Ihoujin, Dungeon ni Moguru

Chapter 13.3: Arrow Shot From Pitch-Black Darkness VI - (3)

Chapter 13.3: Arrow Shot From Pitch-Black Darkness VI - (3)

「Souya, stop. Any more, and she’ll die」

I was stopped by Rana. I hesitated, but strangely, I obeyed. But just to be safe, I took a harpoon that had only the tip left, and at an angle that could not be seen by Rana, I stabbed the knight’s thigh with its tip. If the poison was effective, she would not be able to move for a while.

「Rana, are you alright? Did they do anything to you?」

「Yes, I’m alright」

She was a little bit dirty, but she didn’t seem to have been harmed in a way that would leave scars. But, just in case,

「Lemurian prince-dono. Tell me, did you do anything to her?」

I nocked an arrow and asked the prince. I’ll listen to what he has to say.

「Do you know what you’ve done? My father won’t stay silent over something like this! And all the other vassals will definitely get revenge on everyone involved, including you and that woman」

Wow, this guy is worthless.

Truthfully, it would be better to not waste my breath on him, but I’ll try to reason with him.

「By the way, I should tell you that I’m a greenhorn adventurer who has only reached the 5th floor. I came to this floor using a rescue portal, but the person who opened the portal said that he\'ll forget all about the fact that he had sent me here. As a matter of fact, there were no witnesses as well」

The elf who had betrayed Rana had been knocked unconscious by the Guild President, and while it was possible that we had been seen by other staff, the destination of the portal I dived into should still be a secret.

「As far as Rana is concerned, here is her application form that I stole from your party member」

I showed him the form that I had stolen from the beastkin earlier, lit it on fire with a lighter, and watched it burn to ashes.

「The members of the party that betrayed her have also been erased. Without a trace. Then, we\'ll just make a quick exit after I feed all of your corpses to the monsters. Where would they find anyone to get revenge on? In the first place, who’s going to believe that the son of the king of adventurers and his many strong party members lost to just one greenhorn adventurer?」

「Y, you……」

Had this idiot finally understood the position that he was in? Teaching idiots was difficult. Training cats and dogs was a hundred times easier.

「I’ll ask you just one more time. Think carefully, then answer. What did you do to her?」

「I, it’s a failed attempt. I haven’t done anything yet」

In deference to that stupid face, I’ll believe him.

「Then, next isー」

「Souya, you’re going too far. It’s already enough, really」


I had thought that Rana might say something like that, and she really did.

「Rana. What this guy was going to do to you, is something that people would hesitate to speak of in public. Forgiving him in a word like this isー」

「It’s attempted only. Now that you’ve saved me, everything is alright」

「No, this cannot be compromised」

I knew quite well that she’s stubborn. But that won’t do. This kind of person would misunderstand the fact that he did not receive any punishment as a stroke of good fortune, and would do this kind of thing again.

「Hmmm, at the very least, it’s really the bare minimum, you must apologize to Rana」

「Are you telling me to apologize with my shoulder pinned to the wall like this?」

He’s really an obnoxious person. Even if we exchanged blows on a dried riverbank at sunset, this guy is the one person I would never become friends with.

『Team member Souya. Movement detected. Izora believes it to be another party』

「You can apologize at a later date. Just so you know, I can shoot a hole in you from virtually anywhere, so if you ever try to mess with Rana again, I’ll start with your balls, just as I had promised the knight-sama」


He was silent.

I lowered the bow and quickly retrieved the arrows. I pulled out the one that had struck the magician, and dumped her on the ground somewhat unceremoniously. It was the first time that I had such a strong urge to kill such a beautiful woman.

「You, burghh」

Planting my foot on his face, I pulled out the arrow that had impaled the prince.

「This is…… My body is……」

「It’s a paralytic poison. There’s no danger of dying from it. Probably」

It appeared that the poison had spread quite well.

「Izora, there’s nothing that can be used as evidence, right?」


I picked up Izora and hung her at my waist. Rana’s staff was also stowed together with the arrows on my back.

「I’m sorry. Now that it\'s over……」

Rana\'s legs were trembling. That wasn’t a problem at all.


I carried the princess in my arms.* No matter what, you’ll never hear me admit that she was heavier than Ea. It was a weight that I was happy to bear.

「Let\'s go home」

I ran through the dungeon while avoiding people and monsters. Because the knight-sama had reduced the monsters’ numbers, we did not run into any enemies on our way back. Since we had some leeway, I praised Izora.

「That was a wonderful strategy, Izora. You can do something like that, huh?」

『Izora used a 20th century movie as reference. In fact, this capability is meant for projecting movies. The Japanese like to add unnecessary functions, but it came in useful this time. One of these days, Izora will show you all the movies that were made by Ed Wood, the person we talked about the other day』

Isn’t that the worst movie director in history? Are you doing okay?

From inside my arms, Rana spoke to Izora.

「I’m so sorry, Izora-sama. My lantern suddenly talked to me, so I thought that it had been possessed by evil spirits」

『Don’t worry about it. It’s Izora’s fault for secretly disguising myself as your lantern. It’s just that Izora could predict what team member Souya would do if you were ever in danger, so Izora wanted to be one step ahead. It doesn’t change the fact that Izora’s actions were incredibly rude. Please accept Izora’s apologies』

「I forgive you. And thank you」

Arriving at the portal, we dived in.

We had returned to the reception area.

「Souya! Otou-san has just gone in to pick both of you upー, huh?」

Evetta-san called out to me, then looked confused when she saw me with Rana in my arms.

「Evetta, come here for a second. I\'ll treat you lunch today, so decide what you want to eat right this instant」

「No, rather than that. This, huh? Eh? Why?」

「Forget it. Forget everything you just saw. Don\'t get involved~ Your work will increase~」

The Guild President drew Evetta-san’s attention away, then waved a『hurry up and go』at us. I felt bad, but I slipped away and left as I didn’t want to trouble them any further.

「Umm, I can walk on my own already」

Rana told me that once we were outside. Certainly, the city streets were coming alive with pedestrians. We were subtly eye-catching.

「There’s a place that I want to drop by for a short while, so let me carry you until we reach there」

「If that’s what you want, then I don’t particularly mind it though」

Rana put both hands around my neck. Big. Those things that were encircled by her arms were big. Also, her gaze was pointed incredibly straight at me. Her golden eyes seemed to draw a person in. When our eyes met, she smiled sweetly. Embarrassed, turned away, turned back, smiled, contagious awkward laughter. An unequalled smile.

It’s no use. She’s so darn cute. Also, the timing was right, so I asked.

「Rana, would you like to form a party with me?」

「Yes, with pleasure」

I was so happy that it felt like I was going to start skipping.

After that exchange, we reached the bar that was directly managed by the Kingdom of Lemuria’s Adventurers’ Guild. This bar has a formal name, but I couldn’t read its sign. It said,

「Raging Bull and Silver Fox bar?」


「No, that’s what it says, right? On that sign」


I read it. I was able to read it as if it had been translated into Japanese from a foreign language. How?

Setting that aside for now, I ignored what others might think and entered the bar with Rana still in my arms. The sun was still high in the sky so there were barely any customers, but all the other members of my party were already there. They were talking cheerfully but were startled when they saw the two of us. I stopped in front of their table.

「Irvin, Shuna, Beltoriche and Zenobia-san. I’m sorry!」

I lowered my head slightly. Then turned to leave the bar.

「Eh, huhh?! Wait, hang on a minute, Onii-san! I don’t get it! I don’t understand a single thing!」

「Don\'t stop me! Look at this situation and deduce it! Read between the lines!」

「Even the god of knowledge can’t read between the lines in this situation! Explain!」

Bel grabbed hold of my poncho.

「Neither me, nor anyone else understands what’s going on, so explain it properly」

Even Shuna was stopping me and forcing me to take a seat. There was no helping it, so Rana sat down beside me.

「Before everything, introductions are in order. Who is she?」

For now, I answered Irvin\'s obvious question.

「This is Rauaryuna Raua Heures-sama. A princess from the nearby Heures Forest. Earlier, she agreed to join the party」

「A princess!」

Bel’s eyes lit up.

「Look, Shuna-chan, look. She’s super cute. It’s the first time I’ve seen a princess in the flesh. It\'s a princess in the flesh!」

「Eh, umm. That’s right」

Shuna was blushing and acting nervously.

「No, I’m indeed the daughter of the chief who brought together the forest clans, but I’m now an adventurer just like everyone. There’s no meaning in something like the title of princess」

「N, noble」

「P, pretty」

Bel trembled at Rana\'s aura. With her knock-out smile on top of it, Shuna was dazzled. Irvin was just watching calmly.

「Ohh. Is everyone finally here? You’re late…… !!!」

The barkeeper came over, then, with a loud sound, went on one knee and placed one hand on his chest.

「Please forgive my rudeness, Rauaryuna-sama. I\'ve heard a lot about the many times that my nephew had been discourteous to you. Even at the cost of my lowly self, I’ll definitely make him pay for it someday. This is a place where fools like these gather, but please enjoy yourself eating and drinking in good health today」

『Please enjoy yourself』

Bel and Shuna imitated the barkeeper.

「Please stop that. It’s really alright. Souya, please say something as well」

「The princess can’t stand formalities. Be at ease, commoners」


When I teased her, my shoulder was given a pummelling. Hahaha, it doesn\'t hurt at all~.

For some reason, Bel’s smile froze.

「Umm, what kind of relationship do the two of you have?」

「Even if you ask me what kind it is……」

Rana was troubled. I was also troubled. We were troubled by the two who were looking at each other.

「What do you think about this? A suspicious adult relationship?」

「I don\'t know. It’s getting on my nerves for some reason」

Bel asked, while Shuna grew irritated.

「Well, why are you together with the elven princess? Why did you let her join the party without asking our permission?」

Irvin asked dispassionately.

「That is………」

I was at a loss as to where I should start.

「Oh, it’s the foreigner. Thank you for this morning-nya」

Tyutyu appeared, wearing a waitress uniform. She gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. The physical intimacy had become more passionate than before. After she left,


Rana pinched my side and Bel kicked my shin. Both of you, why?

「Master, I heard an interesting story on my way here-nya」

「Ohh? What is it about?」

Oh, crap.

「The prince got beaten up pretty badly-nya. His guards were also full of holes, like they were stabbed with spears or something-nya」

「Ahh, I thought that something like that would happen to him someday. But who’s the culprit? There aren’t many adventurers and the like who can beat Lanseal, right?」

「That’s unknown-nya. The prince and his guards can\'t speak at the moment because of poison or something. Maybe it was some unidentified monster with an evil title-nya」

「Hmm…… Oh, sorry about interrupting the conversation, you guys」

The barkeeper apologized.

Irvin had a harpoon in his hand. It was one of mine. When did that happen? Even though I’m extremely wary of pickpockets, when exactly did he steal it?

「You’re carrying something interesting. Is this a spear?」

Irvin asked impassively.

「It’s a harpoon used by fishmen to hunt big fish. It’s something that an acquaintance sold me」

When he was about to touch its tip, I leaned forward and snatched the harpoon away.

「That’s dangerous」

「Because there’s poison?」


Irvin sighed deeply. The expression on the barkeeper’s face changed. I had been found out.

「No, err......」

I hung my head and stuttered. I could tell them about it, but people might die if I irresponsibly got them involved. In the end, the extent of what I could protect, was only the things that I could wrap both my hands around. They were more than what I could handle. *

「………………Rana, let\'s go」

I got up from my seat.

I\'m begging all of you, please take the hint.

The barkeeper grabbed my shoulders and forcibly pressed me back into my seat. He then said,

「Tyutyu, I’m sorry, but please go home for today. Here, your pay」

「Huh, for real?! Amazing-nya, today’s such lucky day for me-nya!」

The barkeeper handed Tyutyu a copper coin and sent her packing. In addition, the other customers were also given money then chased out of the bar. He locked the entrance, then returned. The only ones left in the now-empty bar were us and the barkeeper.

「Now, as promised, I’ll read the history of the last person. Come on, take it out」

Is this how he wants to play it?

Reluctantly, I took the scroll out of my backpack. I wished fervently that it had gotten wet and had become useless, but my backpack was completely waterproof so it was perfectly fine.

「Rasta Oru Razva, a follower of Vindoobunikuru, will read the history of the adventurer――――」


The barkeeper spread the scroll open. After it had been spread open, just like the time with the Guild President, light shone from his hand onto the scroll.

「Uses beginner elven archery. Hmm? It says, acquired advanced Velsvain archery」

「Velsvain? I\'ve heard that name before. Where did I hear it?」

Shuna tilted his head.

The barkeeper answered.

「Velsvain-sama is Gladvain-sama’s grandmother. She wasn\'t particularly blessed with talent in terms of martial prowess, but the martial arts school that she founded produced many well-known knights, adventurers, and heroes. It was the number one martial arts school on the left continent. I heard that the school was abolished after a long period of conflict, but how did a person from foreign lands acquire one of its skills?」

That was a very difficult question.

「It’s this」

I showed them the Heures’ arm protector.

「If you put this on, then, with this and that……」

「Eh? Huh? My family treasure has such an ability? Certainly, it contains magic power, but not enough to have an effect on people. My brother treated it like trash, and my sister only wears it because she likes its ornaments」

Rana was the one who was most mystified by my answer.

The barkeeper’s expression became solemn.

「I can feel curse power…… I suspect that it’s probably an item that affects a particular race or person」

「Why did an elven treasure affect a Hemuー」

Bel covered Shuna’s mouth to stifle his question. Well done, you read between the lines this time.

「I want to say that I’m going to continue reading, but that’s all that’s written on the scroll. So, is there anything that you want to say to your party members with your own mouth?」

I suppose he was right.

He had gone to the extent of deliberately clearing everyone out of the bar. It seems like I had no choice but to talk.

「My name is Souya. I\'m from Japan, a foreign land. My purpose is to obtain a material on the 56th floor of the dungeon. My main god is Misuranika-sama. And I’m also the kin of Gravius-sama, the night owl. The reason my history disappears from the scroll seems to be due to Misuranika-sama’s influence. Sorry」

「Misuranika, of misdeeds. Also known as Misuranika, the dark fire」

Irvin grimaced.

「Isn\'t that the god that’s recognized by St. Lyridias as the god of misdeeds? What in the blazes」

At his wit’s end, he buried his head in his hands.

I felt bad for some reason.

「In addition, all of you have to promise to never repeat what I’m going to say from now on. It’s for the sake of everyone’s safety as well」

I took the bow from my back and placed it on the table. I put the harpoon that I had snatched back from Irvin beside it.

「Today, with this bow and arrow, I shot the Lemurian prince」

「He did it to protect me. He definitely didn’t do it for nefarious reasons」

Rana said.

「Did you draw your bow on the Lemurian royal family to protect the elven royal family?」

Irvin, who had the best grasp of the situation, cried out in anguish. I’m really very sorry. A question mark floated above Shuna’s head.

「What\'s wrong with that? Isn’t that cool? Besides, I only hear bad things about that prince」

「Right?! He also roughed up a beastkin child who had become our friend. That isn’t something a prince should do」

The boy and the girl came to my defense.

And that was what I was the most afraid of.

「You guys don’t get it. A mere adventurer simply cannot go against the royal family. You’ll be easily crushed. All of you are here because you have a purpose for being an adventurer, right? Can you throw it all away and act for the sake of this man?」

Errr, ummm. ………………Oh, right.

Zenobia-san spoke out against them.

「Souya. I get the feeling that you forgot about my presence」

「……That’s not true」

「That subtle pause there……」

Zenobia-san wrapped it up.

「I’m opposed to forming a party with Souya. I came to the dungeon for the sake of deepening my knowledge, and for finding a future husband. I want no part in getting into a dispute with the royal family」

After Zenobia said her piece, it was Irvin’s turn.

「Souya, are you going to cut ties with that elf……, no, that’s boorish, isn’t it? ……I’m also opposed. Like I’ve mentioned before, I can’t be in a party with elves」

Next was Shuna and Bel.

「I approve. Gladvain-sama said before that I should be on the side of those who are righteous. Besides, I can’t stand those people who do whatever they want by holding their power and authority over other people’s heads」

「I also approve. That prince is the enemy of women」

The barkeeper asked me.

「It\'s split. What are you going to do?」

「I’m opposed. I can\'t be in a party with all of you」


The boy and the girl booed me. Shuna strangled me from behind, and Bel sat on my lap and pulled both my cheeks. I had no choice but to try to persuade them.

「Shuna, Bel, both of you know too little about the world. Making enemies of an organization is a very difficult and troublesome matter. Moreover, the opponent is royalty and the king of adventurers!」

Rana\'s eyes were very stern, so Bel got off my lap. Shuna, who was leaning on me, was left alone. I couldn’t see his facial expression, but he sounded hurt.

「Then you\'ll need a fighting force, won\'t you? I don\'t think that I’m weak」

「Shuna, you’re strong. But blood will flow, and there are people who won’t forgive that. Bel will probably hate your opponent if you get hurt. She might even challenge the enemy to a reckless fight. Conversely, if Bel got hurt, you’ll be the one challenging thoughtlessly. Furthermore, Gladvain’s kin might all act for your sake as well. If that happens, then it’s already a war. And war is the one thing I wish to avoid」

I tried to strengthen my point by putting forth a sound argument.

It seemed like I had just barely managed to convince Bel, but Shuna still remained unconvinced. I’ll talk a little bit more then.

「The two of you, no, Irvin and Zenobia-san too, we’re bonded by once being in the same party and adventuring together. If any of you ever got hurt for unreasonable reasons, I’ll probably never forgive the person who did it. That’s why we can’t be in the same party anymore. If I myself become the very reason that causes any of you to get hurt, I won’t know how to forgive myself」

It took a while for the reply to come.

In his own way, he was struggling internally, and was probably trying to accept it. When he became able to understand such things right away, he would have become an adult. Which meant that I was still very much a child.

「………………Hmpt, I get it now」

Shuna stomped away.

Zenobia-san spread her arms wide open. Shuna ignored her and sat down beside Irvin. Irvin consoled him by patting him on the head.

That aside,

「Even without me, the four of you are going to form a party, right?」

「Yeah, of course」

Satisfied with Irvin\'s answer, I got up from my seat and took Rana’s hand.

I gathered my things, and said my last goodbyes.

「I suppose this is goodbye. Everyone.………… Just think that it wasn’t meant to be, and forget about me」

Actually, this might not really warrant an explanation, since it wasn’t really a joke or some complicated wordplay. But well, the literal wording here was “I carried the princess in a princess carry”. I think that most readers will have no problem understanding what a princess carry is. Except the princess carry is actually called the bridal carry in English, and people who aren’t familiar with Japanese culture may not know what it is. And a princess carry also doesn’t have quite the same significance in Japan as a bridal carry does in other cultures, emphasis on the word bridal, so I felt that putting that in would implicate stuff that wasn’t meant to be implicated in that sentence. So, no mention of the carry name in the text + note is what I went with.

Well, I guess we know now who kicked Souya’s shin back in chapter 7. Was that a surprise? It was to me. I was sure it was Shuna, but turns out someone is a bit more jealous than they look.

Very interesting double meaning here. “They were more than what I could handle” can also be “They were more than I deserved”. This part was written ambiguously so that both can be used. I used the 1st one because it more directly related to what he was talking about at that moment, but if you’ve read till the end, you know that the 2nd one actually applies as well.

It might not be super clear, but yes, Souya forgot Zenobia’s name for a second there during the narration…… ヽ(′ー`)

For those who unlocked the chapters early, thank you so much for your support. However, I made a mistake with the gender of the lone beast-person who got tied up by Souya in 13.2. Her gender was never specifically written so I had to guess but I only realized she was a girl when prepping chapter 14, so that scene is now a bit naughtier than before lol.

Finally, a shoutout to my patron, Streye, for perfectly predicting, many chapters ago, that Souya’s squabble with the prince would affect him trying to be in the party. Still, that was pretty sad, wasn\'t it?

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