Alexander The Great Mage

Chapter 17 - Stand Down!

"They would have done better if they forted up within the Palace itself." Shira commented as she looked at the mangled mess of troll corpses.

It was a horrorifying scene, straight out of the pit of hell.

Entrails spilled out from gaping wounds created by merciless wind blades covered the ground. Decapitated heads littered the area surrounded by bodies bent grotesquely out of shape – the handiwork of the earth golems. The air was also filled with a stinking burnt smell caused by still-smoking bodies of trolls roasted to crisp by fireballs.

"I would have done better too." Kan-Dari daintily covered her nose with her long sleeves. "We wouldn\'t be smelling this horrible smell if they did." She sneaked a peek at Liz\'An and was relieved that she looked fine.

"Yes. We\'d be forced to storm the Palace of course, and suffer countless ambushes as we go from room to room. Close quarters combat all the way. Their sharp blades against our magic. There won\'t be any room for large area-of-effect spells, so we\'d have to depend on less powerful magic. Casualties would be high for both sides instead of being a one sided massacre. But yes, you definitely wouldn\'t have to suffer the smell of overcooked bodies." Shira said in an as-a-matter-of-fact voice.

Kan-Dari frowned slightly, trying to figure out if Shira made some sort of a jab at her.

Shira gave Kan-Dari an angelic smile. She was the chief cause of the charred bodies releasing the unpleasant smell. Her affinity with fire was so strong that she was able to cast fireball after fireball with impunity.

Out of Aleyria\'s 3 personal guards, only Shira had acted. She had caught a glimpse of Liz\'An\'s troubled face earlier and had immediately launched a furious barrage of fireballs. She couldn\'t bear to let Liz\'An suffer the pain of seeing members of her race die slowly. So she had made sure that the battle ended quickly.

Aleyria had taken one look at Shira\'s determined face and knew exactly what she was trying to do. And so she let her be. By Aleyria\'s estimate, Shira had shortened the battle by an entire minute. That was quite impressive, considering the whole battle was only 3 minutes long.

"Yes, Shira." Aleyria said grimly. "That was exactly what they should have done if they had known we were coming beforehand. But they didn\'t. That could only mean one thing."

"A trap!" Kan-Dari exclaimed. "Those dirty, sneaky..." She stopped abruptly when she realized that she was insulting one of her best friend\'s race.

"Snivelling rodents!!" Shira shouted with great satisfaction at being able to complete Kan-Dari\'s unfinished sentence nary a missing beat, completely oblivious that she had grievously insulted Liz\'An.

Kan-Dari stared at Shira in horror. "Y-you..." she sputtered.

"What?" Shira asked, honestly confused at Kan-Dari\'s reaction for once.

Liz\'An smiled. She loved the two clowns that she call sisters. Pure, bubbly, hilarious and often rather naive girls that had accepted her fully and unconditionally.

"They are being rather sneaky today. Very rodent-like indeed!" Liz\'An finally commented in a cheerful voice.

Truthfully, she bore no love for King Dirz\'On. He was a cruel King and his people had suffered greatly under him. She was quite glad that they were on this mission to kill him.

"But this level of sneakiness is quite unlike Zantrolls, though." She added thoughtfully.

"Indeed, Liz\'An." Aleyria affirmed. "There must be other powers at play. We have to be very careful. I suspect their entire purpose of sending these Zantroll guards to their meaningless deaths is to make us lower our guards as we enter the palace.

Kan-Dari gave the confused Shira one final glare before nodding. "Yes mistress. I agree. I suggest we send in the squad first to check for traps."

"No. Whoever is involved has managed to dictate the movements of King Dirz\'On\'s entire contingent. They must be really powerful. Sending in blue robes would only lead to their pointless deaths. I intend to enter alone."

"NO MISTRESS!" Shira shouted. "You can\'t! That would be too dangerous!"

"Yes Mistress, Shira\'s right. You may be powerful, but entering a palace full of traps alone is too dangerous!" Kan-Dari protested.

"Yes, Mistress. Allow us to accompany you, please." Liz\'An said pleadingly.

Aleyria looked at her guards helplessly and was about to order them to stand down when a voice rang out behind her.

"I agree. Let them join us. I would feel much better having the extra protection of three powerful Red Archmages." Alexander rode up in his giant horse. For all its size, it made no sound at all.

Aleyria turned her head around in surprise. Because Alexander was so high up on his oversized monster horse, Aleyria had to turn her head up to even see him.

This made her really irritated.

"What do you mean \'join us\'?!" She said rather sharply. "YOU are not going into the palace! Stand down!"

"Princess!!" Kan-Dari said in shock, horrified that Aleyria had said such things to the King. And with such a sharp tone too!

Shira widened her eyes in surprise and her mouth gaped open like a fish.

Liz\'An fidgeted uncomfortably on her horse. Her horse neighed softly as it staggered slightly forward.

Behind the King, Dubaza\'s eyes gleamed with mirth. This Princess! What guts!

Aleyria glared at Dubaza. He shrugged. His job was to protect the king, not make his decisions. Besides, nobody this side of Arcanus apart from the Princess herself could threaten him.

Alexander laughed out loud. He smiled at Aleyria enigmatically and sent his horse trotting forward. His ten guards followed him closely.

"Alexa..OW!" Aleyria turned and glared at Liz\'An who had poked her shoulder from behind.

"Princess! You shouldn\'t talk to your teacher, the King that way!" Kan-Dari whispered loudly.

Next to her, Liz\'An nodded vigorously. She was feeling rather guilty at having to poke her mistress. But it had to be done. She was about to yell at her teacher! Even her, an uncivilized brute of a troll knew better than to yell at the person who had taught you and given you everything.

"Shira! Say something!" Kan-Dari glared at Shira.

"I think we should follow them quickly before they enter the Palace without us." Shira pointed at Alexander who was dismounting and preparing to enter the Palace.

Aleyria sighed and sprang down her horse nimbly. "Let\'s go. If KING Alexandros is entering the palace, then all of us should go in as well. Squad! Enter the palace before the King and check for traps!"

"And the three of you." Aleyria narrowed her eyes. "Follow me."

"Heh heh heh" Kan-Dari laughed sheepishly.. Beside her, the other two clowns laughed sheepishly as well.

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