It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!

Chapter 518 YOU CAN LEAVE

Chapter 518 YOU CAN LEAVE

"You can\'t do that!" one of them exclaimed with fear when she heard Apple would publish it on social media.

But, Apple smiled slyly, she still had another suggestion that was far crazier. "Or should I send this video directly to Jayden Tordoff? Given that you two know him very well, I think he\'d be happy to get to know you two too."

"You wouldn\'t do that." The second woman glared at Apple furiously, but Apple could see the fear in her eyes quite clearly.

"Of course I can, I know Jayden Tordoff, I\'m his \'mistress\', remember?" At this point, Apple was too eager to frighten the two Women and feel their retaliation, so the interview later, didn\'t seem very appealing to Apple.

"You!" The two women stood up from their seats and were about to challenge Apple, but the name of one of them was called and asked to start the interview process.

"Then, good luck!" Apple walked away cheerfully. No longer intending to be in that place any further than this.

Apple even took the time to wave to the ladies and walk away with a light stride, knowing she had won the little feud.

Well, not much had pleased her since the news of her and Jayden\'s dating made headlines, so she was quite happy with what happened just now, which was quite a fun thing to remember.

And it seemed, because the news out there was still very hot, it was best if she didn\'t go out in public first and didn\'t look for work, because all the news and the attention of the people around her were on her.

It would be better to wait for things to subside.

Apple then walked back to her car, forgetting the job she wanted because she could already feel the atmosphere in the office would not be at all comfortable with how people were staring at her.

But before she started the car, her cell phone rang and from the screen, Apple could see that it was Jayden on the phone.

"So how was your interview today?" he asked directly, before she even said a \'hello\' whatsoever.

"What?" Apple was quite surprised, she frowned and narrowed her eyes. "How did you know that?" she asked suspiciously. "Are you stalking me?"

Apple looked around, trying to see if there was someone hiding in the bushes or other suspicious people.

But, no, she was alone in this parking lot, even the parking aisles on the left and right were empty, there were only about ten cars in this part of the parking area.

"Of course not," Jayden answered quickly, then he laughed. "Pyro is with me all day, so of course it\'s very easy to know your schedule, especially when you report it to your father every day."

Apple cursed her habit and thought about getting out of the house and looking for an apartment of her own, but that meant she had to find a job soon, because there was no way the money Jayden gave her could cover all her expenses for the next few months without any income.

"Messy," Apple grumbled, she fiddled with her car keys, groaning. "You know what happened?"

"What happened?" Jayden\'s voice sounded excited to know what had happened to Apple and made hier sound as pissed off as she was now.

"I\'m really really angry right now…"

And in the end, Apple spent the next two hours venting all her frustrations on the two women and how they said she was Jayden\'s mistress and how people looked at her with strange, inquisitive eyes.

Apple told everything in such detail that it admitted how hungry she was right now.

She didn\'t know why she was telling him all that and why he had to tell Jayden either.

But, maybe because the timing was just right and Jayden was the only person who would hear her lamenting right now, well, after all, all the trouble Apple had to deal with right now, were results of Jayden\'s actions.

"Send me the video," Jayden said calmly.

"Okay." Apple then sent the video without a second thought, but after the video was sent, she then realized and frowned. "What is this video for? I\'ve just recorded it to threaten them, but I\'m not really going to use it."

"You don\'t have to worry," Jayden said lightly. "Let\'s just say that everything is in order."

Apple\'s frown deepened. "But when you say to calm down, I\'ll become even more uneasy."

Jayden laughed when he heard that, he shook his head. "You have very little faith in me."

Apple then shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. "It\'s hard to trust someone like you." But then Apple cursed and this made Jayden\'s laugh stop as well.

"What is it?" Jayden asked in a serious tone, for it was unusual for Apple to sound panicked like that.

"One of the ladies parked her car right behind mine," Apple growled. "I can\'t leave." Apple couldn\'t move her car without bumping the car behind it. "Wait a minute," Apple muttered, then got out of the car, clutching her cell phone.

There, the long red-haired woman, who was the first woman to start an argument with Apple, was standing by her car and taking out her cigarette.

"Hey, get rid of that car of yours!" Apple cried in annoyance. "And smoke somewhere else."

The woman didn\'t seem to really respond to Apple\'s call and acted like she didn\'t hear it.

"Put your car away," Apple growled again when she was standing in front of the woman, but instead she blew cigarette smoke into Apple\'s face.

This made Apple put all her energy into not beating the woman to a pulp.

"Why are you angry?" she asked in a relaxed voice. "I\'m free to park my car anywhere."

"You have the entire parking lot to do so. It\'s funny it has to be right behind mine," Apple quipped.

However, the woman shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. "If you want to leave, just leave."

Hearing the provocation, Apple actually smiled. "Okay," she answered lightly and it was precisely the short answer that made the woman feel worried.

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