Immortality System: The Last Human's Transmigration

Chapter 105 Monster

Seeing his hand extending toward me, I slightly widened my eyes. It was not that I didn\'t expect the offer; it was just that his words before had surprised me slightly.

\'So they don\'t have many assassins... Seems like I\'ll fit in quite well.\' A sinister smile threatened to break out from the corner of my lips.

"I accept." I replied after a few seconds of \'pondering.\'

"Good, then let\'s get going." Klive waved for me to follow him, and after a few seconds of looking at him unflinchingly, I smiled and followed him.

The rest of the \'children\' were still in their shocked states. I didn\'t know why I kept thinking of them as children, yet in my eyes, they were nothing but that. Newbies who were green to the world\'s infinite cruelty.

We walked through the forest in complete silence. While the children didn\'t dare talk to me, Klive attempted to speak to me numerous times, yet all he got in return for his endeavors were slight nods and short one-word answers. He didn\'t take it personally, however, as he could understand that I wasn\'t being cold on purpose but, in reality, was just feeling extremely awkward to the point where answering with short answers was the best thing I could.

At the same time, I felt as if talking to him was a waste of both our time, something that only furthered the tension between our group and made our long walk even quieter.

After 20 minutes of walking, I suddenly stopped and looked in a specific direction while stretching out my arm and stopping the rest from moving forward.

"What is it?" Klive asked, yet despite his whisper, he looked relaxed, and so did the children.

I rose an eyebrow at this scene but did not comment. Everyone had their secrets, so I did not find it strange for beastkin to not be afraid of beasts. For all I knew, they might even have the ability to talk to beasts.

"I can feel someone watching us..." I muttered and activated blood eyes.

In the next instant, my eyes darted towards the trees around us, and from what I could see, we were surrounded by a pack of wind wolves, all at the gaseous stage while their alpha was in the liquidous stage.

"We should be fine. It\'s just a pack of wind wolves." I shrugged while the others looked at each other with strange gazes.

Taking a step forward, I felt a hand hold onto my shoulder, making me look back with a curious gaze. I saw the worried eyes of Klive and the strange gazes I got from the children, but I quickly chose to ignore them while waiting for Klive to say something.

"I can try to calm them down. There is no need for you to kill them." He stated and walked in front of me. I didn\'t really care since I couldn\'t get any exp from the wolves, but if I could, I would have 100% killed them all before Klive, and the others could react.

Klive moved forward and started to talk to them. I was shocked not because I didn\'t expect it but because I was thinking about that being his ability from the start.

A strange expression appeared on Klive\'s face as he heard what the wind wolves were saying, while the rest of the wolves growled at me while showing off their sharp teeth.

After a while of discussing, one of them finally lost control and dashed towards the children and me, yet before it could get any closer, its eyes met mine.


It could feel death looming over it. It could feel a dread that no sane being would be capable of withstanding. It whimpered back in fear, its eyes shaking while its body constantly shuddered as if it was having a seizure.

There was a natural difference in strength in the wild, and it was not one of strength but of race and bloodline. No matter how strong those of a lower bloodline were, they would never be able to beat someone of a higher bloodline without breaking their limits, and this was especially the case when it came to their natural predators.

However, one thing was different about me. I was not a wild animal; I was a human... A race that had the capability of fighting against anything and everything and still finding a way to survive. A race so durable that despite its previous weak physiques, it had the power to rise to the top of the food chain and even create weapons with the ability to wipe out all life on Earth.

This was the power of humanity, and at that moment, a human that has been classified as a true awakened human stood in front of the wind wolf. This was no longer a battle of strength but a battle of bloodlines and predators, and since humanity was the natural predator of every species that lived on Earth back in my era, there was no way the wind wolf would have the ability to fight against me.

A pressure descended upon the wind wolf, the pressure of a killing intent carved and constructed out of all of the lives I took to get to where I was.

Before the wind wolf could understand what hit it, its head fell to the ground, and its eyes became lifeless.

Standing beside it with my reaper blades drawn, I quickly absorbed its life energy while destroying its head under my foot.

"Anyone else?" I asked, my eyes cutting through the air and landing upon the gaze of the alpha wind wolf.

I could see it shudder under my gaze, yet due to its subordinates standing right behind it, it forced itself to stand up tall and prideful, yet it chose to not move forward no matter what since it knew doing so would mean instant death.

"Let\'s go..." My cold voice shot the children and Klive out of their stupor, and immediately, we began to walk in the other direction.

Looking into the eyes of the children, I could see traces of fear within them despite technically having just saved their lives. However, I did not care for their gazes, as those were the least of my worries.

I was trying to think of what I should say when asked the question of the race I come from. I could say I\'m an elf, but those who have seen elves would instantly recognize me as not being one of them.

Elves were a race of primarily slim people. While some were ripped, they were always on the lean side of the scale. From the information I gathered from Blanca, while the elves might have been slim and tall, the dwarves were the opposite.

Dwarves had human-like ears, but what truly differentiated them from the human race was that they would have been considered extremely short, most of them sitting around the 4ft 10 to 5ft 2 range, if not lower. Of course, there were still those who stood over 5 and a half feet tall, but they were a small number of people, the king of the dwarven empire being one of them.

However, even if I were to say that I was a dwarf, they would not believe me either. I had slightly slimmed down after being killed for the third time, but I still did not lose any of my strength. I could only guess that the slimming down was brought about due to my evolver trait that made my body more and more suitable for my battle style every time I died.

After dying, I could feel that my martial arts had become a lot more fluid while the muscles responsible for the actions had become firmer and tighter to the skin.

The thing was that despite that, I was not tanned enough to casually state that I was a dwarf. Dwarves were known for their tanned skin, strong muscles, and short stature, yet I seemed to only have the robust muscles part of their physiques.

Finally, an idea hit me, but I was not too sure of it.

\'If horses and donkeys can reproduce, why can\'t elves and dwarves. They are basically from the same family line. Hell, even tigers and lions can reproduce; why wouldn\'t elves and dwarves have to ability to do so?\'

With that thought in mind, I created a plan far from flawless but sufficient enough for me to live in the beastkin civilization for a while.

I could see several beastkin running around a few miles away with my blood eyes. It was at the limit of my blood eyes sight, but it was more than sufficient for what I was currently doing. Also, my range of sight and mana usage increased due to my blood eyes having been upgraded.

With such a thing under my sleeve, I could see for almost several miles if I were to strain my eyes a little.

"There are a few people up ahead." I stated nonchalantly, but Klvie raised a brow at this. No matter what race I came from or how powerful I was, beastkin were known for their sensory abilities and capabilities of feeling everything around them, some of their most potent capable of feeling everything within several dozen miles without a hitch.

I walked with the rest of them for several minutes, some of the children taking glances at Klive as if trying to verify my words. After a few more minutes, Klive frowned and said-

"I don\'t feel any-" He paused and widened his eyes in shock.

"Impossible... How!" He looked at me with complete shock as I simply walked in front of them without a care in the world.

Someone had just entered his detection range, and they were far over a mile away. In fact, the only reason Klive could even feel them was that they were flailing their aura wildly without care, allowing him to feel them from much further away than he would generally be capable of doing.

Looking at me, he only had one question running through his mind.

\'What kind of monster did I bring with me?\' He asked himself, a trace of worry in his eyes as he remembered a scene in the blizzard dungeon.

The scene of him slashing with his blade after feeling something behind him, but after finding out he had slashed nothing while there was no one in sight, he retracted his blade and sheathed it again.

\'Was that him? Oh no... What have I done?\'

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