Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 209 – Meeting Yan Shuo again

Edited by Ilesyt

After eating the pot of bear meat, they gathered some hay and put it next to the fire to dry off the moisture. Then they put the hay on the ground and then covered it with animal skin. They could sleep propely on that.

Yan Zhi and the others were not as energetic as Shao Xuan. They had been nervous, so now they were physically and mentally exhausted. They needed a rest.

Most of the insects were smoked out of the cave, so when they slept they weren’t bitten. In a wild cave there are many little insects which are unnoticeable but caused a lot of trouble to people who were not awakened yet. But now they didn’t need to worry about this too much.

Before they found this cave, they had checked out several other caves. However, before Yan Zhi entered those caves, Shao Xuan said they were not suitable for them to live in. In some caves there were many insects. Some caves were full of bats, where all kinds of insects lived on the parasites and bat feces. That was why they couldn’t live there.

‘As expected of someone who had often traveled with traveling teams, he was quite experienced in living in caves.’ Yan Zhi and the others thought.

Both Yan Zhi and Yang Sui thought so.

In fact, they didn’t know that he didn’t gain the experience from the traveling teams. He had lived in a cave since childhood. Even later, when he left the cave and built a house, he often went hunting and stayed in caves.

Who could think that that once powerful central tribe now lived a more primitive life than before. They can’t even make pottery. Even if it isn’t impossible to do so and they had the technology, various factors prevented them from being able to do so. So, besides brute force and hunting skills, there weren’t many things left behind.

Shao Xuan wondered that when Yan Zhi and the others knew the reality of the Flaming Horns tribe, how they would feel.

When they left the Longboat tribe, Yan Zhi and the others also brought three pots to boil water on the way. Two of them broke, so now only one could still be used.

Shao Xuan ate some roasted meat and then went out to find more prey. The meat was enough for Yan Zhi and the others, but not for him. Without higher grade food, that little wild animal meat couldn’t satisfy Shao Xuan. Since he couldn’t find any other higher ‘quality’ food, he had no choice but to increase the ‘quantity’ of it.

That was why before Yan Zhi and the others fell asleep, Shao Xuan was eating meat. When they woke up, they still saw Shao Xuan eating meat. Next to him, there was a pile of bones.

Yan Zhi: “...”

Traveling together with Shao Xuan for such a long time, Yang Sui had become accustomed to such a situation. Both Shao Xuan and Chacha had a very big appetite. Yang Sui really wanted to know how they lived in their tribe. Was there wider farmland and more livestock in their tribe? Yang Sui had asked about it, but Shao Xuan didn’t answer him, he just told him that he often ate meat. Only when he was in the tribe he didn’t eat so much.

Yang Sui couldn’t believe that the most common food in the Flaming Horns tribe in fact was the meat of ferocious beasts, which they tried to avoid.

“Bad news.” Yang Sui told the crowd next to the fire after going out for a leak.

“What is it? Will it snow for a long time?” Shao Xuan asked.

“Yes.” Yang Sui squatted down next to the fire. While warming his hands over the fire, he said, “It has snowed for ten days, but after it stops snowing, it won’t become clear. It will be cloudy for one or two days and then it will continue to snow. As to how long it will last, it is unknown. It depends on where you go. If we go to the Rain tribe, it will snow less and less. If we go in the direction which you said, it will continue to snow.”

Shao Xuan thought about it and asked, “In the direction I said. Will the rivers there freeze?”

“Not all of them will freeze.”

“So some of them will.” Shao Xuan thought about it for a moment and said, “Then we can stay here for some time. When the ice in the rivers melt, we can set out. During the snowing days... can you guys make a boat? Not a big one. We only need one which can hold a dozen people.”

“No problem, but I need some materials.” Yan Zhi said.

“Tell me what you need, and I will try to find them.” Shao Xuan said.

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Before going to the Longboat tribe, Shao Xuan had thought about learning some skills of shipbuilding in the Longboat tribe. After all, he needed those skills in such an era, which was completely different from the old world he had known. So there was a lot of new knowledge Shao Xuan needed to acquire. However, when he reached the Longboat tribe, he found that like many other tribes it was exclusive. The people there weren’t willing to teach others their skills, so even the wanderers like Yan Zhi failed to master those skills, although their ancestors had arrived at the Longboat tribe many years ago. Only the members of the tribe mastered the skills.

However, Shao Xuan felt that when they returned to their tribes, put their heads together and combined their skills, even if they weren’t able to make a boat like the Longboat tribe ones, it shouldn’t be too bad. It was worth the try.

Then Shao Xuan cut trees and looked for materials. He built a boat with Yan Zhi and the others.

Twenty days later, it stopped snowing and the temperature rose.

It was not the end of the winter, but almost all the ice on the river had melted.

“There will be seven or eight sunny days, and then the temperature will start to drop again slowly for about ten to twenty days. It will rain, snow lightly, and then snow heavily. Finally, the temperature will drop rapidly and the rivers may freeze. You have to pay attention to it.” Yang Sui said.

“Alright, I got it. Thank you.” Shao Xuan went back to the cave, and then carried the six meter long boat which they built together these past days.

Yan Zhi and the the others had intended to help him carry, but surprisingly Shao Xuan could do it alone. Shao Xuan carrying the boat still walked faster than them.

“Are all totem warriors as strong as him?” Looking at his figure carrying the boat without difficulty, Jiao Wu murmured.

“Absolutely not!” Yang Sui said with a sense of mystery, and then looked to Yan Zhi and the others, “This may be the unique characteristic of your people from the Flaming Horns tribe.”

“Hurry up!” Yan Zhi said as he slapped Jiao Wu, who was giggling, on his head. However, he wanted to try to keep a serious face, but his mouth also could not help but curl up.

The Flaming Horns tribe seemed to be really strong.

When Yan Zhi and the others arrived at the riverbank, Shao Xuan had put the boat on the river.

As Yang Sui said, most of the ice on the river had melted. They could row a boat on it temporarily.

Afterboarding, Yan Zhi and the others consciously picked up the oars to paddle forward.

Along this river, they moved forward a little and went past a fork. Finally arriving at the river the Pu tribe’s traveling team had used.

And when they got there, Yang Sui had to leave them.

“I have to go back now to attend the ritual ceremony at the end of the winter.” Yang Sui looked at Shao Xuan and the others and said, “Thank you for allowing me to come with you here.”

“You also helped us a lot. Alright, let me have Chacha send you a little along your way.” Shao Xuan gestured in the air.

"Hey, good idea. I have to climb over the mountains to go there. With the help of Chacha, I will feel more relaxed.” Yang Sui wrapped his animal skin coat to cover his head, and only his eyes, his nose and his mouth were exposed.

Chacha came down, stretched out his claws to grab Yang Sui, and then lifted him up.

“I hope that I will hear the news of your tribe!” While going up, Yang Sui shouted loudly.

After he returned to the Rain tribe, he would become the shaman of the Rain tribe. It was unlikely Yang Sui would be able to travel around like now. But... if unfortunately he failed to pray for rain or had a bad performance in the tribe, he could still make an excuse to go to the Flaming Horns tribe to visit them.

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The more he thought about it, the better the idea he thought it was. Yang Sui had begun to ponder how to make an excuse to go out to visit them.

Shao Xuan saw Yang Sui leaving, and took out the map he made. He added a lot of places on the map. Some locations were drawn with certain details, but others without. He had drawn this map based on what others had said, and Yang Sui had also told him about the Rain tribe and its surrounding situation. On this map the location of the Rain tribe was also marked.

“Yang Sui’s tribe is quite far from here.” Yan Zhuo glanced at the map and said. The map in Shao Xuan’s hand was the most detailed one he had ever seen.

Yan Zhi and the others had a good attitude towards Yang Sui, because he was the next shaman of the Rain tribe. Getting along with him for a small period of time, they felt that Yang Sui was a kind person. He had told them a lot about the central region and what had happened in other places. Now they had to separate, but they felt reluctant to do so.

“We will always have a chance to meet again. At that time he will be the shaman. You will also be real totem warriors.” Shao Xuan said.

Shao Xuan’s words made the people suddenly look forward to the future.

Yan Zhi thought of Mu Qian. When he left the Longboat tribe, the gate of the Longboat tribe was closed. He hadn’t seen Mu Qian, but he let He Er send some messages and a written animal skin roll to her. He hoped that when they met next time, they all had a better life.

“Come on, let’s go find Yan Shuo.” Shao Xuan looked at the sky, recently he had also tried to observe the sky in a new way. When using the special energy vision, he saw surges in the flow of air, which he had never seen before.

Since he left the tribe, his strength had also changed.

Although he couldn’t make an accurate forecast like Yang Sui, he could still make some judgments according to those changes.

Taking advantage of the fine weather, Shao Xuan and the others hurriedly paddled onwards. After a few days, it rained once again. The rainy days lasted for a few days and then it snowed lightly.

During winter there were few people on both riverbanks. Rowing the boat on the river along the way they occasionally saw one or two people. They were members of some small tribes living near the riverbanks.

They had finally left the central region.

When the river began to freeze again and heavy snow started to fall, Shao Xuan led Yan Zhi and the others to the shore, having arrived at a place where both wanderers and slaves lived.

Few boats went past there, probably because it was winter now. There were few people to be seen on the banks. Slaves were called back to do other work, and only some wanderers went out to look for food.

A few wanderers were at the banks, trembling, intending to go back home. Their harvest was little these days, because few travelers went past this place in the winter. Undoubtedly they earned much less.

While walking, one of them suddenly saw a boat docking.

“Hey, there!” The man said to his leader at once.

Several people turned around and felt surprised.

“Let’s go and have a look!” The leader said.

The so-called “have a look” meant that they should look for an opportunity. If couldn’t mess with those people, they would show a better attitude to them. But if not, they could risk it and try to rob them.

It snowed more and more heavily, so they couldn’t see them clearly.

They were still shivering. They ran over with their hands covered, in their sleeves they were hiding some thin stone tools and other weapons. To seize the opportunity, of course they needed to act first.

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They knew there were only five people there, and four of them looked very tired, taking heavy steps. Among them, there was also a woman, and each of them carried several bags made of animal skins! Maybe there were many good things! They felt excited.

“Boss, how about we just…” A man said and made a gesture of cutting the throat.

“Let’s wait and see.”

The five people came ashore and got closer. The leader had the intention to kill and rob them. But as he displayed a mocking smile and was about to say something, among the five people who came ashore, the man walking in the front turned around to look at them.

The leader: “...”

The mocking smile froze on his face, his whole body shivered, he turned around and ran away.

“Hey, boss, why’re you runni-...” One of them was still confused, but after seeing Shao Xuan, he ran faster than his boss.

Seeing them come towards them and then quickly run away, Jiao Wu was confused and wondered, “Why are they running?”

Yan Zhi guessed the reason, but didn’t say anything. As a man who lived in the wanderer area since birth, he naturally knew they were also wanderers, but with sinister intentions.

“Come on.” Shao Xuan led Yan Zhi and the others towards Yan Shuo’s house.

Thanks to Shao Xuan’s warning, over the past six months, no one had confronted with Yan Shuo. The slave owner didn’t cause any trouble, as if nothing had happened.

Yan Shuo had led a much better life since then. Because of the sudden emergence of the totem patterns before winter, Yan Shuo found his strength increased again, and sometimes he could walk in the mountains and hunt some satisfying prey.

Currently, Yan Shuo was inside the house, and his family was sitting around the fire eating barbecue. Fish soup was boiled in the jar, the fish was caught when it was still sunny.

Looking at his wife and children with rosy cheeks, Yan Shuo thought if they could return to the Flaming Horns tribe, it would be even better.

Thinking about that, Yan Shuo heard someone knocking at the door.

Judging from the rhythm and strength of knocking at the door, he or she was not one of those living in the wanderer area.

Yan Shuo indicated his wife to take the children and hide in the back room. Although no one had caused him trouble since Shao Xuan left, but to protect themselves, he was very cautious.

“Who is it?” Yan Shuo shouted, and carried a knife as he walked close to the door.

“Me, Shao Xuan.”

Hearing the voice outside the door, Yan Shuo threw the knife away wildly and removed the thick wooden boards.

Seeing Shao Xuan, Yan Shuo was very excited.


“Come in. Hurry up. It is cold outside!” Yan Shuo told his wife to bring out the frozen fish. Then he was about to say something to Shao Xuan, but at this moment he saw four people entering the house behind Shao Xuan.

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“Who are they?” Yan Shuo looked at the four men. He felt they seemed familiar, although he saw them for the first time. He guessed the possible answer.

“They are also wanderers.” Shao Xuan briefly introduced Yan Zhi and the other three. On the way, he had already introduced Yan Shuo and his family to them.

Although Yan Shuo’s house had been expanded, it was crowded because another five people came in. They also felt much warmer in the house.

Drinking some hot soup, they sat around the fire and chatted. Gradually, they became more familiar with each other.

Yan Zhi and the other three were alert to others, includingthe decendants of the Flaming Horns tribe, but they trusted Shao Xuan. So, they also trusted Yan Shuo, who would go back to the tribe with them.

“As soon as the winter ends, we will leave.” Shao Xuan told his own plan.

Shao Xuan planned to go to the Drumming tribe with them first. In that tribe, they would be protected. Any other place, they would get into a lot of trouble.

The members of the Drumming tribe looked vicious and aggressive, but they were good men. They would also need their help.

“We all listen to you.” Yan Shuo said.

“Yes, we follow you.” Yan Zhi also said.

“In the Drumming tribe, are there many crocodiles?” Jiao Wu asked with doubt.


“...Crocodiles are very dangerous.”

In the Longboat tribe, Yan Zhi and the other three had seen the crocodiles brought back by the boats, which were hunted during their voyage. They had just glanced at it from a distance, and had only seen a crocodile bite and crush a wooden beam the width of an arm.

“But in the Drumming tribe, as long as you behave and do as what I ask you to do, those crocodiles are actually very helpful.”

Shao Xuan told them about that tribe, as well as his experiences there.

“However, before going to the he Drumming tribe, I plan to go to the Pu tribe to look for a person. The Pu tribe isn’t far from there, so we will pass the Pu tribe on the way.” Shao Xuan said.

When he had left the traveling team, Shao Xuan had told Yu that if he could catch up with them, they would meet in a certain place. But the Pu tribe’s team arrived at that place and stayed for two days, they still didn’t see Shao Xuan. The people of the Pu tribe then went back soon after, they couldn’t keep on waiting for Shao Xuan. Yu couldn’t change it, so they finally left.

But Yu didn’t worry about him, because he knew Shao Xuan was stronger than he looked, and there was an eagle which always helped him. When Shao Xuan left, he told him if he didn’t arrive there in time, the traveling team of the Pu tribe could first go. And he would go to Pu tribe later to visit them.

Having left the travel team of the Pu tribe for such a long time, Shao Xuan planned to visit Yu and a few other people in the team who had helped him before returning to his tribe. Along the way, he could also get some frog poison from the Pu tribe. Perhaps it would be useful on their journey back to the tribe.

The winter here lasted as long as the other side of the river, but the weather here was not as bad.

When the moon came out, it was already relatively warm.

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