What The Luck!?

Chapter 97 - 97. Experimental Scientist

The three headed in to the camp again and Garnet guided them to the back room of the dining hall. It was set up like a small nurs office. "This is the old nurse\'s office from before we expanded. You two and Jackson will be the only ones allowed to come here when the other campers get here. It\'s another benefit of coming early."

Asher thought this was a nice surprise. He wouldn\'t need to worry about getting to the larger nurses\' cabin if he was injured when sparring. There was a sure chance that the students would all get over excited when they first got to camp and a lot of small injuries would occur.

"Grab some ice from the freezer for your knuckles. You should know that I saw you hut them." Garnet said this like a doting mother. It was a strange change in her personality that the two did not expect from her.

Asher opened the freezer in the corner of the room to find a stack of medicinal ice packs. They were specially made to cool and distribute a special healing balm while it defrosted. The last time he had seen these was when they had been marketed during their release. Since then they had fallen out of popularity on the average home and risen to be a generic school and hospital staple.

"I haven\'t seen these in forever, I remember when they used to be blue and green or had cartoon characters on them." Asher and laura were enamored by the childhood memories. Asher hadn\'t even realized that he had these memories until now, but they came so naturally that he had started to think that maybe, just maybe the memories from his other world were nightmares.

"My son hated those. He said he didn\'t want to sell out to the mass market, but in the end, he wanted the money to fund his next medical invention, so he put the cartoon characters on it" Asher and Laura were shocked.

"You have a son?!" the two shouted in unison not fully believing they had just heard right.

"Well, what did you think of me? Just a lonely martial artist running a family camp? I may not be married but I did adopt a son. His name is Samuel and he is an experimental doctor. He was lucky enough to get a super power that enhanced his brain processing speed. He used it to develop medical technology. I am very proud." Garnet was gushing over her son\'s accomplishments.

"I didn\'t think you would have a child, or well, adopt one. I just thought that you were more the leader of the pack loner type." Asher was a little quiet and afraid that he might anger her by saying this.

"I was...I used to be." Garnet looked off and grabbed some of the healing ointment to toss to Laura who was washing out a few scratches on her elbow. "But when you get in to a multiple car crash and your family is experienced in rescue and has the strength you help. We managed to drag almost everyone out of the wreck, but it was still on fire, and we were the only ones there. Samuels parents didn\'t make it, but I was able to grab his car seat before his car was completely burned."

Asher had a feeling that he was on the downward slope of a roller coaster. This was a lot to take in and it made his stomach to do a flip. "So you took him in and raised him. Remind me again why you aren\'t a hero?" Laura was also thinking this. In her view, Garnet was describing the exact things a hero would have done in the situation.

"It\'s not my path to take. But yes, I raised Samuel. They tried to take him to an orphanage. Yet every time he left my arms he would cry himself silly. It was hysterical watching those medics freak out over the baby that wouldn\'t stop crying." Garnet was suddenly much more human than Ashjer had been seeing her. He had made her in to this intense monster of training and harshness. But really she was just another person like him.

"I\'m sorry. I think I misjudged you." Asher looked guilty, and so did Laura who was stopped in her actions.

"Why? You didn\'t do anything against me. Onyx on the other hand…" She smiled knowing that Onyx would definitely make Asher\'s training harder as the week went on. Just like that Asher was back to seeing Garnet as a harsh martial artist ready to pummel him.

He tried to shift his gaze away and found that Laura was putting on some bandages to the worse scrapes in an odd way. "Laura, do you not know how to use a band aid?"

"Pssh, of course I do. I just stick it on the cut like this." She slapped the band aid on her scrape completely missing the the largest portion.

"And I\'m adding the first aid course to your required training while you are here." Garnet held her head in her hands for a moment in disbelief. "I swear school doesn\'t teach you anything anymore. When I went I had an entire course on first aid."

"That course is next semester. We are only sophomores so they usually wait until we have had a chance to understand our super powers in case we need to take a special first aid course." Asher had remembered Cara taking her first aid course when she was a sophomore so he knew that it was just too early as of yet.

"Well, you three will be having a crash course while here. If you have yet to catch on as part of coming early you will also receive a day to day training schedule. This is why so few students are accepted as early enrollment to camp. You are all considered promising students and the school will ensure that you receive the best education. My family\'s camp is part of that." Garnet looked at the two as she explained these things, Asher could only wonder why Cara failed to mention this perk.

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