Banished to Another World

Chapter 567: The Insect King egg

Chapter 567: The Insect King egg

Whoever lives without the thought of suicide?

Suicide is also an infectious disease, which is completely controlled by the overall mood and emotions.

On the battlefield, a large number of warriors are in a desperate mood, and a large number of them were committing suicide like some sects that are emotional contagion of suicide. They had forgotten the horror of death, and had been replaced by another emotion.

All suicides do not die because of despair, but of the unknown expectations after death!

When you are so disappointed about reality that you can\'t find any way out, death will become the only unknown for tomorrow.


Miao Xiang has improved his ability to the extreme! His seven orifices bled and his head hurt to the point of explosion!

It\'s a little bit, a little bit! They are under his complete control.

As long as one person kills himself first

Miao Xiang\'s henchmen were the first to break down. They were wailing and despairing, raising their weapons that were not handed over.

“Poof Chi!" a warrior stabbed a bone knife into his heart and slowly closed his eyes with relief and expectation for the world after death.

It\'s like a start signal.

One in three people moved to commit suicide.

But the three naked Bugs people’s witches felt shame at this time. They suddenly couldn\'t bear the disappearance of all their hair, and they were naked. Obviously, they didn\'t care about being naked before, but they had to wear clothes just because it was convenient to hide the insects attached to them. But at this time, the original shame of carrying insect was magnified to the point of unbearable!

The enemy who brought them shame was so powerful that they could do nothing to hurt him. Despair overwhelmed them.

Yan Mo was getting angry in two kinds of emotional struggles. He should have killed Miao Xiang just before everyone came in. Instead of trying to see him become the butt of the joke, he gave him a chance to fight back!

Si Tan\'s face was expressionless, and we could not see whether it was affected or not.

Yuan Zhan frowned as if he was resisting something.

Yan Xiaole and D.U.O.B.I. Naomi all flew to Yan Mo. One was holding his hand, the other was holding his arm with the antennae, and the two small ones were all sobbing.

A tentacle of D.U.O.B.I. Naomi turned into a blade. "Daddy Yan Mo, I don\'t hate you. You gave me a new life, but I don\'t have the confidence to live anymore. What\'s the meaning of living? I have only one body like this. I don\'t have any partner. How can I mate and have children in the future? Living things who can\'t continue their offspring. Is there any meaning of existence? Dad, let me kill you. I\'ll kill myself again. Let\'s die together. "

Yan Xiaole: "Oh, we die together, take me with you, don\'t leave me alone, father."

The young sapling in Yan Mo Soul Sea suddenly threw a big laugh at his hips, which made him laugh wildly. He waved the branches and shouted, "Die, die, all of you. You can die several times if you want me to help you!"

Yan Mo: “.... Poof! Poof!” He was woken up by the children\'s childish words. So little Naomi still wanted to have offspring? It\'s really a problem. Does it know if this mechanical is useful to him and his future partner?

While trying to keep his head clear, Yan Mo opened his mouth and uses his will to isolate Miao Xiang\'s emotional infection.


No one saw when Yuan Zhan appeared beside Miao Xiang. By the time everyone noticed, his neck had been broken.

Yan Mo also said the willing power at this time: “May all the creatures in this room not be affected by the despair and return to normal!"

The sound fell, and all the people in the room felt as if they were being watered by ice water. They were all awake for a while.

At this time, some people have inserted weapons into the key points, some people have put poison into their mouths, and the Bugs people’s witch was about to explode the female insect in the body

All the movements stop abruptly!

Half a second later, as time flowed again, all the people who were about to commit suicide were crazy. The one who inserted the knife quickly pulled out the knife and stopped bleeding. The one who took the poison quickly spit out the poison and then blocked with the antidote. The one who wanted to detonate the mother insect was crying to appease the mother insect bug.

Others seem to be stupid and don\'t know what to do.

The room was in a mess for a while.

Yuan Zhan suppressed all the strange thoughts, and he was also affected by the emotions. However, he didn\'t want to commit suicide, but wanted to take Yan Mo to die together. But he was unwilling to do it. When he thought that he had only slept with his priest Da-Ren\'s house for several years, and now it\'s not worthwhile to die, his body naturally moved - killing Miao Xiang. He was just acting instinctively, and no one could hinder him and his priest Da-Ren sleeping together, even death can\'t!

"Si Tan?"

Si Tan raised his eyes, went to the body of Miao Xiang, and his fingers slid down her abdomen and heart to her head. Then his hands were like claws. He quickly grasped them, and then he quickly said, "Hold him!"

“Princess!" the person who woke up from suicide finally realizes what happened.

Their princess is dead!

“No! Your highness!”

“Ah ah! Your Majesty the Insect King!”

"You killed your royal highness! I\'ll fight with you!” A warrior frantically went to attack Yuan Zhan.

Yuan Zhan kicked out and cussed in a cold voice: "Stupid! A good turn deserves a bad turn. "

Miao Xiang\'s confidants are not really stupid. They are just so sad that their princess was going to take them to die together! That\'s what hit them the most.

To want to be buried, and to be forced to be buried, that\'s different, OK!

The trodden fighter got up and didn\'t rush to Yuan Zhan for revenge. Instead, he couldn\'t help beating the ground with his fist and breaking his hand bones.

The Bugs people’s witch scrambled to the body of Miao Xiang. Their most important Insect King, is it going to die like this? My God? Where is he! Gods! How can you be so cruel!

"Daddy Yan Mo?" he had only called this name in his heart, but just now it has been called out, and D.U.O.B.I. Naomi has no shame to call out.

Yan Xiaole also said: “Father?" he was a little shy. How could he want to die suddenly just now? He also led his father to die together. It was clear that he was so looking forward to life, and the first day of his birth was full of happiness. He didn\'t want to die at all.

It\'s the same with D.U.O.B.I. Naomi. He paid so much pain and price to exchange for this real life body and soul. How can he die so easily? Even if everyone wanted to die, he doesn\'t want to die!

"This female\'s ability is terrible!" D.U.O.B.I. Naomi was afraid.

This planet is really different. No wonder that the star patrolman from the top civilization would violate the agreement and secretly intervene to keep the primitive planet that did not develop civilization and let her continue to develop.

After all, according to the Treaty of interstellar law, the first discoverer has 10% of the right to exploit the primitive planet that has not been establish a civilization. The primitive star will also belong to the interstellar force that discovered it.

But the Pan’a Alien Clan takes all everything. Of course, they are not satisfied with only having 10% of the right to exploit the newly discovered original stars. Generally, after discovering the uncivilized and valuable original stars, they always hide it from the Empire to squeeze their utilization value to the extreme, and then let others report it later after they have drained everything worth.

Even if some newly discovered planets already have civilization, if their civilization does not surpass the Empire and cannot contact the Star Alliance, then their original owner, the Pan’a Alien Clan, will hide the planet from the Empire and the Star Alliance and plunder their resources.

Sometimes, in order to avoid divulging secrets, the planet are destroyed directly after plundering...

Although the original planet called Pangu star by Yan Mo\'s ancestors had some powerful life nurtured by the energy source of the planet at the beginning, on the whole, this planet is no different from the ones rich in capabilities, and the air composition is not suitable for the life of the Empire creatures. Even if it is reported, it will only be classified as a resource star rather than a civilized and communicative star.

For this reason, if it wasn\'t for the interstellar patrol who happened to pass here - a patrol just came to see his lover and wanted to hide it out from everyone, he would meet him. But D.U.O.B.I. Naomi didn\'t know this, and found that his original Master was in a major war, the Twelve Ancient Gods of the planet defeated him with the help of the patrol man, if it wasn’t for that the this planet might have been occupied or even destroyed by his original Master\'s family a long time ago.

But even if the interstellar patrol found out what his original Master family had done, because Pangu planet had not developed a specific civilization at that time, he could not help them explicitly.

D.U.O.B.I. Naomi couldn\'t help but think that the battle between the original master and the ancient parts where he was defeated, and the spaceship landed on this planet, and he had to contact the local savages for energy, and even teach them some knowledge. Does this mean he helped Pangu develop its own civilization?

Did the original patrolman think of this possibility, so he left the shipwreck and the intelligent one here without taking it away or completely destroying it?

D.U.O.B.I. Naomi thought a lot, but the real time it was only a few seconds.

Yan Mo looked at the two children first. After seeing that they were okay. So he went to help others.

Seeing Yan Mo come to help them treat their injuries and detoxify them, Miao Xiang\'s confidants were a little silly.

Isn\'t it said that the Jiu Yuan\'s Mo Da-Ren, like other witch, is cruel and cold in nature, and can also curse people in the shadows?

But this young man looked so gentle. Although his language is a little sharp, his action forthem are really light and gentle!

Is it just emotional influence? Yan Mo, who has suffered a small loss, groaned in his heart. With his soul power and a little hypnotism, it\'s not difficult to influence the emotions of creatures.

Now he doesn\'t even want to use hypnotism. He will let everyone who is close to him want to be close to him.

Because of the guide and the instinct of doctors, Yan Mo tried to rescue those who had committed suicide.

At last, he rescued two warriors, one of whom was the first warrior to insert a bone knife into the heart. He was a 9th rank peak warrior with strong vitality. Even if he was fatally injured, he would not die immediately.

When Miao Xiang died, Yan Mo used lucid willpower again. Once the warrior\'s consciousness was restored, he didn\'t want to die. He had been struggling in the border of life and death by sheer willpower.

But his injury is too serious and fatal. If it wasn\'t for Yan Mo, he wouldn\'t have come back.

Neither the rescued warrior nor another wrist cutter knew what to say to Yan Mo.

Yan Mo also said, "You\'ve been dead once. Now your lives are mine. Understand?"

Friends of rescued Miao Xiang: The loyal Princess wanted us to die. The chief of the enemy killed the princess and didn\'t let us die together with her. The priest of the enemy also saved the dying ones. How can we ask for revenge? Shall we kill these two and kill ourselves again? But they can\'t kill the other person even if they want to, so do they still want to die by themselves?

Yan Mo didn\'t care how they were involved, so he got up and went to Yuan Zhan and Si Tan.

Three of the Bugs people’s witch are still quarreling with Yuan Zhan, holding the body of Miao Xiang and crying to death. It was as if they were not the loyalty partners of Miao Xiang.

Miao Xiang\'s mystic soul didn\'t want to rob the corpse, but it was more or less injured, and they couldn\'t rob the three Bugs people’s witches who were already half mad and sad. He could only watch his family holding their princess\'s corpse.


Yan Mo\'s main concern is the same as Yuan Zhan\'s. He uses his soul power to search for any wrong places nearby and asked, "Did you catch that guy?"

Si Tan nodded.

Yan Mo is not sure, "That guy wouldn’t have split again?"

Si Tan smiled. "Don\'t worry, I just came in and I had the magic barrier. No matter how many parts he divided himself, he couldn\'t escape."

Yan Mo turned to Miao Xiang\'s corpse. “Even so, her corpse can\'t be ignored at all. Last time, Qiu Shi was burned to ashes in front of us, but that soul could still run out to make trouble. I suspect that some people in the tribe thought that the ashes can stop bleeding and went to dig out the ashes of Qiu Shi for reuse. With that or someone who sympathizes with Qiu Shi and brought out his ashes for sacrifice, which gave the guy a chance to attach to the living man again."

When Yan Mo said that he would destroy the body of Miao Xiang, the Bugs People\'s Witches were even more reluctant to do so. They all said that if they were threatened they would go on an all-out war, what could they do now?

The Bugs People\'s witch was witty. He still remembers the performance of the Mo Da-Ren when he was gathering in Wucheng-City of Witches. This seems to be a kind-hearted person?

"Dong!" the Bugs people’s witch rushed to Yan Mo, crying and pleading: "Witch Mo Da-Ren! Please save our Insect King. You can help those top warriors to break through the 9th rank barrier and heal his highness Mu Hui\'s leg, which couldn\'t be cured even by Mucheng-Forest City\'s high priest. You must have a way to save our Insect King, right? Please help him! We can\'t live without him!”

Yan Mo doesn\'t like the Chong-Bugs people. In Wucheng-City of Witches, the Bugs people’s witch started to attack him. He went out and came back. Miao Xiang joined the Chong-Bugs people to attack them with poisonous insects. Now Miao Xiang is dead, and the insect king\'s egg is dying, so why is he begging him to save it?

In nature, he doesn\'t want to save the king\'s egg at all. If he saves it, he can hatch it again, and increase the force value for his enemies. He will do so only when he is stupid!

But! The Guide in the body, if he can\'t save, especially the unborn King egg who hasn\'t any ill will to cause and effect, he has no reason not to save him.

Yan Mo didn\'t say yes or no, he stuck his hand to the abdomen of Miao Xiang and felt the king\'s egg. He just glanced at it, but it was the angriest.

Miao Xiang\'s egg was dying in despair because of the loss of activity of the energy supply chain. At this time, he suddenly felt a pure life energy, and immediately went mad and tries to stick himself to the palm of Yan Mo\'s hand.

"Help me help me... I don\'t want to die...” The delicate childish voice came into Yan Mo\'s mind.

Yan Mo picked frowned, and the egg even had its own consciousness, which he could not help.

Yan Mo let go and was about to leave.

Miao Xiang\'s belly bulged with a bag, and a dark red light egg emerged from his belly, greedily clinging to Yan Mo\'s palm, unwilling to let him go, "What...In my body... "

Yan Mo touched the egg and let it go for two seconds, straightened up, winked at Si Tan and pointed to Miao Xiang\'s stomach.

The light egg had to sink back into Miao Xiang\'s stomach. Its body was still inside.

Si Tan seems to be a little surprised. He didn\'t neglect the king\'s egg before, but he just felt the weak soul of the king. "He can escape my witchcraft search. Now I believe that he has some of the fragmented soul of Hu-Lian."

Only a tiny soul like a mosquito and a fly can avoid his witchcraft search, and a soul is so weak that even a mosquito and a fly can\'t maintain their complete consciousness at all, let alone recover. Usually such a weak soul will only dissipate under the impact of the world\'s energy.

Only Hu-Lian, whose soul is almost blessed by God, can slowly recover his complete consciousness no matter how small or weak it is split, and will not be easily destroyed.

But that\'s when he can\'t find his soul.

Si Tan reaches out to the abdomen of Miao Xiang, and all the creatures on the scene saw that Si Tan\'s hand is directly inserted into the abdomen of Miao Xiang, but there is no wound or bleeding!

"What are you going to do? You can\'t hurt my majesty the bug king!” The Bugs people’s witch tried to stop Si Tan, and Yan Mo stopped them with wooden needles.

Si Tan smiled and slowly pulled his left hand out of the abdomen of Miao Xiang.

Before you ask, Si Tan half closed his eyes, said a word in his mouth, and then he put his hands together and rubbed them hard!

Yan Mo felt that he had heard a scream of a heartbreak, but he didn\'t seem to hear anything.

Si Tan opened his eyes and hands.

Hands were empty.

"Dead? All gone?” Yuan Zhan asked.

Si Tan affirmed: “No, there is no residue left. If he can escape like this, I will wait for him to reconstitute and smash him again."

That said, the heavy feeling that Si Tan has always had dissipated a lot at this moment.

Yan Mo also uses soul power to check over and over again, and asked young sapling to help. At last, the little sapling was tired of shaking his branches and smacking at him: “No, no! There are no other superfluous soul waves! How dare you not believe my judgment?”

Yan Mo only then slightly nodded his head to Si Tan.

Si Tan\'s mouth slowly raised a smile, which made many people stare at him.

Yan Xiaole reached out with two bony hands, and “Baji" held Si Tan\'s face and said: “You’re so beautiful."

Si Tan with a face in bone hands arms: "..."


Yan Mo and Yuan Zhan are relaxed when they wipe out a difficult enemy.

But the Bugs people’s witches are crying. Their insect king is getting weaker and weaker, and they will not feel their insect king after a while.

“Witch Mo! MoDa-Ren! Please! Save our Insect King! Whatever you want us to do! I can swear with my race that we will do!”

All three of the Bugs people’s witches saw Yan Mo\'s performance as he approached the abdomen of Miao Xiang. Don\'t say that Miao Xiang has died. Even in the past, they haven\'t seen such a lively insect king reaction.

Three of the Bugs People\'s witches believed that Yan Mo could save the Insect King. Just after Yan Mo pulled out the wooden needle, they held Yan Mo\'s thigh.

“Witch Mo Da-Ren! We, the Chong-Bugs people, can withdraw from our alliance with Huocheng-Fire City as long as you save our Insect King and let it hatch completely. I beg you!”

"Witch Mo Da-Ren, you see how our king likes you. Please touch him again. Please touch him again!"

Yan Mo can\'t bear to stab the wooden needle again.

Yuan Zhan has started by kicking all three of the Chong-Bugs people’s witches out one by one. Your mother egg! My Mo\'s thigh is also something you think you can hold. Even I can\'t touch it every day!

Thinking that he was unwilling, he reached out and pulled two of them.

Yan Mo:... Little lover is so active, should I touch him back? What can I do if I don\'t have the cheek of the other side?

He likes Yuan Zhan and all his “Estrus", but he does get angry when he saw it…


The Bugs people’s witches were coming back. They have made up their mind to ask Mo Da-Ren and make sure he promise them to save the egg even if they are suffering all over the world.

Yan Mo has a headache as soon as he saw them coming. He doesn\'t like to be hugged by people other than his son and lover, especially the other side\'s tears and snivels!

"You want me to save it, don\'t you? It\'s not easy, but we, the Jiu Yuan tribe, have no time since we have to deal with the powerful enemy, the Horn-people... "

The Bugs people’s witch often interrupt him: “Let\'s help you! We are willing to join the alliance against the Horn-people! We will immediately send back the message to the clan leader and the Great Witches. They will definitely agree!”

"Then we will wait until they agree and send someone."

“No! It will be too late!” Cried the Bugs People\'s Witches." please save the Insect King first. We will remember your kindness!”

“And then you retaliate against me, kill me, and deal with my tribe?"

"Why?” The Bugs people’s witch would like to make a heartfelt gesture: “We swear that we will never disrespect you or do anything against you or your tribe! How can you not trust us?”

Yan Mo looked at the three Bugs people’s witches and suddenly sighed, “I\'m sorry..."

“Please don\'t be sorry!"

Yan Mo turned his face and shouted, “Listen to me!"

Three of the Bugs People\'s Witches immediately froze and listened.

Yan Mo\'s eyelids were puffed. “It\'s not difficult to save your king for a while, but it\'s difficult to keep him alive, and to provide him with enough energy and suitable environment for incubation. Although the fake Miao Xiang makes use of its special blood ability to make your king appear active again, it also breaks the possibility of keeping it sleeping. Now we have to continue to hatch it, or we have to wait for death. "

This point came from the guidance of The Guide. When the light egg met him, he asked The Guide and learned the detailed breeding methods and taboos of the insect king egg. The fake Miao Xiang method worked, but it\'s risky and violent. In the end, the king egg may not hatch successfully, and whether or not the king egg can hatch, the Miao Xiang who gave birth to it will surely die.

Yan Mo said this in front of the crowd and stabbed in the cutting words: “I think you, the Chong-Bugs people, should know this. If the incubation of the Insect King is so simple, you won\'t wait so many years to keep it sleeping. And you\'re right. Now I\'m afraid I\'m the only one who can save your insect king!”

The Bugs people’s witches were embarrassed to wipe their tears.

True Miao Xiang confidant suddenly looked at the Chong-Bugs people\'s eyes wrong, so you already knew that our princess\'s highness must die. Princess, you are so wronged!

The Bugs people’s witch also hated the fake Miao Xiang, pretending to ignore the eyes of the warriors of Tucheng-Earth City and shouting to Yan Mo: "What should I do? MoDa-Ren, please do something!”

"Way? There is one.” Yan Mo said slowly.

"What can I do?" the Bugs People\'s Witches were excited.

Yan Mo refuses to say that he is not interested in the other person, but really unwilling.

The Bugs People\'s Witches cried.

At this time, Si Tan "kindly" reminded them: "The only way to save and incubate your Insect King is to let our Mo Da-Ren incubate your Insect King himself."

The Bugs People\'s Witches all froze for a while, then they were ecstatic, "OK, OK!"

"What a nonsense!" Yuan Zhan was not happy. He hugged his priest and scolded them: "The partner for the chief can only cherish the seed of this chief! Want my priest to bear an egg for you? Dream!”

The Bugs People\'s Witches got up and knelt down. They were powerless. "Two Da-Rens, you can tell us what you want!"

Yuan Zhan\'s feet were itchy again, and he wanted to kick people again. "You are not qualified to talk to us. Let your clan leader and the Great Witch come here together!"

“It\'s too late!" they cried.

Yuan Zhan stares at it and said, “I\'ll take care of you!"

Yan Mo thought it was like this, but he couldn\'t help it, so he had to pat Yuan Zhan, “A-Zhan, give me the baby bag."

Yuan Zhan didn\'t like it very much, but he still took the pouch off and gave it to him.

Yan Mo reached forward, reached into the abdomen of Miao Xiang, and did not make any scars like Si Tan. After a while, he took out a solid dark red egg.

“Ah!” Your Majesty the Insect King!" the Bugs people’s witch were worried and fixed their eyes on the insect King\'s egg.

"Or? You can take it away and find another way if you want.” Yan Mo tries to throw it.

“No!" the tender voice of the child and three adult screams sounded at the same time.

The Bugs people’s witches kowtow, "Witch Mo Da-Ren, please maintain your Majesty\'s life first! We trust you!”

“But I don\'t believe you." Yan Mo put the egg into the pouch and tied it to himself, "Well, it can be kept here for a while. In this period of time, you can go to our Jiu Yuan to invite your clan leaders and witches."

Si Tan smiled. "Remember, you better be sincere."

Yuan Zhan showed his sharp canine teeth, “I\'ll make your king\'s eggs into baked eggs for my son before a major war come!"

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