Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 84: Step Carefully

Chapter 84: Step Carefully

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Reth sat back in his chair, offering her a smile of reassurance when she turned to look at him, uncertain because of the cold reception to her announcement.

She licked her lips nervously as she turned back to them, but he watched her eyes go flinty, and her back straighten, and his smile grew.

She had no idea what she had done. But they had no idea who they were dealing with. Elia, his little hero, was going to show them.

And he would help her do it.

Behryn cleared his throat and drew everyone\'s attention back. The tension in the room had risen several notches, and Reth swallowed as Behryn made the final call to their Queen.

"Tell us, Queen Elia, what passion resides in you? To what end will your Cohorts serve? To what fate will you throw your favor?"

Elia raised her chin and, for the first time, didn\'t follow the traditional script. Which meant she knew what she was about to say didn\'t fit it. Reth was half-proud, and half-terrified.

"I am your Queen, but I am also human, raised in a different world, created for a different purpose. I wish to make Anima my home, and become the people\'s representative," she said, clearly determined to be heard. "But in order to do that, I believe I must represent everyone in Anima. And use my position, and my unique background, to favor the plight of the unseen. The discarded. The shunned. I wish to champion those who are also different—who are forced, either by creation, or by fate—to walk a different path. I will be the Champion of the people without voice, and the children who stand outside the…the pack," she finished, stumbling on the unfamiliar term.

This time, the people\'s response was confusion. Generally, the Queen chose a form of trade, or the arts to patron. They were unfamiliar with her choice of a corner of the people. But Reth, remembering his own time in her world—where he stuck out as someone so different, viewed with such suspicion, applauded, once again, her intention. He just wished his people could see her as he did.

No one seemed quite sure what to do. Usually, at this point, the master of ceremonies would invite representatives of the chosen trade forward to accept the Queen\'s favor. But not only was it inappropriate to invite the shunned to the Stage, to even name them would add to their shame. Behryn looked at him, a pleading in his eyes. And Reth stood quickly, taking Elia\'s hand.

"I charge you, Anima, to take the favor of your Queen: Long live Queen Elia, the compassionate!"

"Long live Queen Elia, the Compassionate!" came the call back, but once again, punctuated by murmurs, whispers, shaken heads, and frowns.

Returning to the normal course of events, Behryn invited the Cohorts to the podium table where they would be invited to eat from now on. With Candace already there as a master weaver, and Aymora only one table below, the attention of the people was drawn to Gahrye, who was forced to weave through the entire market to reach the stage.

Reth had to nod in approval when the young man kept his head up and chin high, refusing to meet the eyes of those who scowled or muttered as he passed.

No matter what people might think of the Queen\'s advisor, he had a spine. Which Reth appreciated. He was going to need it.

When the young man made it to the stage, it was Reth he approached first, his scent shaky, but clear-headed.

"Sire, I didn\'t know. I would have told her—"

"Hush, son. Your Queen has given you a great honor."

"Yes, but I didn\'t ask, I need to you to know I didn\'t know she meant to—"

"Soldier, stand to!" Behryn snapped from beside him, and Gahrye snapped his mouth closed and stood, chin up, and eyes on his Herd Leader. "You were not chosen by the King, or by me. You were given this honor by the Queen, and you will respect her choice and show her the honor of your gratitude that she\'s due."

"Of course. Of course," Gahrye said, his eyes pained. He obviously believed the King, or his Leader, would be displeased with him. And while Reth wasn\'t excited about his wife\'s primary advisor being male—and a young male, at that—he certainly wasn\'t going to express that here, in front of the people. So he smiled at the youth—barely more than a colt—and indicated that he should approach Elia.

Gahry turned then, his eyes shining, and went down on one knee in front of Elia, who covered her mouth.

"Gahrye, you don\'t need to—"

"You\'ve honored me above what I deserve, Majesty," he said through his teeth, as though he fought tears. "I am humbled, and grateful. And I will serve you with my life."

"Of course you will, of course," she said, trying to get him to stand. "Please, Gahrye, you don\'t have to do this—"

He stood, then, his jaw tight and eyes bright, then positioned himself to Elias right, and slightly behind, demonstrating to the people his submission to her will. She kept trying to turn and talk to him, but Reth took her hand and brought her back to face him, whispering in her ear, "This is a time to let him appear as a servant to you. You can discuss the role later, and your expectations. But let the people see him follow you, as they should," he whispered.

Elia nodded and looked at him, squeezing his hand, then turned back to the people with him, her Cohorts all surrounding her.

"Good people of Anima," he boomed to the meeting. "Celebrate your Queen and her Cohort. She has chosen from among you, and from among you she will rule!"

This cheer was at least more enthusiastic than the last couple. Reth prayed it wasn\'t because they were just glad it was all over. Then, as the music began again, and the voices of the people rose in an excited babble, he turned to face her, forcing a smile.

"Well done, beautiful," he said, winking.

"I don\'t think they liked my choices at the end," she said with a sad glance back over the crowd. "I\'m so disappointed. I thought… I thought maybe all the suspicion was over. But…"

"Don\'t worry about it, Love," Reth said.

Behryn grunted next to him, but he pointedly ignored his own second and pulled Elia into an embrace, before turning her to her Cohort. "They follow you now," he said, letting his breath flutter in her ear. "Tell them you\'ll speak tomorrow and that they\'re not to disturb you tonight during your rest."

She glanced at him from the side, her cheeks heating and nodded.

He smiled and let his hand brush her ass, praying no one could see it from the other side of the table. But a part of him went cold as she turned to her people and gathered them in to make a plan.

Would the Creator not give her a break?

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