Butcher Demon

Chapter 138

Chapter 138

As Natsuki stared in disbelief, the monster held up one finger in front of its mouth and made a shushing sound through its teeth.


It was only then that Natsuki realized that the spider was on her shoulder.

Her heart skipped a beat, almost screaming but managed to stop herself by putting her hands over her mouth. The monster\'s gesture was stuck in my mind. If I made a noise, it will kill me first.

After watching her, the monster shifted his gaze to the bed.

On the bed was a pink-haired woman who was still tied up.

The monster approached the woman slowly and climbed up on the bed and covering her.

The woman\'s breathing had finally calmed down, but she writhed and closed her legs at the feeling of another rape coming from the shaking of the bed.

"Nn ...... nn ......."

She was a woman with a perfectly proportioned body. She was so plump that her breasts remained full even when her arms were bound above her, her nipples were small, her ribs were so thin that you could see the lines of it, and yet her hips were luscious.

She was blindfolded and had headphones on, so she had no idea what was going on around her, she had no way of knowing who was looming over her.

The monster grabbed both of the woman\'s knees and made her open her legs.

The woman had already given up on resisting, and simply exposed her private parts. Her labia were red and bloodshot from repeated intercourse, and there was a streak of white fluid trickling down her buttocks.

The monster shifted his apron to the side.

What emerged was a huge pole.

For a moment, Natsuki could not recognize what it was.

It was only after the monster thrust it in the woman with a single breath. when she realized that the reddish-black massive object was the monster\'s penis.

"N......n!? m n n n n n n n n!?!!"

The woman\'s body twisted like a bullwhip. She thrust out her chin and her hands pulled the restraining straps tightly. Her back arched beautifully as her buttocks swooped upward.

What was supposed to be a move to escape the monster\'s massive girth turned out to be a move to lead the monster deeper into herself. The monster held her hips in the air and began to shake them.

"Mugu~u!? gu! N n!! n n!! n hnnm!!"

The pistoning was violent.

The strokes were so intense that the bed screamed so loudly I thought the bed frame would break. The woman\'s muffled screams mixed in with it. The woman was shaking her head, her hair waving in the air, probably begging for forgiveness, but it didn\'t seem to be conveyed to the monster.

The monster extended its black tongue from its mouth and began to lick the woman\'s body. It licked her breasts, flicked her nipples, and lowered the tip of its tongue to play with the woman\'s belly button. The monster\'s tongue left a trail of sticky, transparent goo where it had crawled.

"Ooh, ooh, ooh!!, ooh, ooh!!, ooh, ooh!!, ooh, ooh, ooh!!"

The woman started to howl like a wild animal. Drool was spilling out of her gag, snot was running down her nose, and tears were seeping out of her eye mask. The monster licked them all off with its tongue and shook the woman\'s body even harder.

The monster kept driving his hips toward the center of the woman\'s body, and she was constantly trying to adjust her position, trying to figure out how to protect herself from the friction of this savage sex. As a result, it turned into a seductive dance that aroused the monster and pushed him to ejaculate his load.

The sex act continued, more beastly than the mating of a wild animal.

Natsuki was transfixed by the scene in horror. As she watched, the monster pushed his hips two or three times and then stopped moving.


The woman followed suit, her body frozen stiff.


From Natsuki\'s perspective, She could see the monster\'s testicles moving rhythmically up and down. The woman\'s body was also making small jerks in time with the pulsation. Her cheeks were flushed red, and her nose had a faint heat to it. It was a relief to see the end of the wild act, yet it also contained the pleasure instinctively given off by the woman being impregnated.

(Well, now there is only ......)

Realizing that the monster was ejaculating, Natsuki ran her gaze around the room, trying to get away from the situation.

She looked at the entrance door of the room. It was sealed with an umbrella. However, she had already given up on that. The spider that had landed on Natsuki\'s shoulder was already camped out near the door.

Natsuki saw the end of that drug addict very clearly. If that spider bites me, I\'ll die. I have to find another way out.

Next she looked at the sliding door .

That\'s the only place I can go. The only way to escape was through the vent behind the sliding door .

There were no windows in Natsuki\'s room. Basically, the rooms in the lower levels of the Fort do not have windows or balconies. Warehouse-like rooms were the norm. Instead, they have larger ventilation pipes to ensure enough airflow.

In her room, there is a small space behind a sliding door that divides the room. The space can be used as a closet or as a work area. There was supposed to be a vent in the ceiling of such a small space.

The heavens were giving me the last chance. I had to trust in that. I had worked so hard, and God had brought me the luck of a lifetime.

And it was perfectly aligned. Running into that place was like killing two birds with one stone. If I\'m thin enough, I might be able to get through the vent, but not the monster.

If I could just dive through that sliding door and push my body all the way to the ceiling vent....

"Nnh!? hmmm n n n n n n n n!!\'

There was a loud scream.

Natsuki, who had begun to move stealthily towards the sliding door, stiffened at the sound.

She looked at the bed and saw that the monster was laying its weight on the woman. The woman was shaking her head madly and kicking at the air with her feet, but she could not move a muscle as the monster held her by the waist.

"―――― N!!"

Finally, the woman let out a squeal and quieted down.

The monster began to slam its hips again. the room began to fill with sounds of flesh slapping flesh. The woman\'s frenzy which had increased in volume to match the rhythm rang through the room. Perhaps it was because of the gag in her mouth, but her screams were like the barking of a dog.

The monster, who was now moving even more aggressively than before, reached out his hand. On the bed was the corpse of a man who had lost his head. The monster pulled it to him and began to eat it as naturally as if he were rehydrating in the middle of a sporting event.

With a swing of his hips, he twisted off the corpse\'s arm and snapped it. Smacking the woman\'s ass. Gobbling the corpse\'s shoulder. A splash of bright red drenched the woman\'s chest and face. After thrusting into the woman\'s womb, he tore into the corpse\'s chest. Putting a lot of weight on the woman\'s vaginal opening, grinded on it. He pulled out the corpse\'s guts and began to bite into them.

*smack-smack -- gurgling -- smack-smack-- splat splat --*

In front of the nightmarish intercourse that was beyond belief, Natsuki experienced the sensation of her own semicircular canal being destroyed.

The bitter taste was all over her tongue. She tried to walk on all fours, but her hands slipped and her elbows lost their strength and she couldn\'t move forward. A shiver came from the core of her body.

"Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Nhoooo!?"

The monster came again, filling the room with delighted female screams and sobs.

The ejaculation was so intense that the bed was soaked with the semen that spilled out from the womb. It was a tremendous amount.

A huge amount of blood was also splattered all over the room.

The strange thing was that it wasn\'t the smell of semen or the iron smell of blood that was wafting through the air, it was the smell of something sophisticated, like perfume, but that wasn\'t what Natsuki was thinking about right now.

How will I survive? That was the only thing on her mind.

If I die, it will be all over. I can\'t die.

But no matter how hard she tried, she was going to die. There was no doubt about it.

There was no way that I could lift the weight of a single person with my body overwhelmed with fear. There was no way the plan I had just thought of was going to work. It was just a stupid, childish plan based on a cliche action movie story.

But I had to survive. What should I do? It\'s impossible. But I have to do something. When the monster\'s fun is over I\'ll be next. Whatever it takes hurry up before that woman dies.

Her head was whirling in circles.

Her endless muddle of thoughts was suddenly interrupted by a silence that overwhelmed her ears.

Before I knew it, the monster had gotten off the bed.

The monster walked up to Natsuki. His steps were so quiet that it was hard to believe from his physique.

In the hands of the monster, whose entire body was dyed bright red, was a hairy leg. The torso, which should have been there, had disappeared.

Can you give me some extra time? Even a condemned man on the verge of execution would still get mercy sometimes. My head felt like it was going to explode.

My heart was beating so hard that I felt like it was going to burst. I should have screamed, but I couldn\'t. In the midst of the adrift feeling like being in a feverish dream, she had completely lost control of her entire body.

The monster finally stood in front of Natsuki.

A black tongue surged out and licked up her cheek.

(Sorry .... I ............ !!)

At that moment, when she prepared to die, all that came to her mind was a face that stared back at her.

--When humans show courage beyond their limits, it is always for the sake of those they are supposed to protect.

I felt the blood surge back into my body.

In the center of my body, there was a release of pressure, as if something had exploded.

Natsuki\'s eyes widened, and her gaze pierced the monster.

She brushed off its tongue, stood up, and held up the gun she had found and stashed in her purse.

She knew it was meaningless, but the weight of the steel in her hand was more than enough to motivate her.

The monster stopped moving when the gun was pointed at it.

"Huu! Haaa! Huu! Haaa! Huu! Haa............"

Natsuki breathes heavily, repeatedly as if hyperventilating, and yells with all the energy she can exhale at the moment.

"If you want to fuck me, then you have to fucking pay me!!"

As she shouted out loud, adrenaline flowed into her brain like a turbulent stream.

"If it\'s SM you\'ll have to pay extra!! And if it\'s some weird kink you\'ll have to come up with enough money to buy me a house!! Can you pay for it!? How\'s that!! Haaa!?"

Emotions that had been repressed overflowed incessantly.

"I\'ve been in danger so many times! I\'ve thought about dying a million times! But this is how we gradually climbed our way out of here, step by step. But you---!!"

The blood rushed to her head, and with tears in her eyes, she threw the gun she had in her hand at the monster.

The monster did not move an inch and took it in the head. The pupil-less red eyeball remained fixed on Natsuki.

"Give it back! Give my life back! You even ruined my Christmas!! I want the cleaning fee!! And a fee for not being able to work tomorrow. Also, transfer fee!! Take responsibility!! You----stupid bald fat fuck!!!"

...... and a deafening silence came.

Hah ...... hah ...... and all that could be heard was Natsuki\'s breathing.

As the heat slowly subsided, a cold shiver came from her burning, sweaty neck, this time twisting around her entire body.

A monster that killed men, raped women, and ate people without batting an eye. What was the point of such a stupid tantrum?

was that useless?

I wondered, but there was nothing I could do.

I have already done what I can. All I can do now is wait for this monster\'s decision.

"………… Ah, that ……"

Natsuki, who could no longer stand the tension as if a knife was being held to her throat, spoke up.

At the sound of her voice, the monster stepped forward and closed in on Natsuki.

She was almost crushed by the monstrous presence that filled her vision.


I\'m going to die.

As I was preparing to die,, the monster gently took my hand and wrapped her arm around it.

He slid his blood-soaked fingertips down her exposed white arm.

With a slurp, the monster finished with a swift movement of his fingers.


A strange voice leaked from Natsuki\'s mouth.

The words were written in blood.

--I\'m buying you--

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