Magical Academy: Rise of the Supreme Magic Craftsman

Chapter 53 - Scores

It was now another day of the week-long competition.

Each academy now only has to fight once and the round robin for the 1st year\'s batch would be completed. Only the Leonheart\'s Academy had achieved a complete victory in the past battles although there are tough times when they reached 5 long matches to attain victory. Those battles were fought against Skywalker and Isolde Academy.

Their match today against Mystic Gate would be their last battle and if won, they will achieve an undefeated record for the competition.

It is surprising to have an Academy that doesn\'t have a single loss in 11 matches they fought. After all, your strategy, mana artifacts, habits, and decision making would somehow be analyzed by the other teams making them prepared in the next matches.

But Leonhearts, due to some superiority in their mana artifact especially the inclusion of rising star Hilda, were able to achieve dominance against other academies.

The Mystic Gate Academy already lost once against Skywalker Academy. Although the latter lost against Leonhearts and Phoenix Academy already.

The current score was shown in the huge plasma screen in the arena.

Leonhearts: 10 wins

Mystic Gate: 9 wins

Skywalker: 8 wins

Isolde: 5 wins


Looking at the current score, if Mystic Gate won the fight, a tiebreaker would ensue as there could only be one champion in each academic year. Of course, it would be fine if 2nd place would have tied on their win streak. It can still be weighted.

"The students from Mystic Gate Academy were tough, so our first years must be really careful here."

"Well, we\'ve made enough preparations, it would be up to them now."

"Since they defeated Skywalker, the academy who made Mystic Gate taste a loss, our Academy would have a high chance here."

"Hilda would certainly achieve victory for our Academy. She never experienced a loss anyway and also, only that one from Skywalker was somehow able to resist her magic spell."

"That\'s true, I doubt that Mystic Gate\'s combat magicians would have weird Mana Shell like the one in Skywalker."

A few students from Leonhearts Academy can be heard analyzing the battle before it even started. They were all proud and expectant that the first years would achieve victory for this last match.

During yesterday\'s competition, there was only one magician who was able to give Hilda a good fight. Although it wasn\'t enough for him defeat to Hilda, it gave a good reminder to others and made them realize that she can still be defeated.

Unfortunately, after Skywalker was defeated by Leonhearts, their next fight earned them another loss against Phoenix losing 2 fights in a row.

The Skywalker have lost their momentum due to their loss against Leonhearts but quickly gathered themselves and won a total of 8 wins. Skywalker was also expected to have another win in their last match today.


As planned the first match roster for Leonhearts will be Michael followed by Lillian and Axel duo. The third match would be handled by the reliable Hilda. The fourth match, if there will be, would be fought by Enrique and Hilda. Enrique is what you would call the team captain, although he wasn\'t as strong as Hilda, he was a reliable support for team fight due to his mana artifact especially made with compatibility in his expertise.

The last match or 5th battle was still undecided as it will depend on the outcome of the first 4 fights but would most likely be fought by Hilda.

In the first match of the battle, Michael fought with the best of his ability and utilizing his Archon spell as much as he can. Unfortunately, he was defeated by his opponent, it was Chloe and combat magician from Mystic Gate who specializes on Enchant Series.

Although Michael used up almost all his skills and even Vacuum Grip, an exclusive magic spell of his mana artifact, he was only barely close in defeating Chloe. On the last seconds of the fight when he tried activating Vacuum Grip to destroy her Mana Shell, she activated a spell similar to Mana Wave disrupting his Mana Artifact from activating the spell completely, although it hadn\'t fully stopped him. It delayed him a bit and gave chance to Chloe to retaliate.

It caused Michael\'s teammate to worry a bit but not enough to lose their mood. After all, they\'ve already battled 10 academies and it wasn\'t Michael\'s first time losing the fight. Also, they have Hilda on their team.

"Next match up. Leonheart\'s Lillian and Axel vs Mystic Gate\'s Derrick and Vivian."

"Both duo\'s winning rate was above 60%, we can\'t tell who would have an upper hand."

"Looking at the previous match, the Leonheart\'s Blinding Fog was no longer effective with the Mystic Gate\'s spell. This magic spell called \'Mana Wave\' was able to remove the fog that was a big problem with other Academies."

"That\'s right. The Wind magic spells weren\'t able to remove the fog but this spell was able to easily nullify the skill not giving Leonhearts their advantage."

"I\'m quite curious about its magic structure."

The one exchanging words were the announcers doing post-fight analysis while the 2nd match combatants were still preparing and the automatons doing their cleaning job.

As soon as the battle started. The Blinding Fog was activated again by Lillian but the opponent was prepared and cast the prepared Mana Wave.

There was a gap of 3 seconds before the fog was completely removed. During this gap, the Leonhearts duo did not remain idle and separated to attack in different directions.

Although it surprised the two from Mystic Gate, they immediately made their move and tried to gain distance to give them more space for defending or dodging if required.

"Archon -- Earth Bind"

"Archon -- Double Wind Blade"

Series of magic spells were thrown and cast to also defend themselves. The fight lasted for 11 minutes which is considerably long since the only aim is to destroy the Grade 1 Mana Shell they all had.

After another 3 more minutes, the battle concluded in favor of Mystic Gate. Lillian and Axel gloomily left the stage but it can also be seen that they were also satisfied in their performance although they haven\'t won their final round of battle for this TMAC. They only felt gloomy because this sequence of battle felt like the one in their Skywalker match.

During that time, Skywalker won the first 2 rounds but wasn\'t able to win the last 3 matches because of Hilda\'s existence.

"Hilda will gain more popularity."

It was what the duo thought. Even if Lillian dislikes Hilda, she has to admit that her domineering performance left her longing for such power. She knows that without Hilda holding the ground, they would have lost multiple times already.

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