It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!



It was unusual for Ramon not to wake up at this hour, because usually he would already be halfway to work by now.

Moreover, this is not a weekend nor a holiday ...

Or was Ramon on a day off? Hailee didn\'t think so. If this was Lexus they were talking about, it still made sense, but Ramon ...

It felt like even though there was a storm out there, he would hit it in order to go to the company.

Okay, that supposition is too much.

Hailee knocked on Ramon\'s door once again and called out his name, but there was still no answer from inside. "Ramon? If you don\'t answer me, I will go inside. I am bringing you breakfast."

Hailee then turned to look at Martha, who gestured for Hailee to just enter Ramon\'s room. Because she also found it strange that Ramon didn\'t answer such a long call. Ramon is not a difficult person to wake up either, he is a light sleeper, as far as Martha knew.

Hailee then pushed the door to Ramon\'s bedroom curiously, meanwhile, Martha followed her from behind with a tray that contain breakfast for Ramon.

"Ramon," Hailee tried to call the man again, even though there was still no answer from within.

She then walked in and found that Ramon\'s bed was still a mess and someone was still sleeping under the thick golden brown blanket.

Hailee then accelerated her footsteps and sat by the bed while pulling the blanket covering Ramon\'s face.

"Ramon, are you all right?" Hailee asked worriedly and immediately pushed the blanket aside and found Ramon\'s pale face with sweat over flooding his body. "Oh, my God ..." Hailee gasped and instinctively reached out her hand to touch Ramon\'s forehead which felt very hot to the touch.

"What is wrong?" Martha, who followed Hailee into the room, immediately put the tray she was carrying on the nearest table and walked over to Hailee, whose expression now looked very worried and anxious.

"Ramon has a fever," Hailee said, looking confused about what to do. But, then her eyes stared at Martha intensely. "Do you have the number of Tordoffs\' private doctor?" She asked in a choked voice, as if she was trying to suppress the panic within her.

This is no time to panic. However, Hailee had never seen anyone as pale as Ramon, even though he is running a fever now, this man still looked fine last night, even though he was complaining of having a headache.

However, it had been a few days since Hailee had been seeing Ramon massaging his temples at every hour of the day he is awake.

At first, Hailee thought it was due to his piled up work and himself being too stressed from having to catch up with the four years worth memories that he forgot, so Hailee didn\'t think it would be this serious.

"Oh, just a moment, Ithink I have it on my cell phone, I will call him over right away," Martha said hastily and immediately walked out of the room, leaving Hailee and Ramon alone.

"Ramon?" Hailee tried to call out his name, she put her palm on Ramon\'s hot cheek, rubbing it lightly. "Ramon, wake up ..."

Hailee was trying to wake him up, but Ramon just muttered something in an incoherent voice, as if he didn\'t realize what had happened to him whatsoever.

Hailee then took out her cellphone to call Lis, to inform her that Ramon was sick, but the call was connected to voice mail. Looks like Lis is in an important meeting so she had to turn off her phone.

Therefore, Hailee only left a message, informing her of Ramon\'s condition before quickly calling Lexus to inform him of this.

However, before Hailee could say \'hello\', Lexus started grumbling to her first.

"Hailee! What were you doing with my brother all night? He didn\'t pick up my phone all this morning! He should be at the airport by now!" Lexus grumbled.

"I didn\'t do anything with your brother!" Hailee exclaimed under her breath. Well, kissing didn\'t fall into the \'do nothing\' category, right? "Ramon is now sick, he has a fever and is unconscious. Martha has called the doctor to come and I have called mother, but was not answered."

There was silence for a while after Hailee said all that, it seemed like Lexus was digesting the long sentence Hailee had just said.

"Wait," Lexus muttered. "Is Ramon sick?" He asked to make sure. "But how come? He looked all right last night!"

"I don\'t know," Hailee said in a weak voice, her hand wiping the sweat beads on Ramon\'s forehead with the tissue beside the nightstand. "Should I take him to the hospital?" Hailee asked nervously. "He looks very pale."

Then, Lexus\' voice took a serious turn and Hailee had never heard the Tordoffs\' second child speak this seriously.

"Martha must be on the phone with Doctor Bram, just wait there until he comes and if you are referred to go to the hospital, I will see you there. Stay with my brother, Hailee," Lexus said in a firmer voice.

Hailee nodded, yes. "Certainly."

"Keep me updated, I will go over after I settle this issue here," Lexus told Hailee.

"Yes," Hailee nodded again.

And when the phone line got disconnected, Hailee returned her focus to Ramon, who was still unconscious.


In fact, today Hailee had an appointment with Ben Kingston, the business journalist Ian introduced to her.

Hailee had called him and they scheduled to meet up today, but it seemed that thing have to be canceled due to Ramon\'s deteriorating condition.

Dr. Bram arrived ten minutes ago and he is now in the room checking on Ramon, while Hailee is standing not far from Ramon\'s bed, because she doesn\'t want to disturb him, watching over them in case she was needed.

Only after Dr. Bram seemed to have finished carrying out the inspection, did Hailee dare to approach and ask carefully.

"So, how\'s it going?" She asked, standing at the side of the bed. Her eyes did not leave Ramon\'s pale face even for a second.

"We should just take him to the hospital for a thorough examination, because it looks like this is a side effect of the trauma to his head that he experienced when the accident happened," Dr. Bram explained.

"Is it that bad?" Hailee asked anxiously, then she sat on the edge of the bed and took Ramon\'s hot hand in her cold ones.

"It is just in case, so we can find out more quickly what really happened, after all he\'s supposed to have his routine check- up today." Dr. Bram then tidied up his equipment and took out his cellphone. "I will call the ambulance to come," he told Hailee before getting up and walking out of the room.

Hailee frowned and looked down at the hand that was in her grasp.

Why did Ramon\'s condition suddenly deteriorate? Even though last night he was fine ...

Is it because he was not taking his medicines regularly?

Actually, Hailee didn\'t know whether Ramon was taking the medicines or not, because she didn\'t really pay attention to them.

However, with this incident, Hailee promised to herself that she would make sure that Ramon took all of his medicine properly.

Seeing Ramon in pain like this, made Hailee feel very uncomfortable, because she was used to his arrogant nature.

"Hey." Hailee rubbed the back of Ramon\'s hand and bit her lip lightly. Trying to hide her true feelings. "Don\'t get sick like this, I\'m worried."

"You think I asked for this?" There was a weak and harsh voice that made Hailee immediately lift her head and she found Ramon, who was frowning.

"Are you awake? How do you feel?" Hailee sat over to Ramon and grabbed a glass of mineral water beside his bed table.

"I have been awake since you called Lexus," Ramon said, he was already awake because of Hailee\'s frantic calls, but chose to remain silent because his head was throbbing painfully again. "You\'re so loud."

"I\'m worried, you know!" Hailee growled and hit Ramon\'s arm and held out the glass in his hand so that Ramon could drink it, but it was clear that Ramon needn\'t help with such a trivial thing.

Therefore, Hailee helped Ramon to arrange the pillows on the back of his head instead, so that he wouldn\'t choke and held the glass, helping Ramon to drink.

"Tell Dr. Bram that you don\'t need to call an ambulance, I feel much better now," Ramon said as he leaned back and prepared to close his eyes again.

However, Hailee didn\'t make any move to comply with his request, therefore, Ramon opened his eyes again and looked at the girl with a frown.

"You\'re going to the hospital," Hailee said sternly, as if there\'s no room for argument with her this time.

"I said no, didn\'t I?" Ramon insisted as he folded his arms, but at a time when his face was pale and looking weaker than usual, Hailee could quite easily overcome his sharp and fierce gaze. "I\'m not going anywhere."

"Dr. Bram said you had to do a thorough examination and that\'s what you were going to do." Hailee didn\'t want to lose either.

"What can you do if I refuse?" Ramon challenged the girl in front of him, somehow, even in this sick state, they still had energy and a topic to fuss about.

Hailee then gave Ramon a sly smile, picking up her cell phone. "I\'m going to call your mother and Lexus and tell them that Dr. Bram suggested you go to the hospital, but you refused."

"Do you think that would work? I\'ll tell them I\'m fine." Ramon grinned back at Hailee and pulled up the covers, getting ready to go to sleep again.

He just needed rest and being with Hailee only made him feel even more tired.

But, then he heard Hailee\'s voice crying while speaking incoherently and words that were difficult to understand.

What is this?!

Ramon immediately opened the blanket covering his head and saw that Hailee was crying while calling, but no tears came out of her eyes.

"Ramon ... sob, sob, didn\'t want to go to the hospital, even though Dr. Bram said his condition was very bad... he had to do a thorough examination... yes, yes mom... sob, sob," Hailee sobbed. Without any tears in her eyes.

On the other hand, Ramon could only stare at the girl in front of him in disbelief. What was she really planning?

"What? Yes ... I think three or four bodyguards would be enough, Ramon is so weak, he won\'t be able to fight back." Hailee seemed to have gotten in touch with Lis and nothing would be more powerful than a mother worrying about her child. "Yes, mom ... I\'ll do it."

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