What The Luck!?

Chapter 204 - 204. Garnets' Story

"Dude, your power could take down an entire evil organization with small slips and falls. Think it would be bad luck for a villain holding all the secret plans to lose it on the train? Boom done. Think that the bad guy would be having bad luck if they missed the timing of the guards patrol and got caught? There are tons of bad luck things like that which could be super useful." Art jumped in to try and make Asher feel a little better. His ideas were all pretty specific for some reason but were indeed bad luck in some form or fashion. 

"Yeah, but what if it\'s bad luck that they slip down the stairs and get their head cracked open? Or bad luck that they decided to rob a bank and their weapon malfunctions and they lose a hand? Who says it will always be small things like yours?" Asher had realized that he could be the cause of death if he was not careful about who he considered an enemy. 

"Asher! You know that all too well that Art is trying to be more positive, You snapped him out of his own head yesterday and I swear if you don\'t get your head out of the mud I will slap you for him." Jane was not having a single word of this more. She thought that Asher\'s super power was something amazing and did not want to hear him bash it. 

"But what if I mess up and someone does get hurt?" Asher couldn\'t let it go so easily. He was afraid he would do the wrong thing and accidentally hurt people. He had just seen an entire spot of land that someone had made unusable for a long time.

"Then you learn how to work around it and control it. Your luck is good, all the time. But it sounds like you need to choose to jinx someone, so learn to live life happier, more fulfilled,m and with less hate." Garnet summed up the only strategy she could think of. 

"Is it really so simple?" Asher mumbled slightly while looking down at his feet. He had stopped just outside the path that Garnet had led them to. He knew that he could easily get to the dining cabin now but wasn\'t sure if he should.

"Not at all. If it was then we would all have mastered out super powers in a few hours. But look at me, even though I have trained for years I still am not sure where my limit lies when it comes to my garnet bones. I could have years before I fully master them or I can finish tomorrow. There is no set time limit, just a goal." Garnet\'s words got through to Asher in this moment. 

The three watched him put a determined face on and knew that Asher had set another goal in his future. "Then I will try and understand my luck and the luck I can give and take fully. Even if I can\'t make it do what I want I will at least keep it from doing anything I don\'t want to to do." 

"And we are going to help you." Art and Jane placed their arms around Asher\'s shoulders and walked ahead on the path toward the dining cabin. They had only lost an hour or so lost in the woods but it was enough to bring up some emotional moments and feelings. Garnet on the other hand was already sending notifications to those who needed to know about Asher\'s apparent control of bad luck. 

She let out another large sigh, "Why do all the campers I take a liking to end up being a time bomb. At least he seems different than the last few that I helped." Garnet was recalling a previous incident in the camp. One she had hope wouldn\'t happen again. She sighed again and hit send on her phone. 

"Garnet, do you want to eat with us? We can show you what we are planning to do today for training and academics." Jane yelled to her and brought a smile to Garnet\'s normally cold face. This was already more promising than in the past. 

"I can do with a short break to eat. I haven\'t had my own breakfast after all." She went off to join them. With the thoughts of years past and the current days weighing on her, she made the decision to actively change this from happening again. "Actually, we should eat in the staff room. I can tell you a story there, it could give you direction." She was worried that she would end up giving them ideas instead of guidance but this was something she didn\'t do in the past that she hoped would be the difference. 

The four grabbed their food and were being watched by many of the campers. No one had expected Garnet to come in and actually be eating with any of the campers. "Follow me, I can show you to the staff room. The lunch rotation doesn\'t start for another few hours so we will have it to ourselves."

The three followed Garnet much to the curiosity of the other campers through the doors to the kitchen and out of sight. There were plenty of whispers and new gossip forming about how they had somehow managed to win a special lunch room and even a meal with the head counselor. Unknown to the three they were now the talk of the camp and would have plenty of competition coming after them for the knowledge on hope to get the special lunch room that didn\'t really exist. 

"Here is fine." Garnet had led them to a larger room with roughly the same amenities as the campers\' lunch area. The only difference was coffee machines, couches for relaxing, and a few other things that the staff may need to restock on through the days. "I want to tell you three about some campers we once had. They were a close trio like you but did not have the same enthusiasm for heroics. I learned that too late though." 

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