the blood in the blood may be more intense, the same defects in humans and other creatures will be doubled. Therefore, the offspring of the close relatives who are born are prone to have children who are stupid, born with disability, and weird in shape. If most of the tribes do it with close relatives, the more serious the blood, the more serious the defects will be. This method of creating a blood warrior will only cause the whole tribe to follow into defects, because with this method, it is often possible for a hundred thousand people to all become blood-stained warriors."

"100,000! Our entire tribe is only sixty-five." Everyone exclaimed, such a huge number has been understood by most of them.

Yan Mo said again: "Why Awu Tribe is having less and less women? Everyone doesn\'t live too long? Many children die during birth or live short or live long? This is related to the close relatives. Ask your Old Tribe Priest, asked if he had a woman who had a deformed child? And they killed the child because of fear."

Someone really asked The Old Tribe Priest, and The Old Tribe Priest also confirmed Yan Mo\'s guess.

Since then, everyone is no longer confused in the fact that the close relatives are not allowed to make babies. The First Chief and Priest Da Ren have said that there will be more and more residents in the tribe, and women scarcity will not be a problem!

"Woman is a problem!" Yan Mo has a headache.

Yuan Zhan sat on the ground with one knee and grabbed the roast meat. He swallowed the meat and said, "How do you solve the problem of the number of women?"

“What do you think?” Yan Mo didn’t mean to say that he had played the idea of ?interelation with ?The Mer-people, but he learned that The Mer-people are not like in the original world legend(Little Mermaid?), The Mer-people who come ashore. Have the ability to change into legs for a short period of time that dispelled the ambiguous idea of ??having the The Mer-people woman supplement the Jiu Yuan tribe women scarcity.

Maybe there will be a love in the city across the race in the future, but that will only be a very rare phenomenon.

At least before the tribe develops, the girls of The Mer-people will not look at them as worth mates.

Yuan Zhan did not answer immediately.

But Yan Mo already knows him better, and he knows what he is thinking about during this time. "Do you want to go back?"

"I do not mean to go back. We can bring them here." Yuan Zhan touched his face. "I am also now. 4th Rank warrior, and both ability and physical strength are 4th Rank. I remember the color of the tattoo on Chief\'s face, his ability is also awakened, but it is only 2nd Rank. If it is really fighting he will not be my opponent I can hold my own fighting him."

Yan Mo pointed out the difficulty, "road, danger, time, and the defense here.... If you leave, we must consider and arrange everything before you can leave."

"I know, I did not say I will go now." And when he wants to go he will definitely bring Mo, he will not leave the person alone for a long time.

“Do you think that there are other human tribes in the forest?” Yan Mo said whimsically: “Since there are dwarves, there may be other wild humans.” Although the dwarves appeared, they are too short for intermarriage?

Yuan Zhan put the bloody barbecue on his hand and grilled it on the fire. "Get the tribe strong first, conquer the dwarf, and learn about the forest."

Yan Mo nodded. "If you can\'t bring people back to Yuan Ji Tribe, you can consider using salt to exchange for some slaves."

"Really, we need slaves. Unfortunately, no human tribes have been found nearby." Yuan Zhan looked disappointed with him now. His ability to single handed fight a primitive tribe is definitely not a problem. If there are human tribes nearby, they will have enough slaves to supplement the tribe\'s labor.

Yan Mo looked up. "We need people, not slaves."

"Hmm?" Yuan Zhan didn\'t understand the meaning of this sentence.

"I mean, even if we change the slaves back, it is not for them to continue to be slaves. The Jiu Yuan tribe does not allow slavery."

"What?" Yuan Zhan was surprised. "You can count those women as treasures, not as slaves? How will the tribe develop?"

"Can\'t we develop without a slave? We need people. The slaves have poor subjective initiative in labor because of their status. If we can let them use labor to exchange... "

Yan Mo Buddhist mind suddenly stopped, he looked at the man, he did not speak for a moment, and after a long time he said," you really did not mind me telling you some of the rules of the system?you never said anything and you even put on a piece of stone carved with the content of the matter is one thing, isn\'t it?"

"I think it\'s a little good." Yuan Zhan looked at the other side and guessed his thoughts, and did not hide it. "For example, can you clarify what kind of behavior leads t a crime, and how the crime will inevitably be punished etc. Then reward is also OK."

"What about the elders and the ruling system? What about the monogamy system? The privatization system? The maintenance and support system?"

Yuan Zhan laughed. "I only know two things. First, you must be strong. Second, you must let everyone eat. But no matter what you do, even if any system is good for them, there is none who will take you seriously is they\'re hungry!"

"The system is necessary, and it is better to set the rules of the game from the beginning. I told you when I explained it to you last time. These systems not only allow us to manage the tribes, but also help us attract more other people. Have you ever thought about other tribes, such as Yuan Ji Tribe, who regard women as weak, women in the tribe are very low, not to mention slaves. If there is a tribe member, she is not only strong or rich, but also she also gives everyone a more equal environment. Women don\'t have to be used as fertility tools and be treated as exchange property here. The slaves are the same. Old people and children don\'t have to worry about being eaten and abandoned. Everyone is free. So won\'t those people like in the Yuan Ji Tribe be attracted to us and want to come to us?”

“I admit that what you said makes sense, but you also said that the premise is that our tribe has to be strong enough and rich, before we do that nothing make much sense.”

“Make it meaningful! It’s too late to wait until we are strong, and we need to put these rules from the beginning. Make them deeply entrenched in the souls of the tribal people, let them know what is good, what is bad, they will be the best transmitter, they...Yuan Zhan!"

Yuan Zhan burying his head, waving his hand, vague unclear: "Priest Da Ren, you said, I am listening."

"Short!" Yan Mo also knows that it is difficult for Yuan Zhan to understand his ideas in a short time. He shut up and said nothing.

Yuan Zhan heard the sound disappeared, and looked up at him strangely. He finally vented his mouth and said: "Mo, no matter what you want to do, what system is in place, I will support you, even if I don\'t understand what it mean. "

"Ha! You are not afraid that I will break the tribe?"

"I\'m not afraid, I trust you."

"I am so touched." Yan Mo sneered.

Yuan Zhan lost his bones and sat up next to Yan Mo. He noticed the distance from his fist and stared at his eyes. "What I said it is true. You are the Priest who got the inheritance of the ancestors, your place... "

Yuan Zhan, pointed to his brain," you think are not the same with others, I can not say if what you think is good, but remember if you do wrong you will be punished ancestral gods, so if you put a tribe rules and break them, wouldn\'t the ancestors punish you more?"

Yan Mo was going to applaud Yuan Zhan\'s inference. But this guy just because he saw him doing something wrong and he was punished by the ancestors, so he believe in him?...good bastard!

Yuan Zhan saw Yan Mo yelling at him, although he didn\'t understand why. "You said that people\'s duties need to be divided. Then my duty is to kill and deter and enforce the rules I grab hunts and pull the meat out, and its meat is made delicious by you, then we share it.. "

Yan Mo took a deep breath," Tribe of men and women must bwposition in places on the grounds....I will tell you more later. "

Yuan Zhan nodded,"Okay. "

"The tribe can not have slaves, and slaves in exchange obtained by other methods Or war prisoners, I will use other methods to let them work but not as slaves."


"Any system will have the possibility of corruption, because human beings have desires, you and I must lead by example. But you don\'t have to worry that you can\'t wait. The work is not high or low, this is also the point that I want for the tribe people to keep in mind. The person who is working is not a slave."


"The child is the last to be sacrifice, even after you and me."

Yuan Zhan frowned "You are the most important."

"No, the child is the most important!" Yan Mo insisted on this.

"Well, those little brats are just as important as you." Yuan Zhan was very reckless, but what he thinks is another matter.

The two rulers temporarily reached a consensus on the direction and management of the tribe.

With two natural barriers, the Jiu Yuan tribe, which has no external enemies for the time being, naturally began to develop its internal construction. Yan Mo has lived in a narrow, dark, and strange tent. He wants to live in a real house!

Spring is here, the soil is frozen, and everyone can help now.

It is a must to build a house, and everyone has long been looking forward to it.

Everyone, led by Wu Cheng, said that they had to build a house for Priest and The First Chief, which was rejected by Yan Mo.

Everyone has no experience in building a house. He does not want to make his first house a test piece.

But in the eyes of the tribes, Priest Da Ren was so unselfish, the first good built house was given to The Old Tribe Priest.

Wu Cheng was also not very eager to accept such kindness. In the end, everyone discussed the first floor of the meeting.

It is certainly more difficult to build a house that can accommodate 100 people than to build a small house. Yuan Zhan accepted the challenge.

But he did not take all the responsibility for housing construction. After all, he was the only one who could control the earth and stone. Unless he was willing to do tribal construction in the future, he must pass on the knowledge of the building to others.

Yuan Zhan\'s architectural knowledge is also completely tested and pondered by him. His building is only a little more than he can do. Priest Da Ren is only responsible for providing pictures of the exterior of the house, and various functional requirements for the interior of the house. In fact, how to cover it, Priest Da Ren said a bunch of points, the rest is all based on his own practice.

"Booming!" Spring thunder bursts, heavy rain poured down.

Luo Meng took the slate and looked up at the sky. He handed the rainwater: "The snow is going to be."

Yan Mo hurriedly put a simple coat on his body. Fortunately, when he went out, he looked at the sky and made some preparations.

The two guards also quickly put on their robes.

In fact, thanks to Priest Da Ren, after the spring, many children fell asleep after the rain. After being poisoned by Da Ren mind.... Da Ren let his students learn how to make robes.

The well-dressed clothes can not only help them avoid the rain, but also let them keep warm, the materials are simple, and the production method is not difficult. Now the people in the tribe are almost wearing one fashion.

Luo Meng saw Yan Mo become a grass man, eating and laughing, he also likes rain, the rain will bring the fragrance of the soil, and the raindrops feel very comfortable on the body.

"It will rain heavily." Luo Meng judged by experience: "Every year when it comes to end of snow, there will be a big rain, and it will last for many days until the snow melts. It is best not to go out during this time. When the lake comes, the lake will rise and the lake will flood into the woods.”

“Heavy rain, snow...” What flashed in Yan Mo’s brain, he suddenly shot his thigh, “Bad!”

Luo Meng and two guards looked at him together.

Yan Mo didn\'t explain anything bad, just Luo Meng: "Please help me to hand the stone to Nuo Ma, so that she doesn\'t have to worry, sometimes the knowledge that the gods passed on to me, because too much, I will not remember everything very clear. The textile machine on the slate is only painted by my vague memory. At most, I can only give Nuo Ma some inspiration. Let her make it according to the content of the painting."

"Okay, don\'t worry, I will talk to her clearly."

"I will go back first, there are still things in the tribe." Yan Mo asked the two guards to lift him. Meng made him a lighter chair so that two people could carry him away.

Luo Meng waved. "When your legs are healed you are welcome to play on the island. Oh, and, let\'s say, Leader, if you hired our Mer-people warrior to help guard the Jiu Yuan tribe, but how much salt will you pay?, I have to talk about it again."

The Mer-people! Are not at all simple! Yan Mo laugh, "Yes, I will go back and discuss with our Leader. The Mer-people how many soldiers you can send up to?"

"One hundred."

Stingy! However, Yan Mo also knows that Hai Sen is willing to send a hundred Mer-people warriors to help them. They are already very friendly, although they need to exchange salt and meat. But how many people are there in the Long-tail Clan? According to the last time Hai Sen can easily send out 800 soldiers, if they are not all soldiers, the total population should be at least not less than 5,000.

As the rain grew bigger, Yan Mo also refused to think again. He waved and said goodbye to Luo Meng, let the guards take him back to the tribe, and he forgot to explain a very important thing!

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