The Tale of the Void Emperor

Chapter 334: Athan down.

Chapter 334: Athan down.

Central Underground Palace...

Only Ayurin was present as she waited for Valeria to come while fishing.

Today was the day they would depart for the Penta Regional Tournament.

After ten minutes, A door materialized from which Valeria appeared with a smile, " It\'s time. "

After coming out from the door, She took out a token and said, " Gather all the contestants at the underground central hall.


At the cloudly island where Athan was training...

Athan currently stood on the ground with absolute stillness while closing his eyes as his left leg was positioned forward by thirty centimeters.

His body was leaned downward while his left hand-stretched to the front in a fist form, and his right hand was straight behind him in a chopping motion, and sweat covered his whole body.

He gave off a terrifying pressure as one could clearly see the light violet aura exuding from his body.

His physical body was strained to the extreme as he created a highly complex set of order force circulating throughout his body.

This violet aura was the result of only order force and nothing else. More specifically, It was due to the set of order force patterns circulating throughout his body.

He opened his eyes that were red due to his eyes\' blood vessels expanding. The veins throughout his body also bulged as he prepared to execute his most powerful attack.

First Stance of Destruction, Assult of Heaven.


The surrounding of Athan stopped for one second to absolute stillness. This was due to the pure pressure that exuded from his body.

But the next second, As Athan swung his right hand that was in chopping form towards the sky, The violet-purple aura around his body shot to the sky at a fast speed but instantly stopped after traveling for twenty meters and turned into a thirty diameter wide purple cloud.

Right after that, Athan brought down his left hand that was in fist form to the ground.



As his fist hit the ground, It created a terrifying force and shockwave that blasted everything before the purple aura that formed into the cloud in the sky struck down as if heaven itself attacked the ground.



Pure Destruction was left in wake after Athan executed the first stance of Destruction, Assult of Heaven.

Every tree, grass, plant, and even the small mountain within the thirty meters of him disappeared.

This was a wide-range attack that covered thirty meters around him.


Athan fell to the ground on his back as he started taking deep breaths.

" This strain...It looks like My current body strength is not enough to execute this stance. "

Athan muttered with his eyes red and exhausted face.

But he stood up nonetheless as he didn\'t want to waste time.

In the past two months and some days, He first focused on mastering the 3-star essence order technique, Spiraling Cave of no Entry, and after fully mastering to its last level after one month and ten days, He started practicing the 5-star body order technique, Four Stances of Destruction.

And he was still practicing the First Stance of Destruction, Assult of Heaven, till today.

Just now, He didn\'t execute the full power of this stance because he only used pure order force.

Although this was the first time he properly executed it, It was not its full form as in the full form, He can consume some chaos force and add more power to it, just like how he uses it in his body order technique, Skyline Blows.

After standing up, He was just going to continue practicing when he sensed someone\'s presence and looked in his left side.

Mr. Devon could be seen walking towards him with surprise and astonishment in his eyes while looking around.

" Now, this is some destruction you created. What techniques have you been practicing? "

Mr. Devon arrived in front of Athan asked, but a slight frown also appeared on his face as he saw Athan\'s state, \' Don\'t tell me...\'

" Oh...If you mean the current destruction around here, Then it was due to the 5-star body order technique, The Four Stances of Destruction. I just used its First Stance, The Assult of Heaven. "

Mr. Devon\'s face was plastered with clear shock as he spoke in disbelief, " 5-star technique, you said? "

He thought that the destruction was due to Athan practicing for the past eight months.

Never once in his wildest imagination would have thought that Athan practiced the 5-star order technique and....after looking around once again and he thought, \' If this much destruction from one pure offensive 5-star order technique, then it\'s indeed possible that Athan really used a 5-star order technique. \'

\' How? \'

This question lingered in his head for a long time as he fell into a daze.

But he soon snapped out of his thought when he remembered his purpose here.

Looking at Athan, He smiled wryly and said, " Let\'s go. It\'s time to depart. "

" Huh?..." Athan was slightly startled because he had lost track of time while practicing and didn\'t think that it was already time to leave.

But he nodded his head nonetheless, " Alright. Let\'s go then. "

Mr. Devon was somewhat worried about Athan after seeing his state, but the important thing was gathering at the hall according to orders, so he opened the portal as both of them went inside it and appeared in the underground central hall.

Athan followed Mr. Devon as they both arrived in a vast hall where some people were already present.

There were around forty people, and more were coming every few seconds.

Athan saw Sen Theorus was already there, and she was talking happily with beautiful blue eyes.

She noticed Athan as she walked towards him and spoke with a smile in an enthusiastic voice, " Hehe Athan, We will have a re-match, and I will not lose next time. "

Athan smiled faintly and nodded, " Sure. But I am afraid you won\'t be able to win. "

After walking for a while and coming to the hall, the tension in his body was losing as he suddenly started to heaviness.

As Sen was going to speak one more time, she was slightly startled seeing Athan\'s eyes closing as he fell to the ground with a thud.

\' Damn...I...I will have to deactivate black orb\'s power...\'

As he fell down and started losing his consciousness, He hurriedly took out some milky white aura from the white orb and covered the black orb with it.

" What happened? who is he? "

At this moment, the woman whom Sen was talking with arrived and asked while glancing at Athan.

This beautiful woman was none other than Ayurin.

" He is Athan. The one who bested me. "

Sen answered, but her gaze was on Athan as a slight frown appeared, \' His state did seem unstable when he arrived. What happened? \'

She looked at Mr. Devon, who was also slightly stunned seeing Athan falling down, and asked, " What happened to him, Mr.Devon? "

But before he could answer, Ayurin looked interestingly at Athan, " Let me check what happened to him. "

She wanted to see the person who defeated her disciple.

When he put her hand on Athan\'s chest and tried to sense his condition, A shocked expression appeared on her face as she muttered, " Madness...."

" What happened, Master? "

Ayurin stood up and shook her head with a wry expression, " He overworked himself. Both his body and brain are in a mess. It seems that in the past eight months, He didn\'t take a single break and continue training in a hyperactive state. "

Internally, She was also surprised for another matter, \' I could not see anything inside his body, neither his maelstrom of chaos, his body and essence core, and nor his order-base. It looks like he has some kind of special physique. \'

But she was able to check Athan\'s body that was breaking apart and healing and, most importantly, His brain that was way more exhausted and messier than his body.

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