It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!

Chapter 185: SEEING RAMON

Chapter 185: SEEING RAMON

Ryan, Ralph and Brian left the four people there and went to the ballroom, where the fashion show was to be held, while Hailee, Lexus, Aileen and Theodore were still there, enjoying their drinks.

Or maybe you could say Lexus made the situation like this. He wanted to \'play\' with this Gevano family heir for a little longer. Well, for this part, he was in sync really well with his sister-in-law.

Hailee, of course, had absolutely no objection to \'playing\' with Lexus. She had to admit that going to parties with Lexus gave her another form of joy.

Lexus could be ridiculous if he wanted to. Even though he shouldn\'t have to \'bother\' Theodore and Aileen, but his prank made her unable to let go of this opportunity.

Well, maybe in this situation, Lexus could be said to be the male version of Hailee.

"So, how\'s the Gevano family? I heard there was a ship that had a problem with its license a week ago," asked Lexus casually, ignoring Hailee\'s gaze that seemed to say; how do you know about that?

He seemed to be really enjoying this.

Even if Theodore was surprised when he heard what Lexus said, he did not show it in the expression on his face when he gave Aileen a drink and took one to himself.

It was still too early for an alcoholic drink, especially since Aileen was pregnant. So, it was certain that Theodore shouldn\'t have given her a cocktail, but whether it was on purpose or not, the man handed her a glass.

Maybe for Lexus who didn\'t know it, it\'s not something strange, but not for Hailee. She frowned slightly, questioning inwardly why Theodore had given Aileen a cocktail.

"Everything is fine, there is only a little misunderstanding," Theodore said in a light tone as he drank his drink calmly.

"Oh, good to hear," Lexus then did the same and glanced at Theodore with a faint smile on his lips. "If your stocks return to stability."

The grip at the stem of Theodore\'s glass tightened for a moment when he heard Lexus\'s statement. Of course, there was a double meaning behind his last sentence, indicating that Lexus knew this much better than Theodore wanted him to know.

However, as someone who had been struggling in a social circle, where you were required to always be able to hide what you really feel, Theodore\'s shock only lasted less than a second before he returned to his normal behavior.

"Yes, that\'s a common thing in the business world," Theodore played down the crisis faced by his company the other day. At his side, Aileen also smiled, even though the smile did not reach her eyes, because she herself knew clearly what problems the case had caused.

"So…" Lexus put down his empty glass along with Hailee\'s on the tray, which was being carried by one of the waitresses, who walked past them. "Looks like we have to go inside now."

Aileen looked at her watch and smiled sweetly at Lexus, the kind of smile that made Hailee want to roll her eyes. Oh, please… not the same trick again.

"Yes, the timing is perfect. We can enter together." Aileen then embraced Theodore\'s arm, acting all spoiled. Of course, after putting down the empty cocktail glass that she had drunk to the end.

Maybe, Aileen didn\'t notice this and was too distracted by something else, so she just finished her cocktail. And this little detail did not go unnoticed by Theodore.

"Sure," Lexus said cheerfully. He then took Hailee\'s arm and walked ahead, with Theodore and Aileen walking right behind them.

"Why invite them to sit with us?" Hailee leaned over and whispered to Lexus in displeasure.

"Just watch later," Lexus whispered back to Hailee as they passed two women, guarding the door there.

"Mr. and Mrs. Tordoff?" One of the women recognized Lexus and Hailee, then she approached the two of them and smiled even more pleasantly when Hailee said yes. "Please come this way, I will take you to your seats." She said very politely.

Hailee had never been to an event like this before, so she didn\'t really understand whether this was a standard for getting guests to their desks or not.

Regardless, with light steps Hailee followed the woman by taking Lexus\' hand.

However, when Theodore and Aileen wanted to follow in the footsteps of Lexus and Hailee, the other woman at the door asked for their invitation cards.

This of course made Hailee stop walking and turn her head to see what really happened. And behind her, she could see Aileen frowning because she asked for her invitation card.

"Why are you asking for our invitation cards, but not them?" Aileen tried to keep her voice calm, but it seemed like it was ahard thing to do now, because she was annoyed. Especially when Hailee witnessed all of this.

"Oh, sorry ... but Mr. and Mrs. Tordoff were on the VVIP guest list," the woman replied calmly.

There were only ten names included in the lineup of VVIP guests at this fashion show, who have the honor of being in the front row and the most strategic place in the event later, therefore, of course everyone involved already knew the faces of the ten guests well. And, Hailee and Lexus were among them.

However, of course that answer didn\'t satisfy Aileen and her ignorance of it, made her look even worse.

"We also received an invitation to come to this event," Aileen still insisted. She felt unhappy when only Hailee was treated specially.

Well, sometimes her jealousy could keep Aileen from thinking.

"Yes, but is the invitation you received a golden invitation?" The woman still asked politely.

"Golden invitation?" Aileen frowned, she didn\'t know that there were several types of invitations to this fashion show, because she was quite happy to get MargarethaLamos invitation from Mrs. Gevano.It was her mother-in-law who wanted her to come in her place because she was not feeling well.

"Yes, sorry, can you tell me your name? I will check your invitations," she said in a gentle tone, but this made Aileen feel all the more embarrassed.

In the end, it was Theodore who gave their names and the woman checked them on the tablet she was holding.

"Yes, the invitations to Ms. Tatum and Mr. Gevanoare Platinum grade, so you can pass over here," the woman informed the two of them, pointing in a different direction from Hailee and Lexus\'s seats, and what\'s more, they didn\'t get escorted there, like the treatment Hailee got.

This certainly made Aileen furious, even though she didn\'t show it in the expression on her face, but she almost failed to hide her true feelings when she saw Hailee smiling triumphantly.

"Looks like we won\'t be in the same place," Lexus said lightly. "Then, see you later ..."

Having said that, Lexus pulled Hailee away, and they both laughed when the two of them were already inside the hall.

"Nice one!" Hailee exclaimed as she lightly smacked Lexus\' arm with her fist.

"I told you, didn\'t I? That I am much better to go to parties like this than my stiff brother." Lexus glanced at Hailee.


The rain had just stopped, but the sky was still gloomy and the occasional were raindrops hitting the car window, where Giana was sitting, waiting for Ramon\'s appearance.

During that time, Giana\'s mind drifted to some of the things that had happened between her and Ramon.

And every time Giana imagined all that, her heart became even more determined to say that what she was doing now was right, that Ramon was worth fighting for.

A smile appeared on Giana\'s lips, but the look in her eyes showed sadness and regret in her heart.

If only she had followed what Ramon had said and parted ways with Aidan earlier, things wouldn\'t have become this complicated.

And if only Giana had followed what Ramon said, then it was certain that the man would havetaken full responsibility for her.

Although everyone riled against her for having an affair with Ramon when she was still married to Aidan, of course Gianawould still be safe with Ramon.

He would make sure that Giana was okay and do whatever he could to protect her.

This was what Giana regretted the most and regret was not at all a pleasant feeling to feel.

If time could repeat itself, then she would make sure to correct that stupid mistake of hers. This was really a difficult thing for her to accept.

Who would have thought that something that was in her hand all this time could just be gone like that?

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