48 Hours a Day

Chapter 855 - The Lucky Oriental Man

Chapter 855: The Lucky Oriental Man

Although Fabino witnessed how much the equipment and morale of the patrol team had changed, he still found it difficult to believe that the security situation in the southeast city had improved.

After that, Fabino went on the street with Zhang Heng and the patrol team. He saw all the passers-by, whether men or women, young or old, stopping what they were doing and greeting them in a different accent.

When an old fishmonger stopped in front of Fabino and gave him an expressionless greeting, he was instantly weirded out.

“Well, what the hell is going on? Are they trying to lower our guard so they can secretly assassinate us afterward?”

“No. Out of politeness, they just want to say hello,” Zhang Heng said.

“This is weird,” Fabino touched his chin. “If I remember correctly, the people here have a bad attitude towards outsiders; the people here feeling that they had come to take advantage of them. Although in reality, it is this city that has taken advantage of them, I believe they are more likely to spit at us rather than say hello.”

“It won’t be easy for them to change their old habits, but at least they are trying to make a change. Anyway, saying hello is a good start, isn’t it?”

“Hmm... I think we will know the answer to this question soon.” Fabino seemed noncommittal.

Fabino had an instinctive suspicion of everything in the southeast city. He had always felt that what he saw now only an illusion, but he also firmly believed that he would find out the truth as long as he paid enough attention. He did not know how Zhang Heng managed to make the southeast city natives standing before him cooperate with him and together, creating a harmonious scene. However, the southeast city was a vast place. Fabino did not believe that Zhang Heng could take care of the entire city.

After they spent half a day walking on the street, Fabino was in a state of great shock. Not only did he fail to find any evidence that Zhang Heng had forced the residents to work with him, but he actually found signs that the security in the southeast city was indeed improving.

Although this place was still poor and dirty, the criminal activities on the street had greatly reduced, and some order had been restored. Wherever the patrol team went, Fabino could see that criminals were actually afraid of them.

And from the records handed to him by Aris, it was apparent that the cases solved by the patrol and the criminals they arrested had dramatically increased. This exceeded a zero-to-one improvement, where the number of criminal cases solved by the patrol team had topped all the other regions of Rome. However, considering the unique environment here in the southeast city, the number of criminals caught by the patrol team was just the tip of the iceberg that this place was.

Including Zhang Heng, only thirteen people were in the patrol team. Ironically, among all the other patrol teams from other regions, their team had the fewest members, but they were responsible for the largest and most complicated neighborhoods. Even a strict assessor like Fabino could not find why he should not give Zhang Heng and the others a high score for what they had done for this place.


The changes that the patrol team brought to this place were rather noticeable. Anyone with a pair of eyes could see that it all began with the arrival of the former gladiator champion named Zhang Heng.

Early the following day, Fabino’s assessment report was sent to Commodus. After the young emperor read it, he put down the report and asked Clint beside him. “What do you think?”

Although Commodus tried his best to maintain a stern look, the excitement in his tone revealed his current thoughts.

Clint bowed, “It seems our gladiator champion is not only good at fighting, but he has also proven that he can be helpful to you. Your Majesty, I think you can consider recruiting him to lighten up your burden. Apart from that, your Majesty, this also proves that you are very good at judging a person.”

“I knew it!” Commodus slapped the table. “I knew he was the one I was looking for!”

A flash of jealousy appeared in Clint’s eyes, but he hid it well. When Commodus looked at him again, Clint showed a touch of relief, as if happy that he had found someone capable of working with him.

“The security problem in the southeast city has bothered the emperors for a long time. Even my father could not solve it, but he did what all the predecessors could not do, and it only took him two months to achieve something so great. He did not ask for funding and more manpower from us!” Commodus gushed in excitement.

“Yes, single-handed, courageous and strategic, very rare indeed.”

Clint praised Zhang Heng without the slightest hesitation.

“Don’t over compliment him.” Kang Maode smiled when he heard Clint praising Zhang Heng. “About being single-handed... You are the one that spread the news about a thousand Imperial Guards are going to station in the southeast city, right? Without this news, I don’t think he can deal with the old and powerful gang leaders over there. And I heard that you had participated a lot in this plan, but you didn’t mention a word about it.”

“This is probably what I like most about you, Clint,” The young emperor patted the advisor on the shoulder. “Many are blinded by power. They were once good people before they tasted power and wanted to do something for the people. But gradually, their minds became corrupted. They wanted more and more power until their hearts were completely occupied by jealousy. I have seen many people like that around my father, but I can be sure that you are not such. The empire is fortunate to have an upright and humble person like you.”

“Your Majesty, your compliments are making me nervous. I am just fulfilling the vow I made when we first met. I wanted to be your eyes, to help you uncover more truths.”

“Yeah, you are my eyes, and Altrus is my hand. And Zhang Heng, let me see what I can get out of him!” Commodus rubbed his hands in glee while he spoke. “Bring him to me.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Clint bowed, turned, and exited Commodus’s study room.

When he came to the hallway, the smile on his face disappeared. Although Zhang Heng was now his political ally, Clint still felt uncomfortable when he heard Commodus praise a person like that. He knew the emperor all too well. Earlier, Zhang Heng had proposed to let him participate in the public security restoration plan of the southeast city, and he was even willing to let him lead the plan. Although Clint agreed to it, he did not adopt Zhang Heng’s original plan. Instead, he withdrew. The only thing that he did was spread the news in the Senate.

He believed that it would work on Commodus, and at the same time, maintain his humble and non-power-hungry image in front of the emperor. Clint knew very well that Zhang Heng was the key to help him stabilize his position at Commodus’s side. And that was the truth.

But compared to what Zhang Heng got from this plan, Clint was still considered a side character. But now, he could not be bothered by it anymore. The competition between him and Altrus had almost reached its climax. And Commodus obviously favored Altrus more. Bringing Zhang Heng to Commodus’s side might not help him eliminate Altrus, but he could at least distract Commodus and give him more time to prepare for it.

“Damn it, what a lucky Oriental man,” Clint muttered in a low voice and left the palace.

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