Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 118: I’ll beat you to death, you bad person!

The morning breeze blew in and touched his shoulders. He took in a deep breath of the fresh air, and there was a slight scent of Yuan Yi’s own fragrance, The cold air was especially dense, and he kept the cool air in his lungs, not daring to exhale. He was afraid that the moment he blew out, the refreshing feeling would be gone forever.

He kept his revealed shoulder back under the blanket, his palms reaching out to feel Yuan Yi’s smooth back. It felt even smoother than an egg that had been peeled, causing him to be reluctant to remove his hands. He gently drew some circles on her back, seemingly not feeling any rough edges of at his fingertips, and followed her spine down all the way to her buttocks, before gingerly feeling her up.

In fact, Yuan Yi had already woken up the moment Zhang Xiao Qiang placed his hands on her back, and she wanted to get up. However, she allowed herself to enjoy the sensation of his fingers all over her back, and the slightly numbing, tingling feels that she was getting. It was embarrassing, yet it felt so good and caused ripples to set off in her heart, like stones that had been whisked across the surface of a lake. The feeling caused her to stir slightly, and her heart started to tingle as well, as she gradually lost herself in the sensations. She was afraid that she might start moaning again, like how she had given herself all the way last night. Thinking about it, her face became flushed again, as she took a deep breath beneath the covers, intending to control herself from making any noise. She was afraid that he would tease her. Beneath the covers, other than her own scent, there was the strong smell of him, his scent. As she breathed it in, it caused her to go dizzy, and she felt like floating again. Her heart was fluttering, and her entire body was about to go weak for him again until his fingers touched her at her most private area.

She immediately moaned, and that sound was alluring, like a newly-wed wife who was trying to beckon to her husband. Zhang Xiao Qiang heard it, and his mind went blank again, his body tingling in response.

Being stirred awake, she raised her head and rested against his chest, her eyes looking out of the window and stared blankly. Her breathing caused her chest to rise and fall right in front of his own, while her warm breath blew across his skin, causing his hairs to stand slightly. He moved his hands across her back and hugged her tightly in his embrace.

As he looked up at the ceiling and its design, his heart was at peace. He had done it with such a great beauty. Although she wasn’t as beautiful or sexy as compared to Shangguan Qiao Yun, he was extremely contented. He had turned a prideful woman into a playful little kitten in his own embrace, and it greatly stroked his machismo. In fact, he felt that Yuan Yi far surpassed Shangguan Qiao Yun. She was strong, followed him wholeheartedly, even in death, she wouldn’t leave. Other than Yang Ke’er, would the rest do so?

Su Qian? He had not much hope for her, she was living for herself still. She just wanted to live a better life, and that was her goal and belief. At the very least, Zhang Xiao Qiang wouldn’t dare trust his back to her.

The two of them sat quietly there, basking in the tranquility of the moment before Yuan Yi pulled the covers off her and stood up. She then wrapped Zhang Xiao Qiang again, before dressing up. He watched her quietly, taking in the majestic sight of her beautiful body, and decided to get dressed as well.

Her warm hand stopped his, as she looked into her eyes and said: “Lie for a while more, let me go get some water!” This was the first time she had requested something of him, and as he looked into her eyes, he laid back then and tucked himself in as she got busy.

She pulled out his attire for the day, placing it on the bed before leaving. Soon after, she returned with a pail of hot water, and he laid there as she wrung a towel to help him clean up, from head to toe, not missing any part. Little Xiao Qiang was washed thoroughly too, as the visages of the crazy night were wiped clean. He sat up and began to get dressed, and Yuan Yi made to help him, which he declined. He was not disabled, and could still do this little thing.

By the time he walked out in high spirits with Yuan Yi, Yang Ke’er and Su Qian were already waiting on the field. Shangguan Qiao Yun had joined them in her body tights, except that her figure was explosive. Zhang Xiao Qiang didn’t take a look at her, instead, walking up to Yang Ke’er and looked at her.

In front of this lass, he still felt a little guilty. After all, her feelings for him were real. She was still an innocent girl and was of a pure heart to him. He could never forget that night when he was suffering under Xie Yuan Shan’s blows, she had cried and his heart had broken. He could even hear it when he thought about it. It was too bad he couldn’t bring himself to do anything with her, thanks to that washboard figure.

She saw him walking towards her, and snorted coldly, turning her head the other way. Zhang Xiao Qiang saw the back of her head and was slightly helpless. Although sometimes he had used some fallacies to temporarily address her concerns, this time, while it was a little embarrassing, to tell the truth, he couldn’t afford to. Her tantrum still caused him to be slightly moved.

Seeing her ear exposed to the wind, he walked up to her and embraced her, as she began to struggle. Of course, it was just for a show, otherwise, with her monstrous strength, he would most likely have been flung all the way to the chicken coop. She turned around to face him and started battering his chest lightly. Although it was supposed to be ‘light’, each blow was like a hammer to him.

He gritted his teeth and withstood her temper, as she continued to mutter: “I’ll beat you to death, you bad person! Couldn’t you just have waited a few more years?! Couldn’t you just hold yourself?! After all, she should be after me!!!”

He held her then, and spoke to her gently: “Yuan Yi doesn’t have your fragrance!”

She stopped then, her eyes wide, her clean and clear face looking like a flower. Her mouth then pouted, before she started to sniff herself in suspicion.

He hurriedly replied: “Only I can detect it, you can’t!!”

She then heaved a sigh of relief, her jealousy simmered. Her gaze towards Yuan Yi was still antagonistic, but she didn’t pursue the matter. He saw how she had been distracted again, and gulped his saliva down, hoping that they would not come to blows.

He slowly let her go, and when she noticed that Zhang Xiao Qiang was not hugging her anymore, she felt a little reluctant, but she knew his temperament, and know the matter had ended. It was also what he liked about her.

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