Banished to Another World

Chapter 132: The Fruit of Witchcraft

Chapter 132: The Fruit of Witchcraft

Yan Mo vowed that he had never heard the mistake. It was indeed the voice of his son, just like the voice of Maple Clan Old Sa Má echoing in his mind.

Calm down, you are not crazy, you are now normal.

Yan Mo touched his pulse, then looked at his hands through the soft light, and then touches his face and neck after a while.

He should have not been affected by poisoning, and not everything he saw and heard should be his fantasy.

Yan Mo used a scalpel to gently cut his arm. The pain was obvious. The color of the blood and the taste of the blood were normal. Then, the speed of the knife-edge wound closing and the healing ability was the same.

“What are you doing?” Old Sa Má was curious about Yan Mo’s actions

“Nothing." Yan Mo thought about it. If Old Sa Má wasn\'t what he fantasized and didn\'t appear to be malicious to him, maybe he could ask the other person about it.

“Does the Fruit of Witchcraft create hallucinations? For example, seeing something that doesn’t exist, hear the sound that doesn’t exist?” Yan Mo took The Fruit of Witchcraft into his body, omitting Jiu Feng and other things, picking and choosing what to tell Old Sa Má.

Yan Mo puzzled with the unusual problem, but Old Sa Má only laughed out. "It seems that The Fruit of Witchcraft likes you very much. You are very lucky. I heard all the legends about The Fruit of Witchcraft and everyone who got it ended up in misery. The witch always has to pay a great price to establish a communication between him and the Fruit of Witchcraft but then again The Fruit of Witchcraft has never actively drilled into the human body.”

“What is The Fruit of Witchcraft?”

“Child, be patient.” Old Sa Má apparently intended that Yan Mo should not say anything without sitting on the rock.

Yan Mo gritted his teeth and, despite the fierce reaction of the fruit in his abdomen, he climbed over the rock.

As soon as he got to the rock, the fruit that had turned upside down in his stomach became extremely quiet.

Yan Mo had a strange feeling. He felt that the fruit hated the glowing seedlings around him and hid in his body.

On the other hand, he listened to the auditory voice again and heard Dudu laughter.

Dudu seemed very happy, “Dad, Dad" it kept calling.

Yan Mo’s mouth couldn’t help but let up a smile.

“Dad, you beat the monster, it hides, and Dad is the best!"

Yan Mo closed his eyes and opened them facing the darkness in the distance, asking: "Now you can tell me what is The Fruit of Witchcraft?"

Old Sa Má watched him sit on the stone platform, and his tone seemed to be a little easier. He said: "In addition to the very few intelligent creatures in this world, I am afraid that no one knows more about The Fruit of Witchcraft than I. The Fruit of Witchcraft really deserves to be called The Fruit of Witchcraft, even if you and I are so far apart, it still brought you to me.”

“Is it good for me, or is it more harmful?”

Old Sa Má sounded melodious, “That depends on you. And how you\'re going to use it."

“Dad, I want to touch it, I like that."

Yan Mo reached out and stroked the seedling, and the seedling trembled twice, letting Yan Mo touch it.

“You said you heard The Fruit of Witchcraft is talking to you? What did it say to you?"

Yan Mo looked up. "No, it didn\'t talk to me, I heard...the voice of the dead, and still I saw some strange scenes."

“No, no, that\'s The Fruit of Witchcraft, but you heard the voice of the deceased? This is very interesting, I am hearing this for the first time." Old Sa Má said this, I don\'t know if I fell into the memory, and I lost my voice.

Yan Mo couldn\'t wait to take advantage of Old Sa Má\'s neck to let it know what he knew, but he didn\'t even know where the real body was.

Old Sa Má finally remembered that someone was waiting for its reply. "Oh, let me tell you about the origins of The Fruit of Witchcraft."

I have been waiting for it! Yan Mo felt annoyed.

“The Fruit of Witchcraft is not really a plant, it is also one of the wisdom creatures with the blood of God, but half of its life is naturally long, and the conditions for its growth are extremely harsh, although it is not a true species of Undead Trees. It is also a longevity family. Its growth habits in the early stage are very similar to those of The Undead Tree, but it is even rarer than The Undead Tree. There will only be one in each world, and it will take a long time to appear if it’s gone. You humans like to call it The Fruit of Witchcraft, but our longevity family is used to call it The Son of Life, which is because it’s regarded as the gift from the god of life.”

The Son of Life? It doesn\'t sound like a bad name. However, the next words from Old Sa Má broke the good hopes inside Yan Mo.

“God will give mercy, but it will also throw down punishment. Although The Fruit of Witchcraft belongs to the longevity family, it appears every time and exists for a short time."


“Because of the human beings who raise it. They never give what it needs to really grow up, and they use the wrong way of raising it, which tends to make The Fruit of Witchcraft evil. When humans can no longer afford its greed, they will pay a great price trying to kill it.”

“So you know the right way how to raise it?”

Old Sa Má smiled. “No, I don’t know. Very few people know how to really cultivate The Fruit of Witchcraft, let it become the legendary The Son of Life, maybe The Sa Má before me knew, but it didn\'t tell me. All I know is the way humans raise it.”

“But you said it was wrong how they raise it.”


“You don’t know the correct way to raise, how can you be sure? That the human method is wrong?"

“Because the legendary method can nurture The Son of Life and make The Fruit of Witchcraft a truly smart creature, but all of The Fruit of Witchcraft from birth to death just remains a fruit.”

Yan Mo\'s heart beats faster "Do you mean that The Fruit of Witchcraft can become a person?"

“Not necessarily a person. It is said that a long time ago, the Human-face Bird Kun Peng tribe raised a real Son of Life, that Son of Life also took the appearance of a Human-face Bird."

Human-face Bird Kun Peng! Yan Mo almost jumped up, there is no one around him! He quickly asked: "So is this to say that the Human-face Bird Kun Peng people know the correct way to raise The Fruit of Witchcraft?"

“It should be. However, no humans can reach the territory of the Human-face Bird Kun Peng family. They also don\'t welcome humans and other intelligent creatures to go there.”

Jiu Feng has always said that he would take him home to see his family. Yan Mo forcibly covered the corner of his mouth and did not say it.

“I can tell you how human raises it was wrong. If you want to raise the real Son of Life, then don\'t follow that method."

Yan Mo sat upright and looked serious. "Please say."

Old Sa Má voice became very serious, but he just said the first word, and suddenly he made a long sigh: "Who?"

“Old Sa Má?"

“I feel a huge amount of energy coming from my feet. I have to go see it!"

“Old Sa Má?”

Old Sa Má was gone.

Yan Mo was speechless, did you have to go and say hello?

“Dad, let’s play with Miao Miao."

Good! Yan Mo, who instantly entered the stupid dad mode, once again extended the magic hand to the little tree seedling that was shining next to him. Poorly, little tree Miao’s body trembled but it could not pull out the roots and escape.

Hey, Old Sa Má, you left me here with this mam, this man is terrible, I have to grow up quickly, and later when I see this man I\'m going to hide away in the deep soil where it won\'t find me....ever.

“Oh." The Bee guards also found it, and Red Wings and Flying Thorn fell on Yan Mo\'s shoulders.

Old Sa Má came back when Yan Mo indulged himself in the "illusion" of playing with his son.

“Hey!" The pool thrown out a big chunk.

The splash of water splashed out and some of it splashed on Yan Mo\'s face. Yan Mo wiped his face and his eyes slammed into the pool.

There, Yuan Zhan laid face down in the pool.

Yan Mo’s mouth felt, he didn’t drown, right?

Yuan Zhan\'s arm moved.

The sound made by Old Sa Má also sounded at the same time: "Is this human being your family?"


“This land has not seen a 5th Rank warrior for a long time. Your family man is very good, without any aids he forced his own power to break through to 5th Rank, and... He absorbed my longevity species of Maple Clan, and he is likely to have dual abilities in the future." Old Sa Má\'s voice was like someone helpless, but not very angry, for the longevity tribe, the seeds that have not yet produced the mind cannot considered being descendants.

“Double ability?" This animal bastard has good luck! He knew that this person would not sit still. When he first saw Maple Clan not taking him, he thought they were holding him to threaten him. It turned out that this guy had already broke jail himself.

“There are few dual-powered warriors, but they are not rare.”

1]..... Hahaha like Captain Yamato..... Water style +Earth style

Yan Mo’s focus is not about that bastard. If Yuan Zhan can have dual abilities after absorbing the seeds of Maple Clan, then he can if he also absorbs the seeds of Maple Clan?

Yuan Zhan struggled in the water, and Yan Mo looked at him but he didn\'t even mean to jump down to help him.

How can the 5th Rank ability warrior drown in such a small pool?

Yuan Zhan did not drown, but he was also uncomfortable. He vaguely felt that he should had a breakthrough, but his body energy was exhausted, and his body was as painful and sour as being crushed and re-stitched together

Simply put, he is now unable to stand up at all, and even he is struggling to look up.

Uh... Hey, did he hear the voice of his family Priest Da Ren? Yuan Zhan looked up and spit out, trying to find silence.

Yan Mo pressed his heart, and Old Sa Má not only got back to Yuan Zhan, but it also seemed to pass through Little Sa Má.

“You scared my Little Sa Má, bad boy." Old Sa Má\'s voice was filled with laughter.

“Sorry, if you didn\'t bring my people to breed your offspring, I wouldn\'t come in. I like you, Old Sa Má. Before I met you, I just intended to retaliate against Maple Clan, but after meeting you, I think... maybe we can talk to each other more, what things do you like, and I can find a way to get some of them later." This sentence, Yan Mo said was sincere.

“Oh, in the past, the human tribes sent us a large number of strong slaves in exchange for winter food. At that time, many intelligent creature tribes lived on the same land, but also had traded with each other, but after many wars everyone completely separated." Old Sa Má seems to sink into the memory again.

Yan Mo understands that old people like to recall the past. But can you tell me what I want to know first?

“As long as we have land, sunshine, and water, there is nothing else that we want. If you really want to do something for me, then cultivate The Fruit of Witchcraft and turn it into a real The Son of Life, by then all the longevity family will be your friend.”

A/N... Let me explain something here because I have already finished and re read the story like 10 the The Longevity Family and the Maple Tree Clan or The Maple Clan are the same thing and not.... Longevity family included all creatures whose life span in longer like really long..... By my own calculation, he must be at least 1000+ years.... The Priest of the Mer-people is also a Longevity creature.... The Kun Pengs Human-face Birds are also longevity creatures..... So when the Old Same MA says the longevity family he means all of these...because The FOWC is the creature which is longevity\'s kinda like brothers from another mother….>>

Yan Mo knows a word: The future is beautiful but the reality is cruel. So he heard that the beautiful future depicted by Old Sa Má he was still very calm. "I will work hard, not because I promised you, but... How do I cultivate The Fruit of Witchcraft?"

Yuan Zhan finally got up from the water, he turned in the shackles, he saw his Priest Da Ren, subconsciously, he wanted to go to Yan Mo\'s direction, but just as he stood up and he fell back into the water.

Yan Mo did not pay attention when he saw it.

Old Sa Má did not help the 5th Rank warrior any more. It changed from harmony and warned Yan Mo in a very harsh tone: "Don\'t use the blood and life to water The Fruit of Witchcraft, even if it promises to bring you everything you want in your dreams. The Fruit of Witchcraft is called The Fruit of Witchcraft by humans and the Blood of God because it can bring great benefits and good luck to the nourishers.”

Yan Mo’s heart trembled.

“The Fruit of Witchcraft knows no innocence at first, only has the most greedy, primitive desire. It likes to swallow all the vital things around. Blood is one of its favorite foods. Those human tribes were helping with The Fruit of Witchcraft. They will often give it what it wants, and the former tribe will use a large number of slaves and animals to sacrifice the fruit of Witchcraft and raise it in the blood pool. The Fruit of Witchcraft will become evil and greedy. In addition, humans will continue to meet its demands because of the benefits. In the end, those tribes will eventually be swallowed up by The Fruit of Witchcraft because of the greed of The Fruit of Witchcraft, and The Fruit of Witchcraft will starve to death because of the loss of the nourisher. Or it can be killed by unbearable humans."

"The fruit of Witchcraft in my body is already growing, or is it early to say that?"

"It just broke ground, naturally it is not yet in the early days of the mind, it will only be with you and it will shout hungry, to convey to you what it wants. This time it is not intelligent being it’s barely a seed. "

"Only thing it understands is that it’s hungry?"


“No, it never yelled at me, it...the deceased was talking to me all the time."

“Oh, it’s weird." Old Sa Má couldn’t seem to figure it out, The Fruit of Witchcraft has obvious ingenuity to communicate with the nourishers, usually in the middle of growth. And I have not heard that it will talk to the nourishers with the voice of the deceased, your Fruit of Witchcraft really appeared but it’s not the same as before, thus is the first time to hear that The Fruit of Witchcraft will actively drill into the body of caregiver.”

Yuan Zhan climbed up again, this time he could crawl trembling to Yan Mo, but when he walked to the stone platform, he got up and fell directly on the table.

Yuan Zhan\'s hand touched Yan Mo\'s foot. This feel, this taste, yes, it is Mo! Yuan Zhan could finally rest assured that he finally found his Priest Da Ren.

Yan Mo let him grab his own ankle and he decided to reveal a little more detail to Old Sa Má. "It, the deceased has been telling me that there are monsters chasing him, wanting to harm him, do you think it will..."

Yan Mo\'s voice was a little trembling. He held back and calmed down his emotions. He continued: "Do you think it is possible to have two lives in this Fruit of Witchcraft, or two... souls, one of which is know that only the original soul of The Fruit of Witchcraft that satisfies its appetite, and one that is hidden by God without dissipating the soul?”

Yan Mo said that the more he guessed his guess felt probably correct, “He is telling me or more like asking for help, saying that he is very scared, saying that the monster is looking for him, then will the original soul of The Fruit of Witchcraft that wants to devour him? And this sapling, the deceased voice likes it very much, since I sat here, the deceased voice felt safe, saying that the monster has hid away, and you said that the sapling can suppress The Fruit of Witchcraft, then..."

“Child, is the deceased important to you?" Old Sa Má\'s voice is very gentle.

Yan Mo\'s eyes blurred and he wiped his face, only to find that he had already burst into tears.

“Yes, he is my dead child. God said that he will return the child to me, but I need to do a lot of good things." If it was the former Yan Mo, people who would say this kind of thing. He would thought them to be stupid, but now he almost regarded this as a lifeline.

“You said that the child liked this tree very much?"


“Do you know what tree is this?"

Yan Mo wants to say no, but in the heart, the right hand has once again touched the sapling.

“You said that God promised to return your child to you?” Old Sa Má asked suddenly.

Yan Mo nodded.

“Then everything is possible." Old Sa Má, as Yan Mo expected, did not name the sapling.

Yan Mo has a guide, even if The Guide proposes, the introduction of this sapling will add him 50 points SCUM VALUE, and he is also willing. He has an intuition that this tree must be very important for Dudu! Maybe most important!

This guide gave him very small punishment by adding 50 points to SCUM VALUE, only five words were given.

Yan Mo trembled when he saw the five words!

“Mo?” Yuan Zhan called Yan Mo\'s name.

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A/N.... till then

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