Ihoujin, Dungeon ni Moguru

Chapter 122: Adventurers’ Intuition III

Chapter 122: Adventurers’ Intuition III

【146th day】

After six hours of deliberation, the room assignments were decided as follows.

【Third floor】 B1【Rana】 B2【Lanseal】

【Second floor】 A1【Ea】 A2【Maria】

【Ground floor】 Kitchen, Dining and Living area【Makina】

【Basement】 Bath, Toilets, Laundry area【Misuranika-sama】

………separate rooms.

Well, all I have to do is sneak in when I get a chance. Having a room to oneself is a luxury in this city, and having some time alone will also be a nice change of pace. She needs that kind of time for herself as well.

Ea\'s condition is getting better.

Her fever has fallen to about 36 degrees Celsius, which is close to normal, but she has yet to regain the strength she had lost. Who knows if the fever will return, so I\'ll keep an eye on her for a few more days.

For the moment, I can handle the Guild\'s requests by myself.

The requests don\'t really involve violence and are mostly mundane tasks. And they\'re usually food-related. They\'re tedious, but they\'re not difficult.

Now that I\'m settled in here in our new home, I\'ve realized once again that my adventuring has been very rushed.

This is a good opportunity.

Should I let everyone in the party take a long break? After all, Ea catching a cold might be partly due to the fatigue from adventuring.

Oh, I should go check on Shuna.

Those were my thoughts as I folded my own futon.

The renovation of the rooms had been completed last night.

Windows that could be opened and closed had been installed, though they were carefully camouflaged so that they couldn’t be seen from the outside, just in case. Pet doors had also been added to the doors of each room for Misuranika-sama and Yukikaze to use.

Once the room assignments had been decided upon, everyone put their personal belongings in their own rooms, but since Ea was feeling lonely, we decided to use the living room on the ground floor as our sleeping quarters for the time being.

We had slept with our futons lined up side by side.

This must have been how the morning of the school trip that I had missed because of a cold in the past had been like.

I was deeply moved.

Lanseal had been the first to wake up, and she and Makina were making breakfast. I could smell the aroma of wheat baking as well as meat and vegetables simmering.

I wonder if it will be her specialty, pot-au-feu, today.

The three elves were still asleep, all snuggled up to one another. I pulled the futon back over them and let them sleep for a while longer.

I took a quick look around, but I couldn\'t find Misuranika-sama.

She\'s probably playing around in the basement, I’m guessing. My god had mentioned that this place felt nostalgic to her for some reason.


I sat down on a chair in the kitchen and spaced out since I had nothing to do. The heat from the fireplace felt comforting. As I watched Lanseal\'s tail, I felt my eyelids getting heavy again.

It’s so relaxing.

This is nice.

It\'s nice somehow.

It feels more like home than the camp. For that alone, moving here was a great decision.

I crossed my arms on the table and laid down on them. I was in position to go back to sleep.

Wake me when the food is ready.

Did anyone hear my mumbling? I wondered.

The old house left behind by my grandfather.

My sister said to me, who was lying down on the table.

Got it, I said reluctantly and then fell back to sleep.

I got kicked.

My sister is merciless.

Over there, there.

Said my sister, pointing to the veranda.

A pillow and blanket had been prepared there.

Even though she\'s merciless, my sister always has everything covered.

I would prefer slumbering beside my sister as she does the housework though. But if I were to defy her, the consequences would be frightening, so I obeyed.

I laid myself down on the veranda like an old cat.

If my grandfather were to see this, he would probably chuckle at the sight.

He would probably say something like, What are you doing despite being so young?

Bathed in the sunshine, I slept.

I dreamt a dream within a dream.

Hey, I called out to my sister.

What? replied my sister.

There\'s one thing I just can\'t remember.


Your name.

How do you even forget something like that? My name is―――――

My sister had shaken me awake.

My tall, blonde, long-eared sister.

「Come on, it\'s almost time to eat. Clear some space for the food」

「Oh, umm, yeah」

I stared at Ea\'s face. She looked tired, but her complexion was much better.

No, that\'s not what I\'m supposed to be focused on.

「Ea, do I have any other younger sisters?」

「Huh? Hey, Onee-chan, do I have any other younger sisters?」

Ea asked Rana.

「No, there shouldn\'t be any………………unless they\'re illegitimate」

Rana sat down to my left with a serious look on her face.

Ea sat to my right.

「An illegitimate child………it\'s possible. He may have a beastkin child or two」

Suddenly, I thought of a certain blonde cat beastkin I knew.

Now that I think about it, huh? Hmm? Eh? I feel like she has the same eyes as Rana. Haha, no way. Hey, Melm………it\'s not funny, so please don\'t get me in a bind because of your womanizing ways.

「Or rather, what\'s this all of a sudden, Onii-chan?」

「Hmm, I had a weird dream. A dream where I was with my sister in a house back in my hometown」

「Oh my, that\'s――」

Ea slapped me on the shoulder happily.

「Me and Onii-chan\'s future?」

「Well, not exactly……」

「Come on, you don\'t have to be shy about it」

Ea seemed pleased.

「Dear, where was I at that moment?」

Rana was glaring at me reproachfully.

「Ahh, Rana, you were there too. Yup, you were」

I lied.


She saw right through the lie.

「Breakfast is ready~」

Lanseal laid out breakfast on the table.

Today\'s breakfast was beastkin bread, pot-au-feu with lots of ingredients, boiled chicken eggs, and bean tea.

A modest but wonderful meal.

「Eww, there are onions in there」

「Maria, you won\'t grow bigger if you’re a picky eater」

After taking a seat, Maria took the onions from her pot-au-feu and put them in my bowl.

「They\'re sort of transparent and mushy, so I don\'t like them」

「Look at Rana. It\'s because she eats onions that her boobs got so big」

「It\'s not like it’s only because I ate onions though……」

「………I’ll eat them then」

After hearing Lanseal\'s words, Maria returned the onions to her bowl.

She\'s subtly stealing my onions as well, but I wonder if I should point that out.

But you really have a way with her, Lanseal. So that\'s how to get Maria to do what you want. I\'ll have to use that in future.

「Lanseal, I want fewer onions for mine」

In the appearance of a young girl, Misuranika-sama joined us at the table.

Lately, after a bit of persuasion on my part, Lanseal has also been eating at the same table as us.

She acts strangely reserved sometimes just because she\'s a servant and a potential mistress. Well, that\'s the “only” time she acts reserved though.

Also, Makina and Yukikaze both had sugared water in front of them.

Everyone had gathered together for breakfast.

「Well then, Souya」

At Lanseal’s urging……


……I put my hands together and said.


Everyone followed suit.

We started eating.

And the onions are delicious.

I like them because of their sweetness. I sometimes add them to the miso soup. The bacon is also delicious. To be able to eat such delicious meat every day, my meals in the alternate world are truly the height of luxury.

Hmm, speaking of which,

Today\'s onions and potatoes don\'t smell at all. Moreover, they haven\'t fallen apart despite being simmered. Could it be that they were pre-fried during prep?

Nicely done, Lanseal. You\'ve improved again. It\'s this kind of effort that brings out the best in a dish.

「Ea, shall I cook some porridge for you?」

「Hmmm. It wasn\'t bad, but I feel like eating something with more texture to it」

「I\'ll make it for you if you get sick again, alright?」

「Yeah, okay」

The sisters had that conversation with me between them.

I do hope that our supply of rice will last until the next Ea gets sick though.

「Lanseal, peel my egg for me」

「Sure, no problem」

「Lanseal, peel mine for me too」

「Misuranika-sama, I\'ll do it for you」

I picked up my god\'s boiled egg. I cracked it at the top and bottom, rolled it around a bit, then blew strongly into the top.

The shell came off smoothly because the egg had been soaked in cold water.

「Wow! Souya, do it again!」

Maria\'s eyes lit up. My sister had the same reaction.

「Onii-chan, teach me how to do that! If I can learn this, I\'ll eat more boiled eggs!」

「Sure, sure」

I was made to peel as many as ten boiled eggs.

「When it comes to boiled eggs, it\'s gotta be mayonnaise, right?」

「When it comes to boiled eggs, it\'s gotta be ketchup though」

Ea and Maria ate the eggs with different condiments.

That\'s what is called conflicting claims.

「You guys, it obviously has to be salt」

My god also joined in.

I get the feeling that a quarrel is brewing.

「What do you think, Onee-chan?」

「I\'d say honey」

『Not likely』

Rana got rebuked by everyone.

「What about you, Lanseal?」

I asked the smiling Lanseal.

「Rather than what to eat them with, I was thinking that I\'d like to make marinated boiled eggs」

「That\'s one of the ingredients in ramen」

That\'s what I would prefer to dip my egg in.

「Huh, ramen?」

My sister latched onto the topic of ramen.

「Now that you mention it, Onii-chan, I\'m running low on instant ramen. It\'s about time you made more」

「Huh, no, that\'s………」

There\'s simply no way I can make instant ramen, right?

For the dried noodles, I can just fry them in oil, I think? Oh wait, to begin with, I don\'t have Chinese noodles. I have wheat flour, but no brine. It would be nice if we could conveniently find some in the dungeon. [1]

「Just when you\'re free is fine. Don\'t forge………cough, cough」

Ea choked.

Or rather, she had a coughing fit.

「Are you okay?」

「I may still be a little sick. But everyone is being so nice to me that I feel like being sick isn\'t so bad」

「Hey, hey」

Health is best, you know?

I sprinkled some salt over my boiled egg and ate it in one bite. The yolk was perfectly soft-boiled and melted in my mouth.

D, delicious~.

It\'s simple to cook, but extremely delicious. Yes, this is it. This is how it should be.

Without delay, I started devouring the pot-au-feu, dipping the hardened beastkin bread in it as I ate.

It was a lively meal.

The sounds of utensils, liveliness, and laughter filled the air.

This kind of atmosphere is a luxury that no amount of money can buy.

Time flies when you\'re having fun.

After breakfast, we relaxed some more.

As we sipped our tea……

「Dear, what are your plans for today?」


……Rana asked me about my schedule for the day.

「I’ll go do some requests at the Guild. That way, we won\'t have to worry about them so much on our next adventure. You guys can do whatever you want. Also, I have to go check on Shuna」

「Then I\'ll hole myself up in the study. There are so many interesting books in there. Ea, please don\'t hesitate to call me if you need anything」

「Okay, I\'ll just laze around here and watch movies」

「Then I\'ll watch movies with Ea」

Rana, Ea, and Maria were staying home.

「After cleaning up, I\'m going to the royal castle. I\'ll be back briefly at noon to check on Ea though」

Lanseal replied as she washed the dishes.

Everyone was pretty much doing what they usually did.

『Yes, Souya-san, yes! After doing the laundry, Makina will continue with the renovation of the home. Makina believes that the bath, in particular, can still use some improvements!』


It\'s good that Makina is in such high spirits.

It\'s been a while since I\'ve seen her this lively.

『Roger! Also, can Makina build a workshop in the basement?』

「A workshop?」

『Yukikaze-chan has found the remnants of an old workshop, and Makina is thinking of modifying it for our use. We\'ve also found some unusual metals, so we might be able to make something useful for your adventures』

「Well, as long as nothing too terrible comes out of this. Do things in moderation, you hear?」


「I\'m serious, don’t go overboard, okay? I don\'t want to see any trouble later on」


Her reply was very enthusiastic.

Which worried me all the more.

「I\'ll go roam around the basement for a bit. Yukikaze, come with me」

Misuranika-sama made a surprising choice of companion.

『Team member Souya, is that alright?』

「Accompany her. I can handle the Guild\'s requests on my own. If I need help, I\'ll contact you」

『Permission has been granted, so Yukikaze will accompany you』

「Mmm-hmm, there are a few places where it\'s really narrow, you see?」

An unusual pairing was formed.

Black wind swirled around Misuranika-sama and she turned into a cat. She headed for the basement right away. Yukikaze rolled after her.

「I\'m off to the study then」

Rana went upstairs with some tea.

「Makina, lend me the tablet」


After borrowing the tablet from Makina, Ea crawled under the futon in the living area. Maria snuggled in with her.

『Lanseal-san, Makina will do the rest of the dishes』

「Thank you, I\'ll leave it to you then. I\'ll go clean the upper floors」

Everyone scattered off, some to work and some to have fun.

「Well then」

I guess I should get to work myself.

[1] When making ramen, there are 3 important factors, the water used, brine, and salt. If the water contains too many minerals, the ramen will end up taking longer to cook, resulting in noodles that become soft really quickly. No brine, no noodle hardness at all to begin with, so it’s very important and the amount used varies according to the thickness of the noodle. Salt tightens the gluten of flour and makes the dough more elastic while suppressing enzyme and germ activity. It adds flavor too, of course.

Fun facts aside, when Souya refers to Chinese noodles, he’s talking about the ramen used in the Chinese-style noodle dishes in Japan. Which are the yellowish ones. By the way, that yellowish color and their unique smell are because of the chemical reactions caused by the brine.

Yeah, that dream of his sister and grandfather was a gut punch, wasn’t it? “Don’t forget about the people Souya has forgotten about because of Wild Hunt,” I can almost hear the author saying. (^ ^)

Speaking of which, have you noticed how much shorter the food-related sections have been lately? Do you even remember the last time you had to endure his step-by-step narration of his cooking? It’s been a while since Souya has felt the need to be that detailed about cooking, huh? In fact, he rarely cooks at all…… Remember how he would cook despite Makina being fully capable of doing so back in vol 1 - 2? And how he was a bit competitive with Makina over it? He’s totally content to leave it to others now…… Grandpa~

But life is good for Souya now, isn’t it? He’s all settled in and leading a happy family life. He seems to be ahead of schedule too in terms of his goal. What could go wrong?

Stay tuned!

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