It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!



"Find out who has spread the news about Aidan\'s affair," Giana ordered Chloe over the phone. For now, Giana was in one of the apartments she have under her name and was trying her best to avoid her father.

Because for now, the last thing she wanted was to hear the curses from her father while her mother became certain that she wouldn\'t want to interfere in this matter and add to her husband\'s wrath.

"Got it," said Chloe. "But, the atmosphere in the office is very chaotic, don\'t you want to come back to see the situation here?"

"Did my father come?" Giana asked as she poured some red wine into her champagne glass.

"Yes, Mr. Dawson is here and he was furious after learning that you were discharged from the hospital without any prior notice," Chloe spoke in a whispering voice.

She was indeed employed by Giana, but that didn\'t mean she wouldn\'t lose her job if Mr. Dawson discovered her lies by hiding his daughter\'s whereabouts. And that was the last thing she wanted. She was also in a tight position right now.

"You don\'t have to worry about that, I will guarantee your safety," Giana said slowly. Not all of the assets were under the Dawson\'s name, regarding this matter, Giana already took precaution, she had taken part in several investments that have nothing to do with her family company, so to speak; even if her father cut off all her finances, it wouldn\'t be a problem for Giana. "Just do as I tell you."

After saying this, Giana then hung up the phone and tasted her red wine.

Whoever had spread the news about Aidan\'s affair, it was certain that they knew about the woman in the question also. Or it could be that they knew more details about the identity of Aidan\'s mistress, whom Giana always failed to find out before.


Giana didn\'t really fail, she just never tried to dig deeper into her husband\'s infidelity. Because to her, it was a waste of time and completely unimportant matter.

Only now, the situation was a lot different.

If their current condition was like to a cold war, then the information about the woman was the right ammunition to destroy Aidan. Who said he could be with the woman he wanted after crushing Giana like this?

Oh, of course not…

Aidan\'s life would be too easy if he always got what he wanted.

And just as Giana was planning a strategy about what she would do next, someone crossed her mind.


How are things with him now?


Theodore was really annoyed that he no longer had the chance to prove that Aileen\'s pregnancy was fake as their wedding day drew near.

Four more days, and all preparations could be said to be ninety percent complete. Of course, this made the man even more grumpy and emotional. Never in his life had he felt this way or this helpless.

Never in his life had he hated someone as much as he hated Aileen, but at the same time he couldn\'t do anything to get out of this strange situation.

And that was when, Theodore went back to reading the report given by his men about Aileen\'s background and George\'s criminal activities. He found a bit of information and a name that he thought was quite odd.

Roland Dimatrio, a former district attorney from the city of T, who was involved in a corruption case not too long back. The man\'s name was on the list of people Aileen had worked with.

This was quite strange, considering that the arrest of Roland Dimatrio seemed to be intervened by Ramon Tordoff, where the central bank, which was overseen by the Tordoff family, informed the district attorney of an account with an unreasonable amount.

Of course the news became big, not only because of the prosecutor\'s arrest but also the fact that the central bank shared the personal information of its customers.

However, the damage that occurred had been handled properly and quickly, and it was not enough to impose any negative impact on the bank for too long, as evidenced by the high level of public trust in the bank.

What made Theodore feel strange was the fact that Ramon Tordoff was involved in this and he knew this was not the usual way of the man\'s doings at all. A businessman like Ramon Tordoff was unlikely to suddenly put his conscience forward and expose a crime.

There must be a much deeper reason than this and that was what Theodore had to find out.

And it was also the very reason why he was in this prison, sitting behind the porous mirror while waiting for the prison officials to bring Roland Dimatrio into the room.

"Good afternoon Mr. Dimatrio," Theodore greeted, standing up and smiling formally at the middle- aged man.


Hailee looked much more cheerful and radiant after her short vacation with Ramon. The vacation, which was originally planned for only one day, continued for three days.

And of course when they got home, Lexus was already waiting for the couple with a sullen face on, like a pitiful kitten which was forgotten by its owner.

But, all of that was easily resolved with just a plate of Hailee\'s chicken cordon bleu.

Ramon, at first, vehemently opposed Hailee\'s involvement in the kitchen duties, as if it was a red zone he strongly disapproved of his wife being in.

But, since Hailee insisted and Lexus said that he would help, Ramon could only allow it.

Well, in the end Hailee really just sat and watched the two brothers wrestle with the available materials. She just had to say something and they both would do exactly as she asked.

The intelligence level of the two of them didn\'t seem to be able to handle their excessive anxiety and Hailee found this situation very funny.

"Try this." Ramon blew the sauce he made colder before he gave it to Hailee for her to taste. "Is there something strange?"

"Hmm." Hailee tasted it and smiled at her husband. "It is okay. Oh, Lexus, you cut that baby asparagus too short," Hailee commented. "Have you ever eaten baby asparagus that short?"

"I don\'t always pay attention to what I eat. As long as it is good, I am fine with anything." Lexus shrugged nonchalantly.

Ramon returned to his sauce, but he took the time to smack the back of his brother\'s head first, and Hailee laughed at how Lexus grumbled, but slowly fell silent when Ramon glared at him. Only his lips moved to express his discontent.

Hailee loved this family and hoped that they would be like this forever...


The news about Giana\'s affair with Dillon was increasingly circulating, who knew who had made the news continuously published in the mass media, as if the person behind it was not tired of reminding the public about the mistakes that Giana made.

It\'s not that the Dawsons have done nothing, they have used every means and effort to divert the news and get them out of the camera\'s eye, but it seems like their efforts have been in vain.

Not only did Giana and Aidan\'s parting tarnish their good name, but that fact coupled with Aidan\'s sneaky press conference had really brought them down.

Meanwhile, Mr. Dawson still hadn\'t been able to track down Giana\'s location. Where was his daughter?

Of course, all these pressures and complicated problems took a toll on Mr. Dawson.

This morning, Mr. Dawson was taken secretly by private car to the central hospital, because his heart disease had made him lose consciousness.

This sudden event had caused panic, especially when they couldn\'t let anyone know about this, because the company would be threatened again if they find out about the news. Their stock would be plummeted further.

Therefore, for the time being, Lory Dawson, the younger brother of Larry Dawson, replaced his older brother at the company, until the latter\'s condition got more stable, because Giana could not be found anywhere.

This news had been kept secret in a very meticulous way, but of course Giana had her own way of finding out.

"So, what are you going to do?" Chloe asked over the phone after reporting what was going on in the family.

On the other hand, Giana was silent for a moment, her face didn\'t show any visible change of expression, even though she had just heard of her own father\'s critical condition, as if there really wasn\'t anything she was feeling right now.

"What about the other task I gave you?" Giana asked, apparently not at all interested in what was happening to her father. "Have you found out the person behind the spread of the news?"

Chloe stuttered for a moment, "Yes, I have." She thought that Giana would be more concerned with news about her family, so she broke that piece of news first. "The news came from a woman named Aileen Tatum."

"Aileen Tatum?" Gianna frowned. She was familiar with the family name Tatum, but couldn\'t remember exactly what made her feel familiar, until a face flashed across her mind. "What does this woman have to do with Hailee Tatum?"

"She is Hailee Tatum\'s older sister, Ramon Tordoff\'s wife," Chloe replied and the mention of unnecessary detail set Giana\'s eyes ablaze with burning emotion. "But, Aileen Tatum is just an adopted daughter of the Tatum couple."

"Where can I find this woman?" Giana asked in a deep voice. "I want you to arrange a meeting with her immediately."

Giana would deal with this another Tatum girl by herself.

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