The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 375 - Delos (3)

Arnold was busy training his butt off when doors to his room were thrown open and in came Nicole rushing towards him. She had brought her tablet with her as she had something important to show to Arnold.

As Nicole approached him, Arnold stopped doing his pushups and got up to see his sister\'s distraught face. He knew something had happened and it was probably related to Hercules.

"What did you do this time!?" Nicole yelled as she slammed the tablet into his chest.

Arnold was a bit confused by her question as well as her reaction. But rather than asking about it, he went ahead and looked at what was on that tablet of hers. It showed a monologue of two people who went out to investigate the \'island\', which had been given the code name Delos, only to end up being swallowed by it.

\'Is she referring to their deaths? How is it my fault that they were dead?\'

The death of the two people didn\'t bother him much, if at all. The council had already given strict and clear instructions to every country and they were told not to do such a foolish thing. The two idiots didn\'t listen and hence had to pay the price for doing so. It was just as the saying went: Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

"Why are you showing this to me?" Arnold said, scratching the back of his head, "It\'s not my fault that these two idiots did what they were told not to-"

"Watch the end of the video first!"

Arnold sighed, continued playing the video, and then saw what Nicole had been trying to show him. A camera feed showing Hercules standing in front of his army. The following moment, the demigod was seen issuing a direct challenge to him, the Vassal of the Immortal one. Now Nicole\'s question made some sense to him.

"Just why is a Demigod coming here after you? What did you even do for him to hate you so much that he brought an army just to get rid of you!?" Nicole said as she slowly began to calm down on her own. She realised yelling at her brother won\'t solve anything, but the thought evaporated from her mind as soon as she heard Arnold\'s reply.

"Um... nothing much. I just happen to be the one to kill one of his friends... I guess?" Arnold replied with a goofy expression on his face.

"You what!?"

"Yeah. Remember that three-headed dragon I killed back in LA? Apparently, she was an ally of his and since I\'m the one who killed her, I kind of painted a target on my back. So... you can say that in a way, all of the demigods want to kill me. That\'s all. It\'s nothing major."

"It\'s nothing major? Are you out of your fcking mind?" Nicole lost it again. But this time she wasn\'t going to calm down by herself, "A whole bunch of demigods are after you and only now you\'re telling me about it?"

"It\'s all under control. I know it seems weird but you don\'t have to be worried about a thing. As far as I\'m aware, it will be a bit challenging, but I\'m sure I\'ll be able to take care of Hercules as long as his army doesn\'t intervene..."

"Doesn\'t intervene? Do you seriously expect them to cheer you on while you kick their leader\'s butt? And how would you even manage to do that? This is Hercules we are talking about! A man who is told to have strength even greater than quite a few gods!" Nicole shook her head, "Please tell me that you have a plan at least..."

"He indeed has a lot of strength and I\'m most likely to be inferior to him if we were to fight on his terms. But he doesn\'t have one thing that I do."

"And what is that?"

"A brain filled with a dozen ideas to defeat him."

"..." Nicole didn\'t know whether she was supposed to laugh at his joke or cry because their planet was doomed, "You just had to use that cheeky line, didn\'t you?"

"I\'m serious. You can either have the brawns or the brains. But not both. Furthermore, we have our secret weapons as well."

"What you\'re gonna say next? Family?"

"No, for god\'s sake."

Arnold couldn\'t help but remember an old movie, in which anything was possible for a certain bald guy racing in his 1970 Dodge charger. That is, as long as he had a family full of friends backing him up. Even flying a car in space was quite easy for him and his homies. And Arnold was fairly sure that even going up against Hercules was something that man could\'ve easily accomplished. After all, he had his family to help him out...

But it wasn\'t the time to fantasizing about some weird random sh*t. They were in real danger and no movie star was going to save their butts. Arnold had to do it by himself. If only he could still kill someone without facing any consequences, he would have already flown across the sea on Scylla\'s back and destroy the Island creature along with Hercules and his army with a single bullet using Dragon Bone Sniper rifle.

But he couldn\'t. Not unless he wanted to risk the safety of the entire world. With one hasty decision or mistake, he could lose control over himself as well as everything and everyone around him. Nicole could\'ve stopped him from going on a rampage, however, since her abilities don\'t work on him, it was better to not take the risk.

There was also another reason why he hadn\'t told Nicole about his new no-kill condition. He trusted his sister more than he trusted his blood allies. But he didn\'t trust the one getting a free ride inside her mind. Because System-sama had told him to beware of \'Donna\'. In System-sama\'s words, Donna was nothing but trouble.

Regardless of that, he was sure he could defeat Hercules. Even if he won\'t be able to kill him.

"So? What else do we have that can not only defeat Hercules but also take care of his monster of a pet?" Nicole asked her brother once again.

"We have our guardians You have Donna and I have a helped of my own. If anything, Hercules should be the one to be scared of us."


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