The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 651: Because of Prajna

Chapter 651: Because of Prajna

Translator: Panda_Penn Editor: Chrissy


The old monk said bluntly, “Northern Desert is a small place and we can find out many things if we want to. We also have some faint ideas of the Deserted World. Since the Deserted World is sealed off by you, we will not try to force our way in. We don’t mind about the two races very much, either. After all, if we made a scene at the Northern Desert, Xing Mu will fly into rage and nobody will be immune.”

Lu Li was a bit relieved. If the scouts of the 12 Royal Families hadn’t entered the Deserted World, then they knew nothing about the Inferno which was good. Otherwise, the 12 Royal Families would try to fight for it at the risk of offending the Grand Master of Demon-slaying Hall.

“Xing Mu?”

The name didn’t ring a bell to Lu Li. The old monk explained, “The Grand Master of the Demon-slaying Hall.”

“Oh I see!”

Lu Li nodded and asked, “How do you want to talk? You can represent the Great Buddhist Temple?”

“Of course!”

The old monk nodded. He must enjoy a high status at the Great Buddhist Temple. All Earth Immortal Realm warriors were among top level officials in the 12 Royal Families. Why didn’t this old monk go to the Demon-slaying Hall?

The monk looked at the pond and said slowly, “Back then, when the Cyan Phoenix Race and Mammoth Race were under siege was not a matter of right or wrong. You must have learned something about the human race and the ancient races. Everyone wanted to occupy this piece of land. If we didn’t rise up or drive out the ancient races, then the ones being looted or bullied would be us.”

“Therefore…don’t bother too much about who was right or wrong. At least, the Great Buddhist Temple didn’t kill any civilian of the two races, none! The two races should know about that.”

It was unlikely that the old monk would lie given his age and status. Lu Li nodded, signaling for the monk to go on.

The old monk turned around. His milky eyes gained clarity. Looking at Lu Li, he said, “I want to defuse the hatred between the two races and the Great Buddhist Temple because I don’t want the Great Buddhist Temple to be your enemy!”

“Why is that?”

Lu Li frowned. The old monk thought too highly of him. He had only a year and a half now. How could the old monk be sure that Lu Li could face the attacks from the four forces when 10 years’ time was up?

If he could not survive, then every force he and Lu Ling had would be exterminated. How could the old monk say for sure that Lu Li would rise up in eight years and a half and could compete with the Great Buddhist Temple in the future?

“Because of Prajna.”

The old monk smiled gently. He gazed into the cabin in the distance and said, “Prajna is of miracle birth. Apart from me, she is never close to anyone from young. How come she can be so intimate with you? I believe in Prajna so I trust that you will have a promising future.”


Lu Li put on a warm smile as well. This little girl was really of miracle birth but he was not sure which kind.

The old monk had made clear of his intentions. Taking Prajna into account as well, Lu Li would hate to burn the bridges. To have one more ally would benefit him.

What was more, the Great Buddhist Temple didn’t kill civilians of the two races. To kill warriors of opposing sides during a war was nothing unusual. Lu Li doubts that Ye Cha or God of Meng would object.

While Lu Li was still thinking, the old monk said, “Can you decide on behalf of the two races? If so, you can name your conditions as long as we can reach reconciliation.”

Lu Li could not be the one to put forward terms. He would be fine with Great Buddhist Temple not naming any terms either. He believed that it was already good to have one less enemy and one more ally.

Therefore, almost without any hesitation, Lu Li answered with a smile, “I think the two races will listen to me. As for…terms, what do you think, master?”

Lu Li had handed the responsibility back to the old monk who must have some ideas ready.

The old monk replied after merely a pause, “The Great Buddhist Temple will never become your enemy and we will maintain long term trade. We will buy all the Mystical Materials you want to sell based on market price and we will sell any you need at 20% off. You can buy any Mystical Materials as long as the Great Buddhist Temple have them!”


Lu Li was touched. He had thought that the Great Buddhist Temple would offer some Mystical Materials to the Cyan Phoenix Race and the Mammoth Race as compensation and never had he expected to see such favorable terms.

Lu Li had the Inferno but there were tons of Mystical Materials he could not sell. He could only sell some secretly by relying on some minor families at the Central Plains.

If the Great Buddhist Temple was open to acquire the Mystical Materials, Lu Li and Lu Ling could pocket a vast amount of Xuan Crystals. What was more, the Great Buddhist Temple was willing to sell to Lu Li at 20% off, saving Lu Li many Xuan Crystals. On top of that, this would help Lu Li and Lu Ling’s warriors soar and develop.

Lu Li calmed down after a while. Still, he had a doubt, “Master, are you not afraid to offend the four forces by doing this?”

The Pavilion of Delicacy had been trading with Lu Li originally but they sealed off all the Inhibition Formations because of pressure from the Samsara Palace. If words got out that the Great Buddhist Temple was doing business with Lu Li, the four forces would be offended. After all, this was an open act of helping Lu Li.

“Ha, ha!”

The old monk smiled gently, his wrinkles moved along. He said nonchalantly, “I still have a few hundred years to live and as long as that is true, no one from the four forces will dare to break into Mount Buddha.”

The simple words carried weight and confidence. Lu Li looked at the old monk, finding himself trusting the latter before he knew it. Nobody of this monk’s position would make a false statement.


Lu Li stood up, bowed to the old monk and said, “Thank you, master. The hatred and past between the two races and the Great Buddhist Temple will be water under the bridge from now on. I am greatly indebted to the Great Buddhist Temple. In the future, should you have any needs, you can send a message to me.”

Lu Li knew very well that he was the reason that the old monk could offer such favorable terms. The surviving forces of the Cyan Phoenix Race and the Mammoth Race were nothing to the Great Buddhist Temple.

“Rustle, rustle, rustle~”

Prajna walked over from the distance with a cup of tea. She handed it to Lu Li and said with a sweet smile, “This is reserved by my master. People don’t have the chance to drink it.”

Lu Li could smell the fragrance from the distance. The scent assaulted his nose, refreshing. He took a sip and felt intoxicated. After a while, he nodded and said, “This is very good. Thank you, master and Prajna.”

The old monk waved his hand and said, “Prajna, go and get the Bodhi Fruit. Get a Lamp Grass and an Earth Ginseng.”

Prajna walked away. The old monk asked Lu Li, “How long has the person poisoned been frozen?”


Lu Li suddenly remembered that it was said an abbot of the Great Buddhist Temple could cure Immortal Perish and that he hadn’t received any guest in 300 years. Since then, Lu Li had given up the idea of asking the abbot for help. Was that abbot this old monk?

The old monk saw Lu Li’s doubts. He nodded and said, “I understand some art of healing and I have cured a case of Immortal’s Perish 1000 years ago.”

Lu Li was relived and filled with deep esteem. With the help of this master, Bai Qiuxue could be saved. Lu Li answered right away, “My wife is poisoned for over three years. I was the one poisoned actually and she used the Enchantment to transfer the toxins to her. We used ice and other skills to freeze her. Before I came here, she seemed to be fine…”

The old monk nodded and said, “Then it will be okay. Grind into powder the three plants that Prajna will bring to you and boil them. Feed her that and she will be cured soon. But after three years of being frozen, she will be weak. She will be in a coma for another three months or half a year, depending on her situation. But you don’t have to worry about it. If you need anything, send me a message.”

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